Unbinding Embrace

Chapter Three – The Beginning of the End

In the beginning, the end is far from the truth.

"Hey! Watch it!" a man yelled angrily, holding onto the large crates in his arms as he stumbled over to the side of the pavement. Other people watching on the road gave him a strange look as Hanataro clumsily picked up the boxes he had dropped and turned round to apologise and bow apologetically to the man he'd angered.

"I'm sorry! I'm in such a rush, sorry!" he yelled back, hastily walking back into the direction he had set upon. Carefully managing not to step on anyone or barge into them, Hanataro looked at the boxes in his arms and read the next name on his list of deliveries, "Why is it my job to deliver these?" he sighed wearily. Unable to wipe the sweat that had appeared on his eyebrow he made haste to his next destination, then caught sight of someone he had been looking for.

"Captain Ukitake, sir! Captain Ukitake! Over here!" he shrieked nervously, luckily for him in the clearing Ukitake had heard him and turned Hanataro's way with a polite smile. He approached Hanataro as he came to realise all the packages in his arms. He raised an eyebrow questioningly and stopped before the young Shinigami.

"What's all this Hanataro-san?" Ukitake asked, inspecting the younger man. The young medic looked up at Ukitake with his large and animated blue eyes. His chopped black haired framed the frantic expression on his face.

"Oh, um…could you hold these please?" Hanataro said suddenly, unable to continue holding such a heavy burden, "This one is for you!" he said finding Ukitake's delivery and taking back the boxes the captain had kindly held for him. "Sorry, I have to go now! I'm going to be late!" he said anxiously. Obvious to Ukitake it was an important matter for the young fourth division Shinigami to leave. He kindly waved goodbye and then took a look at the package he had been passed.

On his way back into the Thirteenth Division barracks he was greeted by his subordinates. He walked into his office and took a seat by his desk as he inspected the package once more and was shocked to see such intricate designs upon the box. There was a label hanging from one of the corners with his name in golden calligraphy. The box itself was white with golden flowers inscribed on it and a flower in the centre of the wrapping he recognised as Kuchiki crest. "Interesting." He whispered to himself. He leaned closer towards the package.

Lifting the box and turning it over he realised it wasn't very heavy at all. He unwrapped it carefully and observed the top where again he saw his name in golden writing and gold lace embroidery around the corners of the pearly white material. Curiously he lifted the lid and picked out a small card which had been laid in the centre of the box.

Ukitake Jushiro,

You are formally invited to witness the union of Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Rukia on the 14th of April in the gardens of the Kuchiki manor, Seireitei. Your attendance at this ceremony will be well appreciated.

Kuchiki Ginrei.

For a moment Ukitake just stared at Ginrei's signature, and then he looked back to the main body of the short letter. Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Rukia, he didn't believe it, union. He stood swiftly and exited the room, taking the letter with him.

Rukia's chest rose and fell in a level manner. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, they fixed on the ceiling. "It's today." Rukia whispered breathily, and it seemed the thought had finally settled in the register of her mind. Waking up like this in the quiet of the manor felt so familiar, yet this day was historic.

She laid there for a long moment, unmoving. Then came a rumbling towards her door, she coyly turned her head towards the direction of the sound and before long she was in the midst of a crowd of women pulling her up and tugging at her to get her to get ready for the long day ahead.

Suddenly she was ushered into a large wash room with multiple women, young and old already under the shower heads getting ready for the long day to await them. Everything moved quickly on from there. She fell into a daze as the women tugged at her nightgown, almost ripping it off her body. She shivered, and then hot water began to run in the shower in front of her. She was ushered towards it, stumbling over her own toes.

Two old women, one at either side of Rukia vigorously washed her with an expensive soap. Her senses instantly came back to life as she became aware of her surroundings and the sweet spring fragrance she had inhaled, it smelt of Sakura blossoms. Rukia instantly thought of Byakuya. Although this day was focussed on Byakuya finally remarrying and fulfilling his duties, Rukia couldn't help but think about how different her life was to become and how it impacted her. She was already Rukia Kuchiki, now she was going to be Lady Kuchiki. That was to be her title, wasn't it?

A title, Rukia almost chuckled at the thought. She didn't have one, not even a last name without the Kuchiki. She really was nothing without these people. I would still be in the academy if Byakuya hadn't found me and graduated me. I would still be struggling on my course to even become a Shinigami, she thought.

After being pulled out of the showers a little more gently Rukia was dried off by multiple young women, maids at her arms and feet with towels. Then she was ushered near a tall platform where she quickly guessed she would be getting dressed. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed everyone staring to the side of her where three women were carefully unveiling her wedding kimono. Desperately wanting to see it, she kept her attention turned in the way of the dress.

Then all of a sudden her head was pulled back the other way where two women began tending to her hair. "Keep still." One of them said impatiently. Rukia complied but silently wondered, what can they possibly do with my hair? It's so short and scraggily. She exhaled and then decided that they knew what they were doing and asking them question would not warrant an answer, this she had told herself many a time before. One of the girls started brushing her hair until it was soft and then took what looked like a peg from another lady who was holding up multiple of them on a red cushion.

Rukia frowned and her eyes widened as she watched the woman open the peg and approach the top of her head. She stayed as still as she could whilst the woman did her deed. Once all of the pegs were placed into her hair her head felt awfully heavy and she made sure to refrain from turning her head around now that it was almost impossible. Slowly the wedding dress was assembled on her petite stature.

