Rachel Berry was 15 years old. She had a good life in New York with her fathers, Charles and Hiram. They lived in a nice house in a nice part of town and were quite well off. Charles worked as an accountant manager for a very good law firm and Hiram was a very well known lawyer.

Rachel grew up in New York. She was in her first Broadway production when she was 8 years old and had been on stage ever since as well as attending school.

Charles and Hiram fostered teenagers with attitude problems and looked after them until they were 18 and could start their own lives with the Berry's guidance. The last teenager they had let into their home was a 17 year old girl called Mackenzie. She was like a sister to Rachel and taught her to do girl things like her hair and make-up. They were still in touch and called each other regularly.

At school Rachel wasn't very popular at all. She got Slushy facials every morning without fail and she was at the bottom of the pecking order. She only had a couple of friends, a sweet blond girl called Brittney and a sassy diva boy called Kurt. Her best friend was a boy called Blaine Anderson. He was gay like her fathers and didn't go to the same school as her but she relied on him for everything. She was happy.

She'd never had a boyfriend. But she was desperately seeking someone to love her...for
someone to at least like her for who she was.

When Rachel came home on Friday she was rather tired, she had ballet for 3 straight hours after school and her feet were killing her. All she wanted to do was have a hot bath and sleep.
She let herself in and slipped off her shoes, wriggling her achey toes and wrinkling her nose at how cut up and mangled her feet looked from ballet.

She noticed her fathers room- which was the only bedroom downstairs. Had the light on and assumed they were getting freshened up for dinner so she padded her way into the open plan living room and kitchen area and slung her bag down on the sofa, getting out her disinfectant spray, wipes and plasters. She heard someone clear their throat so she snaps her head up and sees both her fathers sitting at the kitchen table accompanied by a strikingly good looking guy of about Rachel's age. He had very intense hazel eyes that were looking her up and down, a cocky smirk placed firmly on his lips and a Mohawk.

"TOES!" Rachel squeaks running up the stairs to fetch a pair of socks to cover her mangled feet.

Noah Puckerman was 16 years old. He'd had a bad life growing up in Lima, Ohio. He lived in the rough part of Lima in a flat shared by him, his mother Rosie, his 10 year old sister Alana and 8 year old brother Aidan, his mothers boyfriend Carl and Carl's kids, Tara, Jenelle and Tom. They were all pretty poor, his mother didn't work. Carl was dealing cocaine and getting enough to provide most of the time and Tara was working at the fish and chip shop down the road.

Puck grew up in Lima but had always hated it. Since he was 9 and his father left them all with nothing he had wanted to make something of himself, be someone. He ended up getting mixed in with some bad lads he'd met at the youth centre and driving his mom's Volvo into an ATM.

He'd been okay up until then. He had decent grades. A hot cheerleader girlfriend who he basically ran the school with. He had so many friends he couldn't count. A pool cleaning job. He was doing okay.

When the police got involved they'd all got busted. His Mom and Carl had gone to jail. Tara and Tom had scattered and Jenelle, who was only 13, Alana, Aidan and him had been taken into care.

He'd been to 7 different foster carers and one group home in the last 4 months and hadn't stuck anywhere. They asked him why he wasn't settling in and he'd told them they could stick Lima up their asses. So they'd moved him to New York. He was happy with that.


"S' Puck," Puck spat, cutting his Social Worker, Claire Pye, off. They were parked outside his new foster home and he was a little nervous meeting the new people.

"Alright. Puck," She nodded, "You need to know a few things. You're new foster parents are both males."

"They're gay?" Puck asked and Claire nodded, "M' cool with that."

"Good. Also they have a busy work schedule so you'll be at home mostly on your own or with their daughter, NO funny business!" Claire continued.

"S'cool," he shrugged.

"Alright lets go in," she gathered her belongings and made her way out the car. Puck shot out of the car and grabbed his duffel bag.

They made their way up to the door and knocked. Two men opened it smiling.

"Hello, you must be Claire and Noah," The short white one said shaking both their hands.

"Everyone calls me Puck, Sir," Puck mumbled quietly.

"Alright then Puck, please call us Charles and Hiram," Charles said motioning them inside. All four made their way to the kitchen table where Claire, Charles and Hiram went through some things. Puck switched off and glanced around the house. It was nicely coloured and smart. Clean. Spacious. Expensive looking. Basically everything that his flat back in Lima wasn't. There was pictures all over the walls of a brunette girl of about 10 on stage and at the beach. He assumed that was their daughter. Although he wasn't sure how they had a daughter since they were both dudes. He noticed Claire gathering her paperwork and wishing everyone well.

"Be good alright Noah?" Claire said squeezing his shoulder.

He nodded, "S'Puck." She smiled and let herself out.

"So Puck," Charles said capturing the Mohawked boy's attention, "Did you want anything special for dinner?"

Puck shrugged, "Don't mind." He said quietly. He wasn't going to barge into their home and demand they buy him steak so he kept quiet.

"Well Rachel, our daughter should be home any minute so we'll see if she wants to go out," Hiram said, "You're in rolled in her school, starting Monday and we've also go a friend with a garage if you're interested in doing some work?"

"Yeah, sure. Pull my weight a bit," Puck nodded.

"Don't you worry about that Son. Just do it if you want to. Or if you want some extra pocket money," Charles smiled. Puck nodded and they heard the front door close and a sigh. Soon after a brunette girl walked over to the couch and put her bag down.
She was without a doubt the most beautiful girl Puck had ever seen. She had pouty lips the he couldn't help wondering what they'd look like wrapped around his... and huge big brown eyes. She was short but her body was a sexy dancers body.

Charles cleared his throat and her head shot up. Puck quickly put a smirk on his face as he looked her body over again.

"TOES!" The girl squealed and ran upstairs. Puck noticed her nice pert behind as she went.

"That would be Rachel," Hiram laughed.

A/N: let me know what you think and thank you very much to my wonderful beta for this story aussiegleek18 xx