Unbinding Embrace
Chapter One – Duty
Soul Society Law – Section 1, Page 1
Rule Number Eleven: It is against the law for the Gotei 13 to meddle in the affairs of the noble families unless the family in question breaks one of the laws of Soul Society beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Rukia's light violet eyes gently fluttered open as the sun shone upon her pearly white skin. A small breath escaped her lips and she innately blinked a few times, her pupils dilated. Her eyes shifted across the bare ceiling above her. She lay still for a few moments with a neutral, vacant gaze on her face.
She then sucked in a deep breath and as quickly as possible, swung her feet around the side of her bed. Her eyes penetrated the floor just a few feet beneath her small feet. When she began stretching her legs down, she touched the ground with her toes, she winced at the coldness and hastily recoiled. She breathed and slowly she shifted her weight from her hands and bottom to her feet, again wincing as she did so.
She leaned back and stretched whilst letting out a long yawn. She cracked from multiple locations in her petite body and yawned once more. Rubbing an eye with one hand and straightening out her top with another she made her way over to the window in the farer side of the room and gave herself a moment for eyes to adjust to the light. Pulling back the curtains Rukia took a long glance of the world of Seireitei outside. The sound of rolling carts and chatter swooned through the town. She rested her chin on her palm and for a while, lazily watching the inhabitants of the town scurrying about.
The same strand of hair tucked itself round the corner of the side of her nose. She crossed her eyes trying to look at it then blew on it; it fluttered up into the rest of her shaggy black hair, and then fell onto her nose again. She sighed tiredly.
All of a sudden something caught her attention. Something glistened in the corner of her bedroom. Her eyes caught sight of the Zanpakuto resting in the very corner of the room. Its long stem could reach the top of the ceiling, even when slanted to an angle. The long curved bottom of the scythe would rest against the hard flooring.
She went over to it and then turned her back on it and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. When she was washed, she waltzed back into the still room and opened a small wardrobe.
Five Shinigami uniforms. Three pairs of wooden shoes. Two pairs of normal white shoes.
Holding up her towel with a hand, Rukia routinely bent over to pick up one of the pairs of wooden shoes and one of the Shinigami uniforms. She dropped them on her bed and closed the curtains once more.
When Rukia was dressed she grabbed her Zanpakuto, quickly slid it into its scabbard and took a passing glance of the mirror before frowning and walking away from it and exiting the bedroom.
The day had certainly started without her.
Rukia walked through the Kuchiki estate. Peering into rooms and looking around corners. She exhaled a large breath in relief.
"Still sneaking about then hmm, Rukia?" said a voice. Rukia stilled and shot her attention to the source of the voice. And then her shocked expression lightened.
"What are you doing here?" Rukia demanded. Renji walked towards Rukia combing back his hair with the strong fingers on a hand.
Renji never did really answer Rukia as he walked around the house; she followed him using his large body as a shield. Then he came towards the veranda and sat down quietly. He motioned Rukia to join him on the bench, she eyed him. She sat down beside him leaving a few feet between them.
"After this fight you should be still recovering." Renji exclaimed caringly, his eyes were warm. Rukia turned to him angrily, almost knocking him over in fear, he cowered from her.
"You're defending him?" she said, her tone was dangerously quiet. Renji gulped and shook his head frantically. He stared at the before him for a moment, and then sighed.
"I'm not defending him, in any way." He seemed taken back. "Maybe you could do with a break though, and I've never seen you work yourself so hard before. Everyone needs a break some time." He prodded softly.
"I'm not agreeing with Byakuya…" he sighed and started again, "There is hardly a thing I can do without him attempting to murder me. He is right sometimes Rukia, you should chill out, ya' know?" He said honestly. Rukia raised a thin brow.
"I thought you were…oh forget it." She sighed quietly, she looked away.
"What?" he pressed, eager for an answer.
She turned back to him and replied, "I thought you were talking about someone else, it doesn't matter." Renji opened his mouth to object and Rukia gave him another glare.
"How did you even get in the compound?" she demanded, her tone showed off her annoyance for the redheaded man.
"I know this place like the back of my hand by now Rukia." Renji laughed. "I've been here enough times, wouldn't you say?" he asked her.
She took the scabbard from her side and set it down between Renji and herself. Renji peered over at it. "Have you told anyone else yet?" he asked.
She looked at him a moment, questioning his question with her expression. Then she came to realisation. "No." she quickly said. She instantly felt Renji tense next to her although he didn't say anything to her.