The uchikake wasn't completely white, which was as traditional, it was decorated with small and elaborately designed cherry blossoms in a soft pink. Starting from completely white, the colour became slightly stronger the further down her dress went. Rukia lifted her arms to witness the long sleeves of her kimono and sighed lightly at the extravagance.

"Am I allowed in here?" Orihime's voice was obviously apparent at the other side of the shoji sliding door; Rukia slowly turned her head towards it. She saw shifting silhouettes from the sliding door, and Orihime's large bust poking out. It was undeniably her bubbly, orange haired friend. What is she doing here? She thought as a maid held up one of her feet and slipped on one of her okobo shoes, she unconsciously wiggled her toes inside tabi socks and stared at the shoji –waiting for Orihime.

"Go in dear, hurry! Just don't make a mess or get in our way!" said a shrill voice, and the shoji quickly moved open. Orihime was ushered inside and the shoji sealed quickly behind her.

"Okay?" Orihime squeaked, almost running into the room to avoid stepping on anything or anyone. Her hair was in a large bun with a few locks sprayed at sides of her face, a flower rested on the side of her head. She wore a peach kimono with white and orange crane designs upon it. She was gorgeous.

"Rukia-chan?" Orihime said in disbelief, she gave Rukia a long look up and down, from the bottom of the large platform up to the top of Rukia's head. Rukia swallowed under Orihime's scrutiny, but felt herself slowly relaxing as she knew in her heart, not a bad word could come from her friend's mouth. "You look so…beautiful." She said glittery eyed.

Rukia couldn't help but feel compelled to question her friend; she seemed to be able to find the light in every dark. She hadn't even seen herself and so she dismissed Orihime's kind compliment with a smile nod and curve of the corners of her lips. "Wow, it's really happening today isn't it? You're getting married to Byakuya!" She said happily clasping her hands together by her face. She let out a giggle and looked up to the ceiling dreamily. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed.

Rukia's violet eyes drifted over to the window. "I'm getting married to…Nii-sama…" she spoke; her breath was airy just as the words she had spoken.

A roar of applause came as everyone witnessed Rukia enter the gardens. They all followed behind her maids and servants on the way out of the building to the wedding shrine. She found herself surprised they had all been allowed in the Kuchiki manor's garden when Byakuya was already so protective over them; he rarely even gave her permission to be in them. However, this was a special occasion, that, no one could deny.

Rukia sighed and looked down to her feet past her veil she focussed on her steps in the elevated okobo on her feet. She wouldn't fall and embarrass the Kuchiki clan. She only wished she had been given the shoes in advance in hopes she could practice walking in them without stumbling over her own feet. She began to count, the numbers coming past her lips softly.

On the way to the shrine there was more cheering, and the louder the roars of applause sounded, the more tired Rukia became.

Glancing past the curtains Rukia looked on into a room she had never been in before. The setting was completely formal and towards the far side of the room was a circular shaped platform and on it, a shrine and a large blanket laid upon the ground. Ceremonial scrolls decorated with fine calligraphy hung from the ceiling with red and gold chimes dangling around the stage. At the other side of the room was the kneeling space for which Rukia guessed the elders would be sitting.

"Ready yourselves girls." Saichi said. Everyone assembled themselves into two lines behind each other and straightened out their fancy kimonos, taking a deep long breath for what beheld them. Rukia couldn't help but stare at them in disbelief, one at the thought it was her about to marry and not them, and two because it was finally happening. And it didn't feel real, suddenly her head felt light but she was given no time to calm herself down as she was gently ushered out by her head maid and other superiors.

Just before she entered the room, everything became quiet. The friendly chatter of her audience seized, all eyes were on her. She inhaled through her nose and breathed out of her mouth in hopes it would relax her. She stared out of the small holes in her veil and observed someone walking her way. It was Byakuya.

Walking a few steps behind him was his grandfather Ginrei and a man Rukia had only seen a handful of times. The very man who had been with Byakuya the time he first initiated mention of her adoption. There was a fluttering in her stomach at the memory, she frowned ever so slightly at it then looked away from her future husband to focus on her walking as she approached the steps onto the platform.

Byakuya's gaze was focussed on the platform as he approached it, Rukia approached from the opposite side being escorted by a few women holding up the bottom of her expensive gown. Samira stood behind Rukia carrying the long train of her traditional white uchikake and two other women stood by her side helping her up towards the shrine in the middle of the circular stage, hand in hand.

Time began to slow down and Rukia heart beat increase tenfold. The sound of thudding rushed through her ears, all she could hear was her own fear. Silence filled the room as Byakuya and Rukia approached the middle of the platform, facing each other they did not make eye contact. Byakuya stared head-on and Rukia dared not look up to see him, even as her veil constricted most of her face. Then one of the women who had helped Rukia to the shrine moved to her other side and unpinned the veil from her face, revealing her to Byakuya. Rukia froze. The priest stood before Byakuya and Rukia and motioned them both to kneel before him, which Rukia shakily did.

Facing his way, Rukia looked up at the man with awe for nothing more than a second then remembered that normal Shinigami were married by the captain-commander, but royals and nobles married by priests. And this was such an occasion. On a large blood-red cushion, the priest also kneeled. Then Rukia realised multiple, formally dressed women standing behind him with their heads bowed. All of them wearing traditional furisode and Kuchiki insignia.

