Just a little snippet of an epilogue.

e watched her for several moments as she slept, still completely in awe of where they now were. Months of tension, and then months of separation followed by his health scare. It was amazing that they even arrived at this point.

Gillian shifted onto her side with a cute little groan and nestled closer to him. Her face was void of makeup and completely flawless. Peaches and cream with that wonderful spray of freckles. He liked her without makeup. It gave her a vulnerablity and openness that she normally didn't allow. It was a point of trust. They'd gotten to know one another quite well since last night. He'd discovered she had two tiny little birthmarks. One on her hip and one on her lower back. She also had a scar on her knee from when she fell on the playground as a little girl. Of course he now had fewer secrets as well. He had a birthmark on the back of his shoulder, several scars that made her bite her lip and when she was nibbling his neck, she'd taken notice that he'd had his ear pierced at one time. Funny she hadn't noticed that before. Fear of getting too close he supposed.

Of course the discovery hadn't just been physical. They'd talked and it was intimate on so many levels. Truths slipped through that probably hadn't seen the light in many years. The wonderful thing about it was that they were now comfortable with full disclosure. Close friends and now lovers. He couldn't ask for anything better.

Cal carefully slipped out of bed, pulled on some pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt and headed downstairs.

Emily had called around midnight last night. Fortunately it had been when they were raiding the kitchen in search of a late evening snack. Lots of energy out meant energy in. They'd been insatiable. He smirked at the memory.

There was something in his voice that had made his daughter instantly alert. But in a good way. There had been nothing accusatory in her tone. Nothing that asked 'now what did you do?' It was a simple acknowledgement. A soft intake of breath followed by: "You're happy dad." Not even a question. He'd been quiet, rolling it around in his head and his answer had been equally soft. "Yeah."

He wasn't sure what brought him downstairs at this point. It was late afternoon and everything was so very quiet. But it was a different kind of quiet. Before, the silence had been in direct conflict with all the noise in his head. He'd felt like he was being deafened before and now…

Wandering into the kitchen, he poured himself some juice before stepping in front of the sliding glass door that was his portal to his garden…and to the hot tub. Another smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth before being subdued.

Snow that had been falling steadily throughout the day had finally lightened to flurries. He watched as they fluttered here and there, aimless on the soft breeze. He wondered how many people lived their lives like that.

There was a quiet slip of movement before loving arms wrapped around him from behind and gentle lips pressed his neck right below his right ear. He leaned his head against hers and continued to stare out the window.

The silence was finally a comfortable one.