She exhaled and looked off into the sky for a second. "They don't need to know. I don't even…" she sighed and screwed her eyes shut. "It could have just been a dream, that's what it felt like." Her voice was mystic and light. Renji continued to stare at his friend.
"Everyone's experience is different Rukia." He replied slowly and friendly.
Rukia then stood up. "I need some fresh air." She said walking away towards what seemed to be the exit of the house. Renji quickly stood and followed her.
"But we're already outside?" he clarified.
"Outside of here, out of the house." She said hoping he'd understand, all he did was drop an eyebrow.
He went up to her and pulled her in a long lasting hug, Rukia was limp against him. He was warm. And her eyes were hazy, even though she didn't hug him back. "I'm proud of you." He whispered to her, when he let her go Rukia turned and instantly began walking away from him. He sighed loudly as if to get her attention. She disappeared from his sight.
"Thank you Renji." He heard her say; her voice was cold and distant. Renji lowered his gaze to the ground as disappointment overcame him.
As he went about his business, Ichigo turned up.
"Renji? Was that just Rukia? Where did she go?" Ichigo said scratching his head as he approached him.
Renji then explained to Ichigo the situation Rukia was in and why over the past few days she had been even more quiet and serious than usual.
"Bankai?" he practically screamed.
"Are you serious?" he added.
"Shut up Ichigo! I wasn't even supposed to tell anyone, Rukia didn't want me to tell anyone but had to. Byakuya doesn't even know." He clarified.
"Of course he wouldn't, Rukia never tells him anything 'cause he's an asshole." He said gruffly, a clear indication for his dislike for the Kuchiki. Although he had saved Rukia's life multiple times and had occasionally assisted him and his friends, he couldn't feel an ounce of friendship towards the cold man.
Renji shook his head and bared a toothy smirk. "I wouldn't say that too loud if I were you. He has ears like a bloody hawk!" he replied remembering numerous times people had been caught saying things about him, by the man himself. And of course most of those people were just jealous. "Though I don't understand why she wouldn't want anyone to know."
Ichigo looked confused.
"Do you like working for him or something?" asked Ichigo.
"I couldn't say it's my favourite pass time, but it's my job. He's alright, and even though I've known him longer, I can easily say you're a better friend towards me," he scratched his head and then laughed at what he had said, "To be honest, I'm as loyal to him as I have to be. It's not that bad anymore." He said leaning back with his arms folded behind his head, his face glittered with the rays of the sun. He happily absorbed the oncoming burst of light.
"I'm curious…has he always been like this?" Ichigo asked.
"You know? Moody, quiet – hates everything and everyone?"
"No Ichigo, as much as I know you hate him, he hasn't always been like this." he explained. "When we were younger, he was even more snobby. Thought he was better than everyone else and always had to prove it to ya'." Renji said.
"So he's an asshole." Ichigo said mumbled plainly in a tone that almost meant 'so everything I said about him was right?'
"He was more verbal then – not like now." He said.
"Anything in particular make him this way?" Ichigo asked.
"Nah. Just happened over time, like we all changed, that's how he changed." Then Renji suddenly smiled. "You know, if you can't stand him now. You would have been knocking heads with him every day if you grew up around him." he stated, Ichigo shuddered at the thought.
He looked at Renji and grinned.
"Well I'm glad I didn't. Sucks to be you, doesn't it Renji?" Ichigo beamed. Renji laughed and shoved him the side, winding the ginger haired boy.
"Ow you dumbass! That hurt!" Ichigo viciously shoved him back and so the friendly violence commenced.
Rukia continued to slowly move about the house, peering down hallways before she did so.
She eyed the gates, the entrance and her exit to the house. She quickly ran to another pillar and pressed her back against, Rukia you aren't a child so why are you sneaking about as if you are on?
Rukia herself knew that if she was caught by someone, a maid or servant, they had no authority over her to send her back inside. But the riff-raff it'd cause and word of mouth back to the Kuchiki elders would allow the members to see her in a new light. She didn't want to take anything for granted but the suffocation of remaining in the estate was becoming unbearable. When was the last time she'd seen the outside up close without being closely monitored by someone behind her?
Rukia made hast to move to the last pillar that would be just a few hundred feet from her exit she could now clearly see, there were guards on the outside but she knew of a way to get passed them. They were not the problem.
As Rukia moved about, she failed to hear the smallest footsteps coming towards her from an unknown source. What an awful Shinigami, she the thought as she turned and came face to face with a maid, she silently cursed herself for getting caught but didn't let the surprise show on her face. Maybe she could weasel her way out of what she knew was to come?