Rukia felt the sudden urge to look around but as she knew everyone's eyes were on her and Byakuya, she did not. She had noticed from the corner of her eyes that maids and servants stood respectfully in the back of the room, their heads bowed also.

Slowly the thundering sound in Rukia's ears began to diminish. She could hear the nervous shuffling coming from behind her of captains, a few friends and elders. Remember Rukia, this isn't for you – this is for your clan and for Byakuya, a small voice in her head told her. She obeyed and leaned back slightly; shifting more of her body weight onto her heals. She was awfully uncomfortable with them digging into her bottom, but found that shifting around made the pain worse and sitting still allowed her to almost forget that they were still there. She would be numb later, that she was sure of.

At once Rukia's gaze went behind the priest where she watched the furisode-wearing women picking up multiple small dishes and a traditional teapot with calligraphy decorating it. She managed to supress making a noise of frustration as she fell into a deep thought about what they could possibly be doing. She abruptly remembered that Byakuya was less than a few inches sitting away from her, she noticed his hands in the same manner as hers, resting on his knees. He was as still as a statue and his large reiatsu was steady. She wondered if he noticed that she couldn't control hers, no matter how she had slowed her breathing and her heart beat, she wouldn't be surprised if her reiatsu was fluctuating like mad.

Rukia could hardly concentrate as the priest began to talk, his words directed at both Rukia and Byakuya as well as their audience and mainly the elders. He graciously thanked everyone for attending before mentioning how wonderful and historic this day was, Rukia gulped at his comment. The priest did not notice and slightly smiled as he continued with his speech.

As the sake drinking ceremony began, Rukia could remember a few mentions of such ceremonies from the talk of female Shinigami she had gone to school with, including Hinamori. The furisode dressed women then approached Byakuya, Rukia's eyes slowly drifted over to see what they were about to do. They handed him the first sake cup to drink from, Rukia watched him intently from the corner of her eyes – straining them as far as they would go. With his fingertips, the sake cup slowly reached Byakuya's mouth. His movements were quick but elegant at the same time; Rukia found herself staring before her eyes began to water. She blinked repeatedly to cure her blurry eyes as she looked back in front of her.

After Byakuya received his third cup of sake Rukia shakily noticed her turn would be soon. And as she had never tried alcohol before, she wondered what her reaction would be to it. Would it be really strong and bitter? And how would her body react? Suddenly the worst scenarios came rushing into her head; images of falling over and drunkenly admitting to her deepest darkest secrets became clear in her mind. Rukia drew in a large breath before a cup was ushered her way; shakily she raised her hands as not to keep anyone waiting. She watched as the small amount of pale liquid vibrated under her uneasy touch.

Her breathing quickened as she brought it close to her now parched mouth. Twice more she repeated the action with the next two cups, only then did she realise the taste was not all that bad but different enough for her to make a face of unpleasantness.

It was no coincidence that suddenly her head felt lighter. A small smile graced her lips, just big enough for her to feel relaxed. When her smile was abruptly interrupted by the priest's voice, she looked up to see him directly speaking to Byakuya – instructing him to speak his vows. She wondered if she would have to do the same and if her mouth would even open for a second time. Luckily that time never came.

And when the ceremony was finally over and done, it seemed unreal.

Quickly Rukia was taken away to a private room where her heavy wataboshi was removed and replaced by cherry blossoms which were each individually pinned into place after her hair was pulled back into its place. Her weighted uchikake overcoat was taken off and in its place a lighter white overcoat with golden embroidery and cherry blossoms, flair added with light green material inside her sleeves. She looked fit for royalty.

"Come dear, we must have a grand entry." Saichi said pulling Rukia along. Her hear began to thud once again as they approached the room in which everyone was waiting for her. When the door opened and her maids helped her in, whistles could be heard and everyone clapped their hands joyfully. There was no veil for her to hide behind.

She was lead to where all the captains were standing, gifts in their hands and odd stares on some of their faces. She knew that the arrangement was so unexpected that no one had seen it coming and some would be there to question it but not when the elders were still present at the other side of the room. One by one they motioned their gifts to her and they were placed in the hands of maids who took them back to the Kuchiki mansion.

"I'm sure you'll appreciate my gift, Rukia-chan." Rangiku said with a devilish smile. Rukia gave her a soft smile and that was when she was pulled into a hug all of a sudden, regardless of the bodyguards staring Rangiku down cautiously, "Aww, you look so beautiful!" she said, Rukia blushed and thanked her courteously.

Orihime joined to congratulation Rukia too and when she did Rukia felt the need to apologise, "I'm really sorry you couldn't be my maid of…honour Orihime, plans changed and I still have you dress but…" she tried to say. Orihime waved off the apology and gave Rukia a hug.

"It's alright Rukia-chan! I know that some things were not your choice, so don't worry about it! I had a great time watching everything!" she said smiling widely, her happiness told Rukia that she needn't worry of Orihime who found joy in the smallest of things. Rukia let a small curve of her lips show. And then behind Orihime she saw Renji approaching. She stilled as he finally came her way after congratulating Byakuya personally.

"Rukia." He said greeting her with a short smile. Rukia eyed him curiously and frowned slightly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him. Renji looked bewildered and raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you'd appreciate the fact I showed up." He said with annoyance in his tone. "So, you and Byakuya are married now." He said indifferently. Rukia's frown deepened.

