Title: Universal Soldiers
Author: Lunar Cadet
Rating: M

Summary: A new life in a new place. 10,000 years have passed since the aftermath of Beryl attacked the Moon, and two kingdoms fade into legends. A new war is beginning; one that calls Soldiers and Scouts into the field, an ancient enemy begins to awaken. Earth's balance has been shifted, and with it, the course of its destiny and path has been plotted. The silver millennium has many secrets, will the scouts win or will the darkness take hold?

Couple: OC x OC, Serena x Darien, Queen Serenity x OC
Genre: Family, Romance, Action/Adventure
Chapters: 1/?
Chapter Name: Prologue. Where It Begins

Comments: Yes I am back, after a 3 year delay - I seriously apologise as I've not had the time to pay much attention to any of my stories - whilst I've been slightly active as a silent reader. I've updated a couple of chapters which I will re-publish shortly into this story, along with the other 52, at last count, chapters that are waiting in my hard drive.

Status: Unfinished - Revamp of Previous
Year Completed: -


Where It Begins

A story that began over 10,000 years ago, one that starts with the birth of two long awaited children, twins, on the Silver Kingdom of the Moon. Yet in the chamber of the Queen, the angst of waiting for the birth of her children, twin daughters, became nearly unbearable as the Moon Queen fought against the pains of labour, before her head fell back against the pillows, and a tired expression covered her features.

From the side of the Queen's bed, her best friend watched quietly, as Queen Serenity winced in pain, whilst the healers stood at another end of the room conversing quietly. The woman was silent, before the pleading eyes of her best friend urged her forward, and she had no choice but to comply yet as Queen of Earth, she knew that her loyalty would be to her friend first and foremost. Her best friend was in agony and she wasn't going to run away, especially now when she was needed at such a dire time.

"Serenity, you must be patient!" Her best friend of many years called, as she walked over to sit on her bedside. "The children will come when they are ready; we knew this would happen, especially for the twins that are resting within you."

"I can't take this anymore, Gaea." Serenity wailed in agony as she arched her back from the bed, and Gaea had lost count from the number of times, it had happened. "I can't feel them in me anymore, so I don't know if they're still alive or not! I want my sisters here, and I want them now!"

"I'm sure they'll be here soon, Serenity." Gaea cooed, as her green eyes softened at the look of pain on her friend's face. "Keep faith, Serenity, I'm sure your little ones are still on this plane, they must only be resting to converse their energy."

Gaea turned to look at the clock, and bit her lip before turning her gaze back to her friend, wishing she could take the pain away. But she couldn't and she knew it, as she held Serenity's hands within her own, for this was a task that her best friend could only suffer through alone, and prayed for some sort of comfort to come. Years ago, she had suffered through the same sharp pains when her two twin boys were born into the world, and she had no one there save for the handmaidens as she went into labour.

**Oh my friend, how I wish I could help you, but I have been through this myself when the boys were born. ** Gaea sighed, as she glanced over at the other occupants in the room, before crinkling her nose in displeasure. **Where in Selene's name are Sincerity and Miranda? **

As if on cue, a cooing noise suddenly came from the other side of the bed, and the Moon and Earth Queens turned to face Serenity's older sisters, who were stood quietly in the doorway, only having reached in that moment as another feeling of pain shot through Serenity's body. Her sisters stepped into the room, and over to the bed with gentle smiles, as a sharp scream tore through Serenity's throat and one of the two women rested her hands on either side of Serenity's round stomach, the only state to show that she was heavily pregnant with twins.

"You're here, Sissy?" Serenity whimpered, as a cold compress was pressed against her forehead, by the doctor's orders. "Tell me how my girls are; surely it is early for them?"

"The little ones are fine, sweet pea." The sister that was stood cooed in comfort, as she settled back against the headrest. "The twins are conserving their energy for when the time is right, as Gaea mentioned and not a moment too soon, but I'm afraid you may have to wait a couple of hours for that to happen."

A wail of pain escaped from her lips as another painful contraction ran through her body. The sister that was sat on the bed, frowned, as she felt the fleeting power that the two unborn held and glanced up, sharing a knowing look with the sister that was stood at the edge of the bed. Both knew that the newborns would contain the power, that they once held, as the new generation approached and stood as a line of support.

"Why can't I feel them?" Serenity whimpered as she screamed again.

"Sweetie, one of your little ones has a barrier around them both." Sincerity whispered, as she pressed her hands further on her sister's stomach, shaking her head at the slight twinge. "They're trying to protect you from the worst of shocks, before they fully enter this world of ours."

"You know it's not early, twins generally are born weeks before their due date, just look at Sincerity and myself." Miranda seconded as she looked at her sister. "Patience, little one and they will be born when they are ready."

True to her word and within the next few hours that had passed, the wail of two tiny twins shattered the peace, and celebrations had begun as the news was spread throughout the kingdoms. To this night, Princess Serenity Rose and Princess Sienna Serenity Grace DeLune were born in a time of peace, but it wouldn't last and everyone knew it, as the life mates bond on their hearts had flashed into existence within minutes of their crescent insignia's, one silver and the other gold.

"They're finally here, Jonathan." Serenity murmured as her eyes drifted close, and she moved into the world of dreams, but not before one lasting whisper escaped from her lips. "My little ones have entered, and now it's time for them to be safe as children and nothing more than that!"

"Yes my sweet, our precious ones are here." Jonathan kissed his sleeping wife's forehead and smiled, as he stood from her bedside and walked over to the crib. "My dears, you will be our precious jewels for years to come, and I will do my best to protect you."

Lying in the same crib, two babes slept peacefully, the Princesses of the Solar and White Moon Kingdoms were wrapped in the same blue towels. Jonathan smiled as his eyes softened as he looked towards the new arrivals before nodding to his wife's sisters and walking out of the room. With a spring in his step, he made his way to his study, as his orange coloured armour sparkled against the glowing candlelight's in the hallway.

Yet, within the new arrivals, an ancient power was beginning to awake, and not before long, the Universal Soldiers would be called to battle once more.

© Lunar Cadet 2014 - 2017