"Rukia-san?" the woman was astonished, she frowned and looked Rukia up and down. She was a fairly pretty lady with dark skin and chocolate brown eyes; she had a small mouth and straight tall nose. A good maid of the Kuchiki clan who had worked for the family for longer than Rukia had even lived with them.
She was a very firm lady who followed all of the house rules that were set and saw to it that they were followed by the other maids and servants under her wing of control. She was maybe second in command to the lead workers in the main Kuchiki compound as every large estate the Kuchiki owned had their own set of employees.
The woman held a large bowl of water in her arms and a wash cloth dangled from underneath an arm. She raised a brow at the Shinigami before her.
She sighed at Rukia, "I'm very sorry Rukia-san but…we see that you're to be resting today and you shouldn't be walking about." She said, in a slightly jumpy matter.
Rukia stood her ground confidently. "I'm quite capable of walking around," she tried to move to the maid's side and walk around her but she blocked her way, Rukia clenched her jaw. "I'm perfectly alright." She added closely behind. The maid swallowed audibly but shook her head; her head of brown curls flew about.
"I'm sorry Rukia-san. It would be best if you didn't." she started. "You needn't been out of bed today, you still need to recover from you recent mission. If you need anything then we will see to it that you receive it-"
"Must I be a prisoner in my own home?" Rukia said deeply as she cut her off. Annoyance spread across her serious and small face and her fists tightened around the sides of her uniform.
"Please Rukia-san; we will get into trouble if-" if any harm came to her. What was she? A delicate flower? Most certainly not.
"Fine. Just, leave me. Please." She said dimly. Her eyes were closed; she pinched the bridge of her nose as she walked back into the estate. She walked as the maid's eyes bore into her back to make sure she was on her way back inside and wasn't making another cunning escape of leave. It wouldn't be long before all of the workers would be on 'Rukia Watch' again.
A hell butterfly fluttered away instantly.
Byakuya silently and majestically made his way down a long hallway in the depths of the mansion he resided in. His wide Shinigami robes hovered above the ground behind him and his long heirloom scarf did the very same, barely skimming the air above the ground as he made long and commanding steps.
His hair was decorated with his usual kenseikan. The intricate semi-tube kenseikan sat upon the many long locks of his silky black hair. His eyes were focused, fixed on the door he was coming towards. Small chatter on the other side of it became more audible.
Slowly he pulled back the door and stepped inside, all eyes turned to him and spell of silence overcame them. Royally he made his way to his usual seat and sat down where many the speakers began to do the same. He sat patiently as he waited for the meeting to progress.
And as it did so Byakuya tolerantly listened, occasionally adding a small word or notice. And every time his mouth opened the others would become soundless as his words were echoed around the room. Then a new topic arose and Byakuya as he usually did, waited for it to concern him although he listened to every word.
"You have been without a partner for multiple decades now Byakuya-san." One stated, Byakuya could clearly see where this was heading. He shifted his dull scrutiny to the man who quickly recoiled and looked away as not to meet his penetrative grey eyes. Another man, even more opinionated, began to speak as he stood up to voice his opinions.
"It's been nearly six decades, I'm sure you needn't be reminded of the fact. We will find someone suitable." He said shortly and to the point. He was a fairly tall man with beady black eyes and a long black beard.
There was a pregnant pause as every turned to Byakuya. "You seem to have taken a lot of thought into this already Hiroko-san." Byakuya said plainly. His eyes were as grey as his tone; he spoke without a hint of passion.
Some Kuchiki members briefly glanced at each other, waiting for their associates to speak up but none of them would as Byakuya had spoken.
Tension filled every gap of the room yet seemed to have no effect on the heir of the clan. He made glances at the other members as well but his intimidating glares made it impossible for them to string a sentence together. The only sounds the room heard were of mouths suddenly opening to say something then slowly shutting again as the people for better of it.
"Kuchiki-sama?" someone asked all of a sudden, desperately hoping the elder would give another opinion. Byakuya couldn't exactly say he was surprised by this at all anyway; his grandfather never spoke to him of such things unless they were already in a meeting. And he would have been a fool not to have realised the hints of marriage proposals in the old man's speech. One did not casually mention his late wife on purpose without reasoning, especially considering her very name had hardly been mentioned since the day she died.
"I must say I do not recall any suitable candidates at the chosen moment." Ginrei said shortly, his voice was gruff and unyielding. With a single finger, he slowly traced his silver moustache. Byakuya silently sighed though no one heard it. Many then thought that the meeting would come to a halt, and resume when they had all had more time to think about the proposal.