"What's that meant to mean? Yes we're married, what else do you think you just sat though?" she asked him. Renji's lips tightened and Rukia's eyes hardened. Noticing the tension between the two Hinamori walked towards Renji and pulled him away to speak with Ukitake, just after congratulating Rukia for the third time that day.

As Rukia watched Hinamori take Renji to Ukitake, he shot her a friendly smile. But inside Rukia was intelligent enough to know that the next time they were alone he'd question her motives for going through with the marriage her adoptive clan has bestowed on her. It was fairly obvious to most that Byakuya was not in any rush to marry again after his first marriage's disaster but a second marriage to Rukia was a coincidence many questioned openly.

"Rukia?" Ichigo said walking her way. She smiled as greeted her, she hadn't expected he'd even be allowed to attend the union but knowing he was here was a comforting thought.

"Uh…congratulations." He said to her slightly nervously, she was aware he was unaware of what to say to her. She smiled at him; by the clothing he was wearing she could tell he had at least made the effort to be there although he did not see eye to eye with Byakuya. She was sure that even now he would probably never get along with the Kuchiki lord due to their difference of opinions on life. But to each their own.

Noticing Rukia smile, Ichigo smiled back and gave her a comforting hug. Instantly Rukia's bodyguards poised their weapons, but in the midst of the hug she shot them all a filthy glare which told them to keep their hands away from her human friend. Ichigo didn't notice but cocked an eyebrow at the stares people began to give him and Rukia both. Rukia called his name to bring his attention back to her.

"I'm sorry Rukia," he suddenly said. "I probably won't see you much at all right now." Rukia thought to the fact she was now bound to Byakuya by marriage and hoped it wasn't his reasoning for deserting her.

"Huh?" Rukia said questioningly. "But-" she began.

"It's not to do with Byakuya, don't worry," he explained, Rukia remained confused. "I fought a Zanpakuto with Hitsugaya the other day, we don't know where they came from but they got away and they're dangerous. We're going to see Urahara, I have to leave soon. I just came to congratulate you and tell you before I leave so that you don't kill me when I come back for not telling you anything." He chuckled slightly. Rukia was not amused.

Rukia looked down to her feet. The feeling of becoming more and more alone was daunting in her mind.

"I'm sorry Rukia; I have to go back to the real world." Ichigo explained, he took one of her hands and stared deep into her eyes. "I'm really sorry, but I will be back. If you weren't here with Byakuya I would just ask you to come and help me, but I know that ass- I mean, he'll probably throw a hissy fit if you go. Plus it's dangerous; I'll be okay, don't worry." He said cheerfully, hoping to stem some happiness out of his young Shinigami friend.

"Just be careful you idiot." Was the last thing Rukia managed to say to Ichigo before he left the room, and soon, the dimension. She sighed and put on her best smile as more people swarmed around her to congratulate her marriage.

Suddenly Rukia felt a presence behind her, wondering if it were Byakuya come to speak with her she turned quickly only to be left speechless at the sight of whom it was.

"Rukia…" the woman smiled. Rukia found herself staring at the gorgeous woman with awe, "Congratulations, I'm sure you and Byakuya will be very happy together." It was Koga Kuchiki's wife, and she was the epitome of her name, true gentle beauty. She had a large pink flower settled at the left side of her head, her kimono was a vibrant baby blue with pink and green flowers, her feet poked out from the slit at the bottom of her dress. She held a blue fan in her hand and had a soft smile on her pretty face. She was a dainty woman, nothing Rukia had ever seen associated with pure blooded Kuchiki.

"I'm sorry," she then said sadly, Rukia was taken aback and confused. Unable to conjure up any thoughts in her mind she plainly stared at Mayumi. "I have many gifts for your celebration but as of now they aren't ready so I have this to give you for now." She said pulling out a box from behind her back and passing it to Rukia personally. "I hope you will appreciate it."

She had such a sad smile on her face that Rukia wondered what she knew of Seireitei's recent episode, including her husband, and of course – how much. This was not the place to remind the woman who had been so kind the give her a gift, so she gave her a large smile and nodded in acceptance. That was enough for Mayumi who quietly bowed and said her goodbyes before silently leaving the room.

Rukia could remember being shuffled quickly down the hallways of the Kuchiki mansion as the wedding finished. Suddenly the chattering of the audience became quiet as she was lead back into her changing room. She looked up at one of the maid's faces and instantly the woman said, "You need to get changed again for the after celebration." She smiled softly, indicating that the marriage had been a success. Rukia felt a rush of relief come over her like a cool summer breeze.

Stepping up onto a small platform she was undressed, this time slower than she had anticipated. "There is no need to rush," Saichi said with her piercing blue eyes and wild brown smile. "We must wait until everyone has left the building and then we will escort you to your carriage." She explained. By now Rukia had decided to let everything go with the flow, it seemed everything had been planned and was ready for her and Byakuya so stressing herself out was an idiotic choice.

She relaxed as material was unravelled from her slim body, leaving her nearly naked just before the warmth was replaced by a less formal homongi. Slowly her body was layered with a pale lavender and white kimono, the swinging sleeves slightly shorter than that on her uchikake. Still Rukia could confuse the feeling she was having for nobility. Her obi was the same colour, decorated with purple designs and a pink sheer overcoat was placed over her shoulders. The entire dress was speckled with lime green and purple flowers.

