Title: Remembering

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! All the characters belong to Mr. Kripke and The CW... but if I did own Sam and Dean... ;D

Summery: Dean wanted Ben and Lisa to live a normal life, a life that didn't involve monsters and demons, a life that didn't invovle him. But what happens when Lisa is killed and someone from the supernatural world befriends Ben, bringing him back to Dean.

Author's Note: This is just sort of a Preface really. This chapter is set a couple of weeks after the "car accident" happened. I wasn't sure of Ben's age, but this is my best guess. Oh and in this fanfic Ben is Dean's son. I always thought he was.


Eleven year old Ben Braeden helped his mother, Lisa, into their house. She still needed to be careful about her stitches for awhile longer. The car accident they had been in almost two weeks ago hadn't injured Ben but his mom had been pretty badly cut up. The stairs were the most time consuming.

"Mom are you sure you don't need my help?"

"I'm fine Ben. Go and get your stuff ready, you have school tomorrow." Though she insisted that she need no asisstance Ben stayed for awhile, or until she finished walking up the steps.

Lisa rolled her eyes at her over protective son.

"Really Ben, if you want to help me, you would go and clean your room. I'm betting it's a sty up there." Ben groaned but went up to his room. He wasn't going to clean it but he was bored. Ben looked though the collection of CDs he had. AC/DC, Nickleback, Foo Fighters, Creedence and a bunch of rock bands lined his shelfs. One of his AC/DC tracks grabbed his attention; not because he wanted to listen to it though. As he looked down at the alblum in his hands Ben had a strange sense of almost de ja vu. Ben had gotten this peticular CD of his eighth birthday. He put the case down and turned his head to the desk. He opened the lower drawer to see his old DS he hadn't played in about a year.

Ben remembered the day after his eighth birthday the school bully, Humphrey, had taken it from him at the park. He had been very upset but unable to get it back due to the three other bigger kids and just sat on a bench. Then...

Then Ben's memory jumps to minutes later when is he sitting on the bench, his DS in his hands, Humphrey rolling on the ground in pain. His mom walked over and starts yelling at them... no wait, him, there had been no one sitting besides him.


The little space in his memory wasn't faded like it had been forgotten. It was more just like a void, like he knew something was there but was unable to remember what it was. Like when you know you forgot to turn something off at your house when you go out and you try and try to remember but you never can.

Ben just shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts.

'It's probably nothing,' he thought to himself. Ben grabbed his MP3 off the top of the desk and hopped onto his bed. He found a good song and turned the volume up, laying his head on the pillow.

Soon darkness fell over him as he sank into unconciousness.

The next morning Ben's alarm clock rang, effectively waking him up. He looked around sleeepily, noticing his MP3 and earphones were back on the desk.

He didn't remember putting them away before falling asleep. his mom must have come in last night and turned it off. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Mom," he muttered, a smirk playing at his lips. Ben rolled of the his bed and headed to take a shower and change for school.

He had his backpack thrown over a shoulder, hair done, and a sack lunch in hand. Lisa walked to the front door where he stood.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to school?"

"It's fine Mom. The doctor said you needed to take it easy for awhile. I'll take the bus."

"Well okay then, Ben."

"Thanks, I'll see you later." Ben began to walk towards the bus stop that wasn't even a block away from their house.

"Careful Ben. I love you." He rolled his eyes at his mother's sappiness but replied.

"Love you too, Mom." Ben turned his head and smiled at her. Everything was fine.

Everything would be alright.

But for just a moment when he looked at his mom waving at him, something wasn't right. There was something missing, but he didn't know what.

He couldn't remember what was missing.


A/N: So... what did ya think? Was it weird or anything? If you have more ideas for where this should head please review. Just review anyways. Even if you hated it and you want to cuss me out for my horrible writing please do so via review.