"What about Suki, from the Shihoin clan? She's of age and is a noble no less." Someone spoke up. Their words were quickly battled by another's.
"Are you stupid? The Kuchiki clan do not associate marriage with other noble clans from Seireitei! You know the rules." The man then gave a look towards Ginrei and Byakuya as if he were trying to earn a pat on the back for somehow enforcing their clan rules. The two were not impressed at his brashness and so he lowered his head and said not a word more.
Then a man across the table from a woman with long light brown hair shakily stood from his chair. All eyes on him.
He began to speak but his words came out jittery, his nervousness apparent. Obviously he did not come from the blood of Kuchiki and many then at that moment questioned him with their eyes for even being at the meeting at all.
"Well? What is it? Spit it out then!" Ginrei demanded fiercely, tiring of the persistent stutter. The man's breath hitched and he swallowed deeply before trying to string a few words together.
"Well…I was thinking," He paused and took a deep breath in desperate attempt not to continue shaking before the house of Kuchiki. "Rukia…she's lived in this household for a long while now and she has received many marriage proposals. Maybe she?" he whispered nervously. His forehead glistened with worry as the other Shinigami listened in.
Many of the Kuchiki and elders gasped loudly then retorted or widened their eyes at the astonishing statement. Whispers filled the meeting hall. Ginrei suddenly looked down to the long table in front of him; his eyes were shifting wildly in thought. And then he turned to Byakuya who still hadn't moved an inch.
His face was stoic.
"Byakuya?" the old man asked him. Hiroko's eyes darted between the two Kuchiki.
Byakuya turned away from Ginrei and towards the cowardly man who had mentioned his sister; his eyes bore through to his very soul and the man shivered and then tried his best at avoiding his eyes.
"Rukia." He said simply in a manner which signified that he was thinking deeply although really there was no thought in his mind.
The frail and jittery man whispered and continued. "We have refused all of the current marriage proposals for her…and her abilities and talents may go to waste if this continues…" he said.
Then something happened which Byakuya did not expect. "Would you marry the girl Byakuya?" Ginrei asked hastily. A lady across the table suddenly voiced her loud opinions, standing as she did so, her long light brown hair shook. Her Shinigami robes were crinkled.
"Kuchiki-san," she said quickly bowing in respect, her voice had a nasal and frail quality to it. "If you were to marry the girl…we must think of the clan! What would people think? What would they say if they knew of this?" she squeaked.
"Then we wouldn't tell." Someone else advised her. She raised a long eyebrow. "We could just keep it to ourselves. No one would have to know." He said as he stood too.
"Preposterous!" a man with short black hair bellowed, he looked to be in his thirties. "If the clan needed an heir, we could hardly hide it! Where did it come from? From thin air? The Kuchiki are a respectable noble clan, they do not produce illegitimate children!" his tone was loud and it boomed through the room, echoing off the walls.
"And that is what I was about to state." Ginrei said loudly as he cut through the argument. All became silent again as the attention turned back to him and the active speakers dimmed and sat down once more. A skill these Kuchiki held. "I don't doubt your skills Byakuya, but there are no other heirs and you have yet to produce one. There must be one at the ready." He said calmly thinking about their current situation.
"You wouldn't have to produce one right away, but it is something we all must take into consideration," he said. "As for the girl – Karachi is right, it would be better not to put her talents to waste. And you know her well enough; I could see no better candidate for the task."
Another lady in the corner of the room looked at Byakuya but saw no change in his appearance. Would it really be okay for him to marry his sister? Even if she was adopted? She wanted to speak up but she decided better of her actions and sealed her vibrant red lips tight.
"She carries the Kuchiki name already, the ceremony would be quick. And we wouldn't have much to worry about a stranger entering the clan and waiting the engagement period to decide if she is worthy enough." Ginrei continued, with the character of his voice it was evident that idea was becoming more and more appealing towards him. Many were becoming increasingly surprised that the decision was so quick and without hesitation.
"Would you care to add anything Byakuya?" Ginrei pressed, hoping the young man in front of him would. An uncomfortable instance of silence crept through the hall in a familiar manner.
"Whatever you feel is best Ginrei-sama." Byakuya said, he then stood tucking his chair out of the table and swiftly turned to leave the room. The majestic presence exited.
No one made a movement as tension was still apparent.
Then a roar of debate ripped through the hall.