Samira approached Rukia and gave her a soft smile, after speaking of Hisana with her Rukia found it strange Samira was being so pleasant to her but did not pass up the opportunity to give her a smile back. The dark skinned lady placed pretty pink and green flowers at both sides of Rukia's hair, she continued smiling as she pulled back and tilted her head staring at a newlywed Rukia. Then Saichi passed her a fan with the Kuchiki emblem printed in gold, the inside was a golden yellow. "Open in it when you're there." Saichi said, Rukia could only nod, "This is a present from me, I had it made with my own money." She said quietly, the other women in the room preoccupied with putting Rukia's wedding uchikake away. Rukia felt honoured.

"Really?" she asked, the woman cackled heartily.

"Don't look so shocked, this is a special occasion. And there are more gifts were that came from." She said pointing to the fan, Rukia looked at it questioningly. "Just because you've received a few gifts from the captains doesn't mean the rest of Seireitei won't send you more." she smirked. Then she turned to the other maids and clapped her hands twice at them, they all looked at her abruptly and took it as a sign to hurry up and help escort Rukia out.

On the way out of the building Rukia looked up into the sky, it was getting darker but still she could see the sun in the distant horizon. With the two women still standing by her sides she noticed Ginrei walking towards her, a soft smile still on his face from waving goodbyes to people who had attended the formal wedding. Then he saw her and said, "I hope you are well." He said taking her hand. "You look lovely." He said happily. He looked her up and down and Rukia realised how she felt less nervous than she usually would have when he did before.

Not too sure what he meant by that Rukia nodded. "Yes and thank you Ginrei-sama." She said bowing her head slightly, not wanting to forget her place or manners. She heard him chuckle and he slipped his hand from hers.

"Will Nii-sama be there?" she found herself asking him, only then remembering what Saichi had told her before about the after party.

"Rukia, you needn't refer to him as such since he is officially your husband now, not your brother." Ginrei said with a warm smile. Rukia nodded. Her mind drifted off slightly, wondering if her status as Byakuya's wife overran her stance as his adoptive sister and before that, sister-in-law.

"Okay." She replied meekly.

"Yes he will be there, and I will accompany you two later on." He answered. "Ah, here Byakuya is now." He said, his grandson approaching. Before Rukia could find him in the distance she was ushered into the carriage at the entrance of the manor. "I will see you there." Ginrei said cheerfully as he walked to meet Byakuya. As Rukia entered the carriage she realised the whole interior was made from royal blue velvet, she reached down to touch her seat and felt the soft almost furry material gliding under her fingertips.

It was quiet inside of the carriage as the windows were shut and the curtains were drawn leaving only mumbling sounds of chatting and laughter outside as well as the galloping of the horses that pulled the cart. The journey wasn't too far, and not after too long the carriage came to halt.

When the carriage doors systematically opened, two maids were waiting to take Rukia's hands and lead her out straight into a building. She was walked up a flight of stairs, the building was quite big and when she entered it was filled with only a small amount of chatter. Shoji doors separated her from the other Shinigami in the building.

Upon seeing Byakuya, that certain fluttering returned to her stomach. She bowed her head as he came to look her way. "Sit." He demanded, his deep regal voice was commanding. She clasped her hands together and sat quietly, looking out over on the balcony. People looked happy, the happiest she'd seen them all in a long time since Aizen's betrayal. This was there moment to forget their worries and celebrate over a joyous moment in history. She looked at children dashing around buying lanterns and tugging onto their parents kimonos.

Byakuya sat by Rukia and did not say much more to her. When Ginrei arrived, three waiters approached their table to order meals. Rukia suddenly found herself starving as she read the menu before her and then remembered she had barely eaten a scrap of food before and during the wedding. She wondered whether Byakuya had as he seemed hesitant when ordering his food.

The meal was quiet, but nice. Occasionally, all three of them would look over the balcony and watch happy souls talking and running about. When they were all finished eating Ginrei spoke, "Thank you both for bringing such a jubilant occasion to the Kuchiki family." He said. Then he tersely stood and left the balcony. Servants collected empty plates and two maids made their way towards Byakuya, he stood as they approached him and Rukia confusedly did the same.

One of the maids crossed the table to Rukia and whispered sweetly, "It's time for lantern celebration, Lady Kuchiki." Rukia couldn't help but show her astonishment for the way the girl had addressed her. The girl held out her hand Rukia apprehensively took it. Behind Byakuya, Rukia was lead to another balcony, this one higher up but smaller. It looked as if it could only hold a few people and had two seats before the railings.

The two girls came over to Byakuya and Rukia and passed them each a lantern. Rukia took it hesitantly then gave the girl a curious look. What am I meant to do with it? "You need to write something on your lantern Lady Kuchiki," she said quietly, hoping not to disturb Byakuya who was quietly scribbling on the inside of his lantern already. The girl bent down to whisper in her ear, "Just write down a wish or a few words." She said passing Rukia a quill.

She stood back up as did the other furisode dressed girl. They both stood in the corners of the booth like balcony and then pulled back the large curtains covering Byakuya and Rukia from sight. As they were revealed to town, a loud applause and whistle of cheer made sound. Rukia smiled lightly, recognising many faces. She blushed at all of the attention.

