Title: Universal Soldiers
Author: Lunar Cadet
Rating: M

Summary: A new life in a new place. 10,000 years have passed since the aftermath of Beryl attacked the Moon, and two kingdoms fade into legends. A new war is beginning; one that calls Soldiers and Scouts into the field, an ancient enemy begins to awaken. Earth's balance has been shifted, and with it, the course of its destiny and path has been plotted. The silver millennium has many secrets, will the scouts win or will the darkness take hold?

Couple: OC x OC, Serena x Darien, Queen Serenity x OC
Genre: Family, Romance, Action/Adventure

Chapters: 45/?
Chapter Name: 36. Battles Galore
Comments: Leave me a review - thanks :)

Thanks to everyone who reviewed or left a favourite / alert for this story so far. This will be the last chapter that gets posted, whilst I work on the others in the background, however, there is quite a bit to cover - if I have left a gap in any of the chapters, please do let me know and I will get them covered in the next chapter.

Status: Unfinished - Revamp of Previous
Year Completed: -

Notes to Readers
** Thought Process **
"Speech is occurring"
:: Mental Conversations. ::


Two days had passed for the Moon and Chiba families, and things were only starting to return back to normal since their meeting with the Council and the matters that had followed. For one, it had been a week since her confrontation with the King of the Dark Star and his generals as she now stood on the rooftop overlooking as a lone monster terrorised the city, namely the shopping district where the first confrontation had occurred. Thankfully it was silent, all the civilians scattering in several directions instantly as the monster had made its appearance, causing Serena to sigh in relief.

Sailor Universe shook her head and jumped into the streets below, she was the only one sent to defeat the lone monster, yet something urged her to get out of the area as soon as possible. It certainly did not help that this monster was sending all of her senses haywire, and though she knew she was capable, it had helped that there were two Soldiers stood in the shadows ready to help out where need be. A sigh escaped her lips as she knelt and took the cover of shadows briefly to trace the weakness of the demon in front of her.

"Couldn't the dark star do any better?" Sailor Universe asked herself, shaking her head as she looked down at the ugly contraption. "Actually I don't know why I bother; it's clearly obvious that they can't, if they have monsters which are weak."

As she landed on the ground, the monster turned round and Sailor Universe pulled a face as a hand flew to her mouth. The monster was foaming at the mouth, as it grinned in the direction where Sailor Universe was stood, and she allowed a squeak to escape. She jumped a couple of steps back and raised an eyebrow; her lunch was threatening to come up, as she stared down at the monster in front of her. It had tentacles that were damaging the vehicles and surrounding buildings and she knew she had to get rid of it before there were any further problems.

"Hopefully it shouldn't take more than a minute to get rid of this pile of trash." Universe muttered to herself.
"What did you say?" The monster growled at her.
"You're a pile of trash and someone needs to take care of you." Universe growled as she stepped out of the cover of shadows and bent.
"I AM NOT A PILE OF TRASH!" The monster screamed and Universe frowned.
**This IS what the Dark Star has sent. ** Universe shook her head upon that thought. **It looks like it belongs at the bottom of the food chain. **
"HEY!" The monster continued.

Sailor Universe winced, and rubbed at her ears as she turned to glare at the monster. She clicked her tongue and pulled her power into a ball of energy in the palm of her hand, watching as the monster took a step back in shock.

"I'm really sorry but you are one heck of an annoyance." Sailor Universe called out.

Sailor Universe clicked her tongue, and with a click of her fingers, the ball of energy zoomed off from the palm of her hand and headed into the direction of the monster. Sailor Universe spun on her heel and walked away when she heard the screech of the monster echo before it faded away. She began to walk down the street, before a beeping noise came at her communicator and she looked down cursing at the fact that she would need to move and quickly.