Yoruichi sneakily followed Byakuya through the compound in her small and agile form. The maids and servants gave her no passing glance as she slid under their feet and around their work. The sun was beginning to set, she quicken her pace to keep up with the tall man.
Byakuya walked into his office and sat down behind a huge pile of work freshly put on his desk. And before he started writing with his brush poised his hand he spoke aloud. "I am aware of your presence. Do not insult my intelligence Yoruichi-san." He said.
Yoruichi chuckled, her golden eyes glowed. Still standing behind the door of the office, she transformed to her more appealing form and dressed herself with clothes that had appeared seemingly from nowhere.
She slipped into the room and strutted over to the younger Shinigami, smiling wide. "Is it true then?" she asked with a devilishly apparent smile, her canine teeth proudly protruded. Her long purple hair was kept up with a hair band, the ponytail was lengthy.
Byakuya did not raise his head to greet her, but silently dipped the tip of his brush into the black ink by his side. He carefully began writing his signature as he had done thousands of times before onto a piece of paper. Moved it aside into a new pile and did the same on the next piece of paper. She watched his boring job. "Leave Yoruichi-san, I am busy." He breathed quietly. Yoruichi cocked an eyebrow and put her hands her sturdy hips, she pursed her lip and rolled her eyes as she sighed.
"You've really become so boring in your adolescence Byakuya-kun." She said playfully, she took a hold of his scarf in her hand a slyly played with it. Byakuya made no shift in emotion. She toyed with the silk like a cat with a ball.
"Who are you getting married to?" she asked him sweetly. "Hmm?" she added.
Byakuya didn't bother asking about how she knew when the answer was evident. He wasn't a fool not to have noticed small feet pattering about the meeting, briefly entering as it had left. Although he wondered how she could have been so incautious to be caught.
"Have you never been taught manners, Yoruichi-san?" he asked politely. Yoruichi raised an eyebrow, how he ever managed to insult her whilst speaking so calmly, she didn't know.
"What ever could you mean Byakuya-kun?" the dark skinned woman said leaning into towards him, her breath brushed against his face. She smelt of juniper and coriander. Her breasts slimly grazed his check as she bent over in an attempt to tease him to show anger. But unlike as a teenager, his reaction was calm. He did not flinch, nor did he make any attempt to move from her chest.
Yoruichi suddenly pulled back and annoyance flashed through her momentarily, she sighed loudly. "Nothing?" she said loudly. Byakuya put his brush down for a moment then looked over at the woman; his dim lit eyes stared into her bright gold orbs.
"Nothing." He answered.
Then a realisation overcame her. It was clear on her face, Byakuya turned back to his work hoping she wouldn't speak again. But he knew better.
"Oh…it's arranged isn't it?" she said more seriously. All of the urge to be outrageous and loud had vanished from her company. She softly put a dark hand on his desk next to his hand in an attempt to budge word out of him and maybe console him. His writing slowly came to a halt once more.
"As you are quite capable of working this out by yourself, I suggest you leave me in peace Yoruichi-san." He said civilly, there was a hint of annoyance to his quality of his tone.
"I didn't think they even did that anymore." She said, "Any idea who it is? Do you want me to find out?" Byakuya stared his work, she hadn't been present the whole meeting. That much was unmistakable.
"Yoruichi-san." Byakuya said deeply and tiredly, the vibrations made Yoruichi shiver. "Please. Leave me be." He said.
"Congratulations on your engagement Kuchiki-san!" people said kindly to him the later that day. Byakuya would nod gently at them in response though he hated to hear where they had found out the news.
Byakuya sighed; no one had showed this passion for his first marriage. Nor had they wished him such happiness for many years of marriage. Maybe he should have said something else when Ginrei prompted him to do so. But he would refuse to bring up the subject anymore.
He returned to his office in hopes of being left alone and somehow that was too much to ask from some. Ukitake Jushiro walked through the Kuchiki compound to get to Byakuya's office. As the other sixth division office was unattended by the man, he decided there was no other place he could be.
"I heard of your engagement," the white haired man had said, "Congratulations." He added with a short pleasant smile.
Byakuya's eyes were dull and indifferent. "Did you bring the paperwork?" he then asked. Jushiro paused before holding a stack of paper towards Byakuya, the width of which was firmly placed between the man's thumb and pointing finger.
"Yes." He handed them over and Byakuya set them down next to another stack of paper work Jushiro guessed was from Toshiro, the young tenth division captain.