Looking up into the sky she saw the sunset lowering into the flushed pink sky. The large star gave off an orange hue, contrasting to the blue appearing in the distance of the horizon. Rukia was marvelled at the sight and stared at it in awe. Looking down and feeling the material of the bright red lantern Rukia sighed. She needed to write something. And then, almost out of nowhere a thought emerged in her mind.

Mindlessly she took the quill in her hand and wrote inside the lantern, then passed the quill back to the maid in the corner of the room. She smiled at her and then bowed, retreating back into her place. Rukia exhaled and leaned back into her chair, desperately wanting to speak with Byakuya but knowing better not to.

Suddenly the crowd beneath her started to count down from ten, hoisting their lanterns up in the air. And like a smart Shinigami, Rukia guessed she would release her own by the time everyone else had.

When the time came an airy feeling ran through Rukia's bone, chilling her to the core yet subduing the nerves that had previously ran though her.

Their lanterns were released off into the sky with a loud cheer of the crowd. They followed suit releasing their hopes, dreams and wishes off into the joyful atmosphere. Mindlessly Rukia opened the regal, golden fan in her hand and held it over her heart. Then she lost sight of her lantern and closed her eyes. If only…

As Byakuya and Rukia were escorted back out of the building Rukia was handed her lavender umbrella to accompany her outfit. She smiled and thanked the maid as she left. Realising that she was to walk home with Byakuya she wondered if he wanted to talk – then she remembered how Byakuya didn't want to marry in the first place. A shadow of sadness engulfed her, even as the men, women and children in the streets waved her way and blessed her. She nodded their way and smiled brokenly.

Slyly, Rukia managed to look at Byakuya. She observed how much more relaxed he looked with his kenseikan out of his hair that fell gracefully down his broad shoulders. "Are we going home?" she suddenly asked him. She was surprised to see he didn't so much as flinch when she had spoken. She looked away from him when he did not answer and sadly bowed her head. It always going to be like this? Because if it was, Rukia didn't know how she'd be able to adjust.

Keeping her eyes forward she noticed they were coming up to gates of the Kuchiki mansion. She didn't even imagine they had been walking for so long and gladly her feet were no longer hurting her. She could feel the soundless steps of the Kuchiki bodyguards, a few paces behind Byakuya.

"Yes, Rukia." Byakuya said. Rukia's head snapped up at the calling of her name, just to hear his voice she could now calm herself. She relaxed slightly, her tense shoulders dropped and her stiff hold on the pole of her umbrella eased. She closed her eyes and exhaled.

"Okay, Byakuya-sama." She replied softly. Byakuya suddenly stiffened on the spot and Rukia stopped to see what the matter was. What had she done wrong? Byakuya then turned to her with cold eyes, eyes that seemed bottomless and were void of any warmth. Rukia shuddered at the sight.

"You do not call me that." He said sternly, Rukia could sense the strictness in his tone and swallowed deeply. "Do you understand?" he said. It wasn't a question, and at that Rukia could not argue.

Utterly confused, she replied, "Yes…N-Nii-sama." Rukia screwed her eyes shut and exhaled and then breathed again wondering if that what Byakuya preferred her to call him. And it was, he continued walking and a few feet behind him Rukia did too. Now she couldn't help but be nervous but she was adamant she wouldn't it to her newlywed husband. The situation itself felt like she had been placed in a dreamland. Brother? If he is my husband why does he want me to continue calling him brother?

It was still formal, but marriage did not detract her respect for someone she still saw as higher in class. He was after all a pure-blooded Kuchiki, and herself just lucky enough to carry the name in more ways than one now. She was shaken by the thought. If it hadn't been the Kuchiki clan then her reputation would have been tarnished by now. But anyone who spoke ill of the family now would seriously regret even opening their mouth.

Rukia bowed her head and mentally cursed at herself for not being smarter. She had offended Byakuya and now she didn't know what to do. When they entered the mansion once more they were instantly greeted by Ginrei who welcomed them happily, Rukia bowed and Byakuya formally welcomed his grandfather.

"You two must be awfully tired so I suggest you retire." He said, "I will speak with you both in the morning." He said walking off and supressing a yawn.

Unable to think of what to say to Byakuya when she was left with him once more, she stayed quiet. Then much to her surprise, Byakuya turned away from her and said, "Goodnight Rukia." She watched as he walked away then disappeared into the dark shadows of the building.

She bowed, "Goodnight Nii-sama." And when she looked up, Byakuya was long gone. Still looking in his direction she wondered what she was supposed to do now. She exhaled the long breath she had been holding for an uncomfortable amount of time and almost choked on the newfound air around her. You have to stop doing that. She agreed with herself and then quietly tip-toed her way towards her bedroom.

The room was cold when she entered it. At least nothing more was to be expected of her tonight.

She stood in the centre of her room and slowly peeled back the dress from her small body. It dropped, crumbled to the ground and she gradually stepped from the puddle of material, naked. She walked towards her bathroom and as she stepped into the shower, a cold wash of water smacked against her skin. She didn't flinch but invited the touches the water gave her.

She felt empty.

Byakuya receded into his sophisticated bedroom. With a silent sigh he unpeeled his elegant pale green robe from his broad shoulders and placed it into his wardrobe knowing that for tonight his maids would be busy tending to the mess left by the day's events. Next he went to sit upon his humungous bed.