About ten minutes later, Sailor Universe moaned as she struggled to stand against the attack that had caught her off guard. A whimper escaped as she struggled to stand on her feet, to face off against the Generals of the Dark Star. These weren't the Generals that had defected, in their place were two other generals, and at the look of things they were more powerful and had a hoard of monsters at their command. Judging by the look of things, she would need to call for help, but at the pain that coursed through her, she couldn't move let alone push the all call button on her communicator, and could only silently pray.

"Has the leader already given up?" The sneer of a general came.
"It looks like she has, Malecite." His teammate chuckled as they looked between them. "Whatever shall we do?"
"Kolvota, show no mercy!" Malecite called to a battle monster behind him. "It is time that the Soldiers see what we are capable of."

Sailor Universe struggled to keep her eyes opened, and she fell to the floor with a gasp, knowing that she was too drained to try and stand and fight. She could only pray that the others would receive word soon, as she was pushed against a wall and tentacles surrounded her as she was drained of her energy. Whimpers escaped as she prayed for the safety of her unborn child, pushing all she had to alert her siblings to her location and the need for help.

"You won't win." Sailor Universe moaned.
"I think that we already have." Malecite chuckled, as he clicked his fingers at the monster behind. "Jitney, surround the area! Scatter all the signals that are coming into this area."
"Kolvota, drain her completely." Valtove called with a growl, as he readied a blast of power. "We shall see what the Soldiers do when harm comes to one of their own."

Without warning, Universe's tiara vanished and its place, a silver crescent Moon rested on her forehead and started to blaze in warning. A whimper was the only notice before an explosive power shot out of Serena and up into the night sky and the seal glistened to life under her. The Alliance had been alerted, causing the two hidden in the shadows to spurn to action at the summons.

"Suzanne!" Drake's voice called behind her.

The Scouts and her siblings looked up in shock as they caught Suzanne jump onto the nearest rooftop and make her way in the direction that Serena was in, pain wracking through her entire body at the turmoil her sister was in. When they saw a beam rise into the air, in the direction Sailor Cosmos was headed, Darien and Drake took the rooftops and quickly followed after Suzanne, knowing that it was now a call for help as a call rang through the Soldiers. Their siblings had caught it as well, and with the Senshi, they followed the three towards the direction of the beam, however, Suzanne, Selena and Samara pushed ahead, from the force of the weakening bond that was between them and their sister.

**Serena, hang in there. ** Sailor Cosmos thought in her mind. **We'll be there shortly, just stay with us. **

She knew that her sister was weakening with each passing minute, and knew that she had to pick up the speed. She looked over her shoulder briefly, before stumbling to a stop as the barrier on the link that was shared with her sister came crashing down. As the beam began to fade, Suzanne raised a hand to her head and closed her eyes, causing everyone to pause in their footsteps.

:: Serena, don't you dare and fall asleep. :: Suzanne's voice called through her mind. :: We'll be there soon, don't worry. ::
:: Suzy, I'm so tired. :: Sailor Universe muttered with drowsiness. :: I just want to sleep. ::
:: Don't you dare? :: Suzanne screamed through their link. :: We'll be there soon, stay awake, Serenity! ::
:: Suzy, I'm so sorry. :: Sailor Universe was drifting and fast.
:: Serena, please stay awake! :: The sound of her sister's cry echoed. :: SERENA! ::

As her sister's life began to flutter by a thread, an alarm rang out through her communicator and Suzanne threw her head back with a scream. Across the city, the whispers began in the night sky and they knew that it had begun. What should have ended as a peaceful night began the battles of the war ahead, and the life of one of their own had been put at risk. The Soldiers would need to be called into play and there was no way around it, as the fight to save Serena had begun.

Yet as the moon beam flickered and faded, Suzanne growled and picked up speed, launching an attack without a care in the world to the generals and monsters that surrounded her unconscious sister. As Sailor Universe faded, and Serena was back in her civilian clothes, she whimpered as her eyes closed and her head fell to the side. Two more attacks rang out from the shadows, destroying the monster that held Serena along with others that were scattering signals in and out of the area.