Byakuya turned his attention back to putting a signature on all of the papers laid out. Jushiro stood silently in front of him for a moment, thinking about what to say. Although the younger man never disrespected him, a blind man could see that he did not like him so he left the man in peace hoping not to stir up any more bad feeling.
"You know…" the old man began in his rough voice, Byakuya narrowed his slate grey eyes towards the man. "I've watched you grow since you were just a boy and I know this will be good for you. Everyone needs a life companion." He stated calmly. Byakuya was quiet, and kept his composure.
He breathed easily then slowly shut his eyes as he bid his grandfather a goodnight, he bowed, "I will see you tomorrow Ginrei-san." He spoke politely, bowing. He made his leave towards the farer corner of the Kuchiki estate as people in the estate and around others began lighting their lanterns for the darkness.
Rukia quietly crept through the corridors of the Kuchiki estate; she slowly and carefully pulled back a door as not to make any noise. This way she could make her way to her bedroom without waking anyone and causing a disturbance. She slipped through it and slid it closed behind her, now she was outside in the opening to the garden. Cherry blossom trees freely rustled in the cool night breeze.
Rukia walked cautiously on the wooden floorboards and held a hand on her scabbard as her eyes shifted about rapidly.
How she had sneaked out of the compound after the hundredth try was a miracle to her.
"Rukia?" a voice came from behind her; this was not the voice of Renji. Rukia froze on the spot, mid-way between taking another step. She rested her heal back against the floor and whipped her head around to meet a familiar face.
Ginrei's long hair was matte and grey, the wind whistled through it. "It is late out Rukia." He simply put it; Rukia swallowed an waited to be told off as she knew she shouldn't have been out of her bed let alone the compound. She looked at Ginrei apologetically as he waltzed towards her with his ever so commanding presence.
He had slid shut the door behind him, the same Rukia had come through and stopped a few feet towering above the Shinigami.
"You are aware the Kuchiki clan had a meeting earlier today?" he asked Rukia aphetically.
Rukia was surprised. "Yes Ginrei-sama." She answered politely. Ginrei looked the short girl up and down for a moment, she stilled in his company. He observed her uniform, same as always. Black overlapping white, usual footwear, Geta. Her sword neatly tucked into place, resting on her hip, her hand still grasping it firmly.
"The topic of your standing in the clan arose," he began as his gaze returned to her large violet eyes, Rukia frowned slightly and hoped for the worst. "And as you are still unmarried to this day, we began discussing possible outcomes for your future." She swallowed.
She briefly looked down and nodded in understanding. An honour bestowed before you Rukia, don't ruin this.
"It is best I don't waste my time or yours, and get straight to it." And then her violet eyes returned to Ginrei's old and worn face. "We have decided to allow you marriage to another noble." He said neutrally.
Rukia allowed a pause before she replied. "Yes Ginrei-sama, I understand." Rukia continued eye contact with the man, although it became a chore for her to keep her displeasure from arising on her face. A thought suddenly protruded her mind.
Her eyes trailed away. "Is Nii-sama aware of this?" she said, forgetting her thoughts sometimes escaped her lips without notice.
"As a matter of fact," Rukia's ears pricked up and her eyes widened more, "Byakuya was present. And we have decided on your union, the ceremony will be soon and you two will marry by the end of the next month." He specified shortly.
Rukia's breath suddenly hitched as felt the incredible urge to stop time and figure out what he had just said. Her fingers became numb even as she tried to wiggle them under her long Shinigami sleeves. "Marry…Nii-sama?" she repeated. Her head drooped and her eyes remained large and stunned. She was sure she heard him wrong.
"Yes." Ginrei said, "Do you have any objections?" he asked cocking an eyebrow. His voice was loud; Rukia hated to make eye contact again.
"I…I…no…b-" she began, looking up to the man again but he was finished.
"Good, you may return to your room now." He said clearly and vociferously. Rukia felt the sudden urge to bow and she did so graciously. The grey man passed her quietly.
"Ginrei-sama." She whispered respectfully as he passed.
Slowly the colour drained from her already pale face. What had she just said yes to? "Marry…Nii-sama?" she repeated the moment the sound of the door came to her ears.
Rukia found herself in disbelief. Her world was spinning in a different direction. Thoughts of her friends and of the clan filled her mind; it was too much for her at the current moment. Rukia grabbed her robes where her heart was and breathed deeply, her vision became hazy and blurred.
Byakuya watched from the top of his bedroom, Rukia still standing dumbfounded as Ginrei had left her to wallow in her own destructive thoughts. He quickly pulled his curtains over his window and retreated to bed at once.