And then there was a knock on his door. Hesitantly he got up thinking to himself who dared interrupt him so late at night. His dull grey eyes glanced towards his window for a moment where he spotted a full moon high in the sky. Upon sliding his door open he was nearly shocked to see his grandfather standing waiting for him. "Ginrei-sama, what can I do for you?" he asked respectfully.

The man looked to be shuffling on his feet which rose suspicions from the stoic Shinigami. "I wanted to ask you if you're still planning your gathering for the sixth division." He asked. For a moment Byakuya just stared at the man before him. He eyed him uncertainly; he came all this way to ask of the gathering?

He didn't really recall what had possessed him to call such an informal greeting with his division but after the destruction all the Zanpakuto had caused he had presented a party, if you will, for them all in celebration of their success. "Yes, I will be going ahead with the gathering as of tomorrow morning." He said thinking back to his division briefly.

Ginrei gave him a strange look for a moment and Byakuya watched as his thick moustache shook slightly. "You just married Byakuya, and I was hoping you and Rukia would go off for your honeymoon. Maybe to one of the spring manors we have in the north of Seireitei." He suggested kindly.

"I appreciate the offer but as of now I have too much work to attend to. If it isn't done soon then it will be completed far too late for the likings of the Captain-Commander." Byakuya replied graciously.

"That is fine Byakuya, but I would happily attend all of your meetings if you will and do your paperwork. It is time you took a short break, you work far too much and I'm sure it would do both you and your new wife some good to relax," Ginrei's flickered past Byakuya towards his room. "Or am I already interrupting something?" he asked quietly. Byakuya raised an eyebrow at this.

"Where is Rukia? Is she in there with you?" he asked persistently. Byakuya shook his head.

"No she is not, Ginrei-sama." Byakuya responded quickly at the boldness of his grandfather's question.

"Oh?" he replied in a surprised tone. "Then where is she?" he pressed.

"I'm sure Rukia was on her way to her room when I departed from her company." Byakuya said strictly. Ginrei gave Byakuya yet another odd stare which prompted him to continue, "It is late and I am sure she was very tired when I saw her last. We have both had a long and eventful day." He said.

"Alright, but that doesn't excuse the fact that she is supposed to be sharing a room with you now Byakuya. We have had her things moved into your bedroom as you know we have discussed already." Ginrei said sternly, wondering why Byakuya had avoided inviting Rukia into his chambers.

"It is too early in this union for me to pass such a responsibility onto Rukia. If she is not comfortable with this new arrangement I could not call myself a gentleman to force her co-operation." He said simply speaking of Rukia coyly. Ginrei thought for a moment and cleared his throat as he looked down the hall way then back to Byakuya. "After all, she has been through much today." He added.

"Yes. You're right," he said, Byakuya relaxed slightly. "It would benefit everyone if Rukia felt her words and concerns were being heeded. I praise you for being so understanding of her so early in this union. I will speak with you at the party, goodnight Byakuya." He said finally. Byakuya bowed and wished his grandfather a good rest then he shut his door and retreated inside his room.

Byakuya's thoughts shifted to Rukia. He silently wondered if she were asleep already, but how could she be? When he'd left her so abruptly, with so many questions? He sighed and began to undress, ready for the rest he had denied himself for so long. He was married now; new opportunities came with new responsibilities.

This was only the beginning, and frankly, Byakuya wasn't a fan of change.

When the next day came around, Rukia was woken to the sound of light footsteps moving all around the mansion. There was light chatter coming from outside and the room was still. Groggily Rukia sat up and rubbed her eyes. Looking around her room which was still almost completely bare she noticed that her dream really hadn't been a dream. She sighed and looked around the room. I guess I should be glad, she thought, at least everything is going to be pretty much the same. I don't need to worry about anything, nothing's going to change.

After having her breakfast in the solace of her bedroom Rukia plucked up the courage to ask Samira where Byakuya was. "He's out, with the sixth division." She said quietly. Rukia stared at the woman a moment then remembered the party Byakuya had planned a while back for his division. She was surprised. "Will you be attending?" Samira suddenly asked her. Rukia nodded straight away and then thought of Renji. She sighed the whole way out of her room. She wasn't in the mood to argue with Renji or Ichigo, not that he was here right now.

Dressed in a simple Shinigami robe, Rukia made her way to the garden she heard conference sprouting from. And as she spotted Renji sitting by a tree she went over to him. He looked at her with a shocked expression as she made herself at home next to him, "Here." He said passing her some colourful skewered hanami dango. She observed the spring colours reminding her of her fruitful environment.

Rukia wasted no time as she began to nibble on the surface of the first ball. "I didn't imagine I'd see you here." Renji said quietly looking around before him. Rukia noticed that most, if not all of the seated officers for the sixth division were present, and were chatting cheerfully. She still felt slightly tired as she listened to Renji's voice and the soft soothing sound of music playing in the background. She shifted around a little.

"Why wouldn't I be? I live here," she replied. "Or have you forgotten?" She said. Renji turned to her briefly without a word, and then turned back. Rukia sighed quietly.

"It's the Captain!" someone said loudly.

"Captain!" followed another voice. Loud chatter ensued throughout garden. Rukia's eyes wandered over to garden's bridge where she saw Byakuya approaching with two male Shinigami following close behind. In a way it was more normal for Rukia to see him dressed in his captain's uniform, although she couldn't help but stare at him realising there was something different about his aura. She frowned and managed to look away.