"No one will come." Malecite chuckled as he clicked his fingers. "That was a waste of your energy, wasn't it?"
"The area is surrounded, sire." Jitney stated as he came to a stop. "What are your next orders? What should we do about her?"
"She'll die before the dawn rises." Malecite chuckled. "Let's not prolong her death any longer."
"Yes." Jitney chuckled in return. "The Soldiers won't come."
"Kolvota, you have your orders." Malecite barked as he turned to the still monster. "Go ahead and drain her, empty the life from her and end her existence."

Yet before Kolvota could move to complete its task as it pulled its tentacles back, it was destroyed by Suzanne's hidden attack and turned to a pile of rubble. The two generals jumped back as Suzanne landed in front of Serena, and bared her teeth in anger. The Generals had no way out and they knew of it, as their siblings and the scouts moved to form a tight circle around the two who had already caused harm to the leader of the Soldiers. Darien and Drake jumped down behind Suzanne, and Suzanne smiled lightly as Darien picked his wife up and moved away with his brother by his side.

"Ladies, it's time we show the Dark Star what happens when our leader gets hurt." Sailor Cosmos chuckled as her eyes narrowed in displeasure. **They'll pay for what they've done to Serena. **
"This is going to be fun." Sailor Venus chuckled as she rubbed her hands together.

Sailor Cosmos looked eyes with the two generals of the Dark Star, and gave a smirk as she watched them fidget. Sailor Cosmos looked up and smirked, at the paling generals who had dropped back when they heard her words, knowing they were outnumbered and out of time, before turning back to look at the Senshi and her siblings. The attacks were not designed to hurt their teammates, but it would hurt the two generals who had caused enough pain to their leader. By the end of the ten minutes, the two generals were battered and bruised as the Soldiers jumped back and away.

"Outnumbered and out of time, generals." Suzanne was blunt in her approach, as she took a step in. "Whatever will you do now?"
"The Dark Star will win this war, ladies." Malecite growled as he glared at Suzanne, holding his arm. "Mark my words, Soldier, this is not the end."
"We'll see about that!" Samara snarled at Malecite.
"Your leader is out of commission, what can you do?" Jitney asked as laughter came forward.
"I don't think your leader will miss you." Sailor Cosmos smirked as a ball of energy formed in her hands. "I'm feeling a bit vengeful, especially after the attacks that you sent to hurt my sister."
"You wouldn't." The generals whispered.
"My Soldiers have had their share of bringing in your punishment." Sailor Cosmos continued to speak, her eyes narrowing in warning. "I can bring twice more for the harm you've caused my sister."

They had been given an out, and they would take it as Sailor Cosmos took a step back.

The two generals returned back to their base, battered and bruised by the Soldiers, however, they had completed the task they had needed to which was to take the leader of the Soldiers out of commission and close to death. If the Soldiers had not interfered, they would have ended Serena's life completely, however there would be another time but it would not come at the price of the Soldiers getting angry for the state that their leader had been put into.

As the Dark Star generals disappeared, Sailor Cosmos moved over to where her sister was curled up in the comfort of Darien's arms having energy being paced through their bond. There was a small gold tint around Serena as Darien held her; it was more centred on her stomach where their unborn child was growing, but Drake's eyes were narrowed in displeasure as he looked eyes with Suzanne.

Their family crowded around the two couples, knowing that support would need to be put into place especially with both Serena and Vanessa being in delicate conditions. Serena was now in danger than ever before, having been targeted by the generals of the Dark Star, and they would need to be careful in the coming weeks.

For those that have got this far, from the prologue up to here has also been updated, if you haven't already, Go back and read those chapters.

Note: If you can't review this chapter, because you've already reviewed, leave a guest review signed with your actual username and I'll understand.

To those that are new readers, welcome and I hope you enjoy this story. If you are a flamer, I don't want to know you, so I suggest if you want to do what the name implies, I suggest you turn away immediately from this story. Constructive criticism is welcome, flamers are not!

Please don't forget to leave me a review or PM me privately, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter :)

Lunar Cadet

© Lunar Cadet 2014 - 2018