Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers

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(More random crack with Primus and Unicron, they are so fun to mess with, Primus especially XD. Enjoy!)

===Autobot Base= ARK= Conference Room 1= Weekly Rota Meeting (mark 2)===

Primus rolled his optics as Optimus squirmed under his scrutiny. "Why do you want the Matrix?" the Prime asked as the God became more irritated, a heavenly glow of blue, white, red and gold meshing together in his optics.

"I need to talk with the other Primes." He rumbled as Unicron snickered behind him, his twin enjoying his temper tantrum immensely after he had had to repair the entire table of Prime's crashed officers. "Since I have no idea what's going on, those old codgers might know something."

"But they're mortals." The present Prime protested even as he obeyed the command of his god and extracted the Matrix from his chest. "How would they know?"

"It records everything, Knowledge, memories…" Primus said, allowed himself to smirk smugly as he poked the orange metal encasing the glittering crystallised knowledge of the Prime's, "Did you know that I originally created this to store the memories of the First Thirteen as younglings? I wonder if the stuff I recorded is still in here…"

Prowl, the logical driven SIC of the Autobots managed to suppress a crash without frying too many of his logic chips as he struggled to put two and two together, "Are you telling us that the Matrix is a camcorder?"

"Precisely." Unicron nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe, baring his fanged denta in a devil's grin as the Autobot's ideals of the 'holy, all powerful' Matrix shattered into fines grains of sand.

"But the wisdom of all the Primes is in there!" Ratchet protested, "How can it be a camcorder ?"

"It is a camcorder, I should know, I created the thing." Primus snorted, tapping the crystals at the centre that gave out a high coughing whine before a hologram was emitted onto the table, the video of thirteen little demi-gods playing on a giant mound of building blocks filling the conference table. "Aww, they were so cute at that age." Primus sighed wistfully.

"Are you dragging out the home videos again?" a voice whined from within the Matrix making the Autobots around the table jump, "Creator! Stop embarrassing us!"

"Oh, Prima stop being such a femme." Primus snickered as the Matrix glowed with a godly aura and hovered out of the God's servo, the ghostly apparition of the first Prime standing sulking before the bots as the God of Transformers turned to the table with a grin, his mood improving at the sight of his eldest and first creation. "This camcorder can also channel the dead."

"Hi, Prima." Unicron snickered waving joyfully from where he had couched out on a shadow couch, a little demon mech popping out of nowhere to serve the Pit ruler a drink of some poor planet's core. "I must say I prefer you as an adult than the little brat you used to be."

"Isn't he supposed to be in the pit somewhere Creator?" Prima scowled at the Chaos Bringer spitefully.

"Your Uncle is staying right where he is. The worst he can do under my watch is possibly eat a minibot when I am concentrating on something else." Primus replied neutrally, offering his twin a glare over his shoulder as Optimus sent a memo to the minibot population of the ARK to either hide in a ventilation shaft until the gods vacated earth or tag along with Skyfire or one of the larger mechs for protection.

The Dark God waved innocently earning a sour look from the ghost of Prima, "But really Creator, stop dragging out the home videos. Megatronus can only handle so much embarrassment without having a hissy fit."

"Ah, yes," the Chaos Bringer grinned, his green optics flashing with a cheerful light that Primus had only ever seen when Unicron was talking about one of two things, Planet Eating or teasing Primus about the Betrayer of the Thirteen, the Prime of darkness, Megatronus. "How is my favourite nephew?"

"Doing better since I turned him back into a sparkling and erased his memories." The Good God of the Transformers muttered with a scowl, he was clearly still a little touchy over the subject of The Fallen.

"If I might interject?" Optimus asked as Red Alert began to mutter about 'hallucinogen in the energon' and something about 'Wheeljack's fault'. "Could you three take this outside? We have a schedule to keep, and I would prefer it if you didn't traumatise my officers while we are in the middle of rearranging the weekly rota, Jazz apparently has a new game he wants us to try after we finish."

The saboteur nodded, bouncing excitedly in his seat as he withdrew a box from his subspace and slid it into the centre of the table, the video of the first Thriteen as younglings dissolving around it, "Pack up the datapads mechs! We're playing Tiddlywinks!"