Renji watched as his subordinates ran towards Byakuya to get a glimpse of the newlywed, secretive man. "Shouldn't you be over there too?" Rukia mumbled, finishing the last bite of her first dang and turning to Renji's tall posture.

"Nah, I see enough of him on a regular basis." He answered. "And it's good for the others to speak with him and everything." He quickly added scratching the back of his head. He looked around the garden, taking in the constantly calm surroundings. "Nice place he's got here." Renji mumbled under his breath, Rukia dismissed his comment knowing he had been in the manor a handful of times and he was just trying to make conversation.

"Considering I've known Byakuya so long I'm surprised he let everyone here today," he said. "Like yesterday…" he added. Rukia stayed quietly, staring at her dango and eating it attentively, almost as if not wanting it to leave her sight.

"Everyone's really…tired after fighting with their Zanpakuto," she said suddenly, her tone was airy and she spoke as if she had given some deep thought to her words before opening her mouth. "Nii-sama…he's looking out for everyone." She said calculatedly, her eyes shifted around as though she wanted to catch a glimpse of Byakuya without actually looking for him. Then she felt Renji's eyes on her.

"You should be grateful." She said fiercely. She turned back to her last piece of dango and took a large bite out of it. She chewed it noisily.

"I am." Renji replied irritably. He frowned and then glanced around again. "Oh, I remember now, it was your Zanpakuto that practically destroyed this place." He said almost mockingly. Rukia shot him a look of anger before he continued, "The sixth division barracks are completely fucked up thanks to that berserk fight." He said.

"It's not as if that's my problem Renji. Plus, we can thank the Kuchiki clan's wealth, connections and secret techniques, because cleaning the manor up was a piece of cake." She said with a slight smile curving the side of her lip. Soon, that smile diminished. She turned away for Renji, hoping he wouldn't see the look on her face. And when she turned back he was gone, she looked out into the crowd in front of her and saw Renji being pulled away by a fellow sixth division Shinigami. Her face fell, now she felt lonely again.

She looked at the stick in her hand, the only indication of the dango that had been their previously and suddenly her stomach was rumbling. Touching her stomach she felt herself being hauled towards the kitchen. She strolled past the pillars of the building and slid open the door and stepped inside shutting the door behind her.

"Stupid Renji, leaving me and wondering why I never want to see his annoying face." she grumbled annoyed. All of a sudden there was a loud and abrupt bang coming from one of the rooms in front of the room she was standing. She frowned and scratched her head. "I'm hearing things." She said. And as she did, an even more audible thundering shook the ground beneath her. She stopped in her tracks then ran the source of the noise.

Running down the hallways of the building and became more apparent to Rukia that she hadn't been imagining things. In one of the rooms Rukia was approaching down the corridor she noticed frantic maids running and screaming. She was shocked and ran past them to look inside of the room, source of all the noise. "Hey!" she screamed. "What do you think you're doing?" two odd looking Zanpakuto resembling men stared back at her. One of them held a long crowbar looking sword in his hand and the other possessed a set of long yellow claws, speckled with a dark residue.

The two Zanpakuto looking beings had half destroyed one of the tea rooms before Rukia. "Who are you?" Rukia asked them. One heard one of them grunt before she reached for her Zanpakuto. Her eyes widened large as she realised her katana was not there, she looked down at the place it should be and thought Sode no…where did you go? "Shit." Her mouth went dry and her eyes remained twice their size as the taller Zanpakuto came at her with his sword prized up in the air.

Time slowed as the force of the sword rattled through the ground making the floor boards instantly split in half at the contact. Rukia just barely managed to wake from her daze and jump to the side, away from the hit. She tucked her head by her chest as she came to roll against the ground, but as she lost her footing she fell back onto the floor. "Ow…" she groaned, reaching her hand down to touch her lower back which was now aching from the force of the ground.

Looking up at the two creatures, Rukia seized. Unable to think of her next move without the comfort of her now lost katana, she swore again, "Shit." They raised their weapons and stared down at Rukia, it had been a long time before Rukia felt so small in front of someone.

"Scatter." Came a deep voice, Rukia found herself jumping up in the air to avoid whatever attack was coming from behind her. As she looked down she noticed the attack was not meant for her, but the two Zanpakuto that had just been trying to kill her. A large blast of pink light engulfed them and she listened to their loud cries as they tried to escape. She landed on the ground far away from them as she watched on. The light was too bright for her to see where her saviour had emerged.

Focusing her quick thinking towards her feet she rapidly used shunpo in order to escape the building. Now standing outside and watching on from where the source of the light should be she frowned; only a scattering of cherry blossoms fell from the sky. "Nii-sama?" she questioned. There was no reply as a new being appeared before her and continued their assault.

She opened her mouth but couldn't find any words to speak. One of the Zanpakuto, now freed from the blast attacked her saviour. They easily blocked the move and used their shunpo to escape everyone's sight, her breath seized as she watched on in amazement. "Nii-sama?" she said again. Then her rescuer reappeared and turned her way, their mask, a recognisable trait. "Senbonzakura…" Rukia breathed lightly.

A/N: From what I know, Koga Kuchiki's wife is such an interesting character. I wish there was an episode of Bleach dedicated to her.