"Haven't you heard?" the town whispered. There was a long chatter to fill the stores, the markets and schools. And soon even all of the captains of their divisions came to give into the chatter.
"Heard? What's happened?" others would ask obliviously. And soon their answers would come to them.
"Kuchiki-san is getting married!" How had the news even spread?
By nosey rumour.
"I heard she's a noble!"
"A noble of course, nothing less for Byakuya-kun!"
"I wish it were me!"
"Who is it?"
"Who is it?"
"Here." Renji said passing a shop keeper some coins, he flashed a kind smile and took his bag of goods. Whilst doing so Renji caught a whiff of the excitement spreading through Seireitei. He had wondered all morning the reason why people were so busy buzzing about.
And just as this revelation had come to the redhead; Ichigo made his way over. "Ohayo, Renji." He said waving towards the other man.
"Renji?" Ichigo said again. Renji was frozen in thought. Ichigo waved a hand in front of his face and made a few annoying sounds to receive the attention he craved. Then he punched Renji in the arm.
"What the hell was that for you asshole!" Renji then yelled angrily.
"Well you weren't responding, standing there like a dumbass." Ichigo smiled smugly.
"What the hell…" Renji whispered again.
"What's wrong with you this morning? Rukia dump you again?" he asked haughtily. He laughed at the thought and began walking away.
"We are not going out!" he screamed. "Hey!" Renji quickly followed him through a crowd of rabid shoppers.
"What is everyone so hyper about today?" Ichigo said to himself, not bothering much to see if Renji was even still around. He looked from side to side, watching happy people with bags and bags of shopping items.
Renji caught up with his friend and smacked Ichigo's shoulder and pulled him back towards him, Ichigo smacked Renji back. "For God's sake would you stop doing that?" Renji said annoyed. Ichigo raised an eyebrow.
"You hit me!" he replied.
"Look, I thought it was just me but it seems that there's something going. And I can't quite figure it out." Renji explained.
"I know," Ichigo answered. "All these people are going mad, running about and buying stuff. Is there a sale on or something?" he asked.
"Ssh!" Renji then said quickly, holding a hand in front of Ichigo's mouth.
"What the hell is wrong with you Renji? You just asked me a-" Renji covered the loud boy's mouth and with a finger he pointed to a shop keeper and customer parallel to them. The two listened into the conversation.
"I know! I just had to go out and buy some nice clothes for the wedding! Thought I could beat the crowd before anyone else found out but dearie me I wasn't alone!" a young lady laughed to the man behind a counter, she held the hand of an infant by her side who was sucking their thumb. In her other hand she held multiple large bags, straining with groceries and clothing.
"Who's getting married?" Ichigo mumbled under Renji's hand.
"Ssh!" Renji said to him eyeing him angrily.
"It's such short notice but I knew to expect shoppers the moment dawn broke this morning!" the man laughed, he was a short bald man with a large smile. "So many couples are coming through the market getting ready. The ceremony can't be too far away now; you know what the Kuchiki are like. We simpletons hear the last of the big news when everything is planned already." He said chattily. The woman laughed and agreed.
"Kuchiki?" Renji said under his breath. Ichigo slapped his hand from his mouth.
"You're lucky, if your hand had been there any longer and I would have licked you." Ichigo said with annoyance. "What did we just find out?" he asked Renji stupidly. Renji scowled at him.
Renji seemed just as confused still, propping is grocery bag under an arm he tapped the young lady on her shoulder. She turned to him and politely said, "Yes?"
"Um…excuse us, we couldn't help but over hear you talking about the wedding?" Renji started scratching his head nervously. This couldn't be just a normal wedding for everyone to be riled up about it. Renji could only think of a few instances where people would be reacting like this.
"Oh yes, I'm sure you of all people are getting ready for it?" she exclaimed. Ichigo stood in shock that the woman could even recognise Renji and didn't pay him any mind.
"What's happening? Married, who and who?" he said quickly. The woman looked at him in disbelief as did the bald man behind the counter.
"Are you making a joke?" she asked cheerfully.
"No we aren't making a joke!" Ichigo said loudly. The woman didn't even turn to him.
Renji gave her a vacant stare. "You really don't know?" she asked. Renji shook his head, why was he the last to know something if it involved the Kuchiki?
"Kuchiki Byakuya is getting married soon." She put it simply, "You didn't know that? That's why everyone is out buying things to get ready." She said motioning rabid buyers behind her.
"Yeah." The bald man agreed.
