Hello my FF family. Lol. I'm back again. It's been awhile but I'm on break from school so I'm going to spend it writing. I know this isn't a Seddie fic for those of you who have me on Alert for that but I think you should give Austin & Ally a try!
Oh and thank you to Manic221 my editor!
Disclaimer I don't own ANYTHING!
Now on with the story!
Chapter 1
A beautiful brunette leaned against the counter of her father's music store, Sonic Boom; she tapped her pen against the wooden countertop deep in thought.
Ally had only had three customers all morning so she decided to take time to brain storm song lyrics but seemed stuck. She toyed around with some song ideas but nothing really stood out.
As she threw another piece of crumpled up paper across the room to the tiny little trashcan by the sitting area near the front door but instead of landing in the stainless-steal pal for which it was intended; it hit a tall blond hair, brown eyed boy in the head.
"Whoa Al, watch where you throw those things." He said as he made his way over to the mahogany counter; while the frustrated brunette glared at him, her true boredom shone through.
"I'm bored out of my mind!" She complained to her best friend and partner Austin Moon. "I've only had three customers all day and it's almost noon."
"Well, then why don't you ask your dad if you can take off early and we can work on this tune that I woke up humming?"
"I'd love to but sorry I can't. My dad is at some music conference and I have to watch the shop." She said as she turned back to the open book on the counter.
"So?" His voice was in that cocky yet loveable tone more often than not. "How about I play and you listen? Remember I can play anything."
As Austin made his way to the piano that was located perfectly near the stairs Ally's eyes followed him. He took his seat and began to play. This always cracked her up; he would make up crazy and ridiculous lyrics to try and inspire her in some way. It was silly and downright stupid at times but it worked like a charm.
It had been two years since the two teamed up and Austin Moon was well on his way to become a household name, as was Ally Dawson for that matter.
After she had written hit after hit for Austin the poured in from other artist; they begged her to write for them but she always refused. She and Austin had become a real team; couldn't have one without the other.
You see. Once this guy, Brian tried to steal Ally away from Austin and have her only write songs for him. After that the two swore neither would work without the other. They were no longer just business partners they were friends, best friends and they wouldn't let anyone break them up.
The two had come a long way from the first time they met. At first they barely tolerated being in the same room with each other but only two years later they were practically inseparable.
"Austin, there you are I texted you. Did you never get it?" Came a pouty, sugary sweet whine from a tall, skinny redhead.
Austin grabbed his phone from his back pocket to check; there was no new message. "No, I never got it. Sorry babe. What did you need?" The blond boy told her as she made her way over to him.
"Oh well… I just wanted to see if you were free to spend the day at the beach with me? You know how much I love the beach." She said than wrapped her arms around his neck; she left a brief yet passionate kiss on his lips.
Ally watched the scene in disguised. Not out of jealousy, mind you. No she was smarter than that. It was just something about…her. Ever since the day Austin introduced the two girls, Ally just knew this girl was only after one thing, fame.
Her name was Sasha and she was about as real as her hair color, though it seemed that only Ally and Trish could see her for what she really was a total face. To Sasha's credit though, she was quite the little actress. She could hide her true intensions impressively well for the most part.
Ally cleared her throat and the two turned their attention to the brunette that was still behind the counter. "Sorry, Sasha I can't. I need to work on the music for one of my new songs. How about tomorrow at noon?"
She smiled convincingly at her boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the lips then left.
"Bye Ally. Take care of my boyfriend!" Ally waved goodbye to the redhead with a sarcastic smile on her face; her lips pressed into a thin line of distain.
Austin saw hostel gesture and sighed as he watched his girlfriend of seven months exit the room. He turned back to his brunette best friend. "Ally, I know you don't like Sasha but could you at least try and be a little nicer?"
Ally quirked an eyebrow and let out a deep breath. "Really, Austin? This from the guy who has followed me on every date I've had since I've known him? Yeah, I know you do that. Anyways, I'm not the one who needs to be less over protective."
Austin let out a laugh of frustration and humor at the truth of her words. Austin took back his seat on the black shiny piano bench. As he was about to play the first key the two heard a cell phone ping, this caused both to search for their phones. When Austin checked his phone and yet again, there was no new message that meant it had to be Ally's phone.
He looked over at the petite girl by the register; she had a strange look on her face. She seemed uneasy, maybe even terrified. She had gone completely pale and then bit her lower lip.
Austin knew this was not good. He wasn't just her friend he was her best friend; the two could read each other like books.
The tall and not-so lanky blond hurriedly made his way over to his best friend's side. "Al, what's wrong?" He placed a hand on her forearm for comfort. This knocked her out of the dead silence she that felt as if it were drowning her.
She snapped her head toward him; Austin's wide worried eyes searched for his answer. Ally's auto pilot kicked in so she answered with, "I'm fine."
She quickly shoved her phone into her pocket. Her face returned to normalcy as if nothing had happened but Austin was not about to let this go that easy. "You're lying. Now tell me when happened?"
"Austin it's nothing." She said this time fully aware of herself and surroundings.
"Ally, no one knows you better than I do. I know something's wrong. Now tell me what's going on." He demanded. His tone was forceful but caring. She could hear the genuine care for her wellbeing in his tone. It brought a smile to her face but that quickly faded.
She didn't want to talk about it just yet. It wasn't the right time and frankly she hoped this would never come. So she responded in the only way she knew how. "Austin, just forget it okay?" Her voice was raised and a sound of anger radiated from her words.
She immediately regretted the exchange and yet she felt as though it was supposed to happen. "I'm sorry for yelling, but Austin there are some things that I don't want to talk about. Not even with you. Maybe someday I'll tell you but not now…"
Austin felt as if she had just stabbed him in the gut. She was his closest friend in the world and yet she still hid a part of herself from him… That hurt more than words could ever say.
Even so he knew that this was the wrong place to talk. He needed to get her alone when no one was else was around and the two could really talk.
He sighed in defeat. "Okay, Ally. I'm here for you when you're ready to talk. You know that right?"
Her eyes brightened at this and smiled sincerely. "Thanks Austin. I know you are."
Austin could've sworn she looked as if she had something else to say but stopped herself; as if on cue a customer walked in. This broke the tension in the room but both knew this conversation was far from over.
So what did you think? Please review and let me know! Thanks for reading!