"Married?" Renji exclaimed loudly, he turned to Ichigo who seemed just as shocked, his mouth wide open. "I didn't know he was seeing anyone." He breathed in disbelief, he seemed to be thinking of anyone in particular his captain could be getting married to. Had he been secretly seeing somebody?
"Are we talking about the same Kuchiki? You aren't kidding are you?" he said looking at her deadly serious face now, "Kuchiki Byakuya is getting married." He clarified.
"Yes that's what I said." the woman continued, with a slightly irritated tone now.
Then the lady turned back to the bald man and started up a conversation again. Renji turned to Ichigo, his mouth still agape in shock. "I think she's taking the piss Renji." He stated rudely.
"Wait a minute wait a minute!" Renji said loudly. The woman once again turned to him, her face was full of aggravation as she was interrupted a second time.
"Who is he marrying?" he asked.
The woman opened her mouth then slowly shut it. "Well…actually, I'm not sure." She turned to the bald man. "Do you know who it is?" she asked him, he shook his numbly and looked back to Ichigo and Renji.
"Nope. No idea." Hadn't anyone thought that factor may have been important?
A few days had passed over the city and Seireitei was thriving was enthusiasm but no matter how much Renji looked for Rukia; she was not stopping for anyone.
"Rukia?" he yelled waving his arms, but Rukia had either not heard him as she slipped away into the compound once more or she was deliberately avoiding him in hopes to be left alone.
"Don't you think this is odd though?" Ichigo asked in him finally when the news of the marriage was revealed.
"Odd? What do you mean?"
"That they're siblings and getting married, that's-"
"I know what you mean but no, clans even now are still as traditional as they can be without being just ignoble."
"Forget it." Renji said motioning what he had just said, away.
"Why isn't she putting up a fight? Why didn't she say no?" Renji sighed, hoping Ichigo would have just dropped the subject.
"No? Are you crazy, Rukia might not want this but she'd be asking to be ridiculed the rest of her existence if she turned the offer down." Renji said, I can't believe I'm defending this. He grabbed his cup of drink and swigged back the remaining liquid quickly. As it hit the back of his throat, he winced and clenched his jaw to stomach the strength of the alcohol.
He continued. "I wouldn't tell her but I've heard of all the marriage offers she's gotten, Byakuya wouldn't even tell me 'cause I know he doesn't trust me around her. Thinks I'm trying to pop the question to her one day." He laughed nervously.
"I don't get it, why wouldn't they tell her she's getting offers?" Ichigo said obviously. Renji shook his head and sighed loudly, you just don't get it.
"Because clans like to keep it their way, in the clan. They would either intermarry in the clan or marry other nobles. I wouldn't be surprised if the four noble clans were related somehow although I know they'd never accept the idea. They think marriage is for parents and elders to arrange only." Renji said. "And because she is considered a noble being in the Kuchiki clan, all offers go through the elders first."
Ichigo thought for a moment about what Renji was saying, he shuddered. "Intermarry? That's gross, who'd want to marry their own flesh and blood?" Ichigo said. Renji shrugged.
"Most wouldn't, and they don't do it anymore. Not the Kuchiki anyway," he paused a moment. "She won't get a better offer now mostly 'cause no one'd challenge a Kuchiki when it comes to marriage. Unless they were mentally unstable of course, plus they ain't really brother and sister, you know that." Renji clarified. Ichigo nodded lazily.
"Don't you know how much trouble he got into when he married Hisana?" Renji continued.
"Hisana?" Ichigo repeated, the memory came back to him slowly as he nodded hesitantly. "Rukia's sister?" he didn't even remember if it had been Orihime or Rukia herself who told him about it, all he remembers was that no one spoke of her.
"He was never allowed to marry her; he did it even though he knew he'd get into trouble." Renji said. "If he wasn't as strong and wealthy as he was, the clan probably would have tried disowning him for it."
Ichigo sighed noisily and put his head in his hands. "I feel so sorry for her," he mumbled. "This is going to be so weird, her marrying her adoptive brother and brother in law…in effect." Ichigo said looking to Renji briefly. "Why are people buzzing so much about marriage for? Why is it so important for him to get married to her?" he asked.
"I don't know but I've tried talking to her and I know she's been avoiding me. I can't say I blame her, I think we should all give her time." He said maturely. He looked away into the distance with a foreign expression on his face, Ichigo watched him. And Renji watched Ichigo from the corner of his eye, watching him.
A/N: Please leave me a review or pm once you're done reading, it helps me a whole bunch! Until next time…