So have you been watching Jersey Shore lately? I watch it every Thursday when it comes on (: Only a few left though ): . But after that the Pauly D Project will be on! They even finished shooting Snooki and Jwoww's show too.
A question for you, do you believe all the pregnancy rumors about Snooki? I don't know whether or not to but they keep coming up.
Thank you for all the reviews because it motivates me to write more.
Sorry for such a long wait, I truly am sorry but my life is busy! Busier than ever, like I have school, then two hours later drivers training, then two days a week after drivers training I was driving for another two hours. On top of having two AP classes and prepping for our PLAN test (a practice ACT test, but it is taken SERIOUSLY, so serious we have been prepping for three weeks and it's not even the actual ACT!) After that I have five other classes that always give homework! Like I have homework in fashion design most of the week.
This was just a really bad time and I promise I will be posting more frequently because of more time and I think my writers block is over. Yay!
Pauly and Jenni starred into each other's eyes.
"You don't know how long I have wanted to do that." Pauly said making Jenni blush.
They cuddled on the couch that was on the sky deck for a while.
"I'm getting tired, so I'm going to go to bed… you can come with me if you want." Jenni said getting up.
"I'll come." Pauly said standing up and kissing her. It felt so good to just be able to do that.
They went in Pauly's room and got in his bed that was placed next to Vinny's, who was sleeping.
"I could sleep here every night." Jenni said as Pauly wrapped his arm around her.
"So you can sleep with me?" he asked with a smirk.
"No your bed is just comfier." She answered making Pauly get fake upset.
"I'm just kidding." She said hugging him.
"If you guys keep talking all lovey dovey I'm going to go get in Jenni's bed. I can't take this when I'm trying to sleep." Vinny said from his bed.
"Don't be jealous Vin, just because I found someone else." Pauly joked making both Jenni and Vinny laugh.
Soon after the talking died down as sleep washed over them. Pauly and Jenni slept good that night, in each other's arms without Jenni feeling guilty.
"Hey Jenni," Pauly said lightly shaking the brunette that was sleeping in his bed. "We have to work today."
Jenni slowly woke to see Pauly standing above her, she loved waking up like this.
They got ready by throwing on t-shirts and sweatpants. They were both glad to see that no one in the house was awake to see them walking out of the same room. They were holding hands as they walked out the door. Then the two headed to the t-shirt shop where Danny, the boss was waiting.
Pauly and Danny opened the doors then Jenni helped put the displays up with them. It started raining almost as soon as they were done setting up. So they knew it would be an easy day.
Jenni was sitting on the step up to the worker booth, watching Pauly sell a t-shirt to one of the few people who actually came out today.
She didn't like that when the girl handed him the money to pay, she also handed him a piece of paper with her number.
She rolled her eyes when the girl started giggling like an idiot. It surprised her at how jealous she got and almost possessive over Pauly.
After the girl left Pauly came and sat next to Jenni. "Hey," he said.
"Hey" she said with a bit of jealousy in her tone. Which she tried to hide but came out anyway.
"What's wrong?" He asked then realized why she had an attitude. She was jealous. "Oh, that girl that gave me her number? You're jealous?" Pauly teased.
She turned away from him. "I'm not."
"Come here, she is just a girl. She was not anything special. I threw it away. I can't help how much she was attracted to my swag." Pauly said smiling.
Jenni turned around back towards him and she was laughing. "Really Pauly?"
"You know you love it." Pauly smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"Maybe." And she placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Do you want to go to lunch after this?" He asked.
"Sure." She said smiling at him.
After a while Danny came over to them and let them out of work early since no one was coming to the store.
It stopped raining but there still weren't many people out. They stopped at a small restaurant on the boardwalk to have lunch.
They got seated at a booth and began looking through the menu.
Jenni was telling the waitress what she wanted when Pauly was admiring her. He had waiting almost two years to finally have Jenni single and have the chance to be with her. It felt good to just hold hands everywhere they went. Pauly didn't picture himself as much of a romantic, but Jenni made him feel like he was. He couldn't believe how ecstatic he was just to be sitting here right now with her.
The waitress left with their orders and that is when Jenni noticed Pauly starting at her. Her cheeks turned a bright scarlet color and she let out an embarrassed giggle.
"You're beautiful you know that?" He asked which made her blush more.
"Thank you." She said smiling at him.
"I'm glad you let me take you out to lunch, for a moment there I thought you were going to say no." Pauly smiled at her.
"Do you honestly think I would have said no?" Hearing Jenni say that only made Pauly's smile grow bigger.
"Probably not, I'm just too hard to resist." He answered making Jenni play hit him.
"Whatever." Jenni said giggling.
The two enjoyed each other's company at the restaurant eating together. They finished and Pauly paid but not without Jenni protesting not to. She eventually let him and they made their way back the house holding hands.
Jenni couldn't ignore the fact that the closer they got to the house the more anxious she got, no one really knew about Jenni and Pauly's feelings for each other besides Nicole and Vinny. And right now her and Sam were not on the best of terms so she would be judging. Also ever since Deena got here she has had a huge crush on Pauly, but Pauly never returned the emotion. Ron may have been her confider but Sam caused problems with that.
Pauly noticed that the closer they got to the house, the slower Jenni walked. He also noticed that she seemed a bit nervous.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing, it is just you know it is going to be weird going into the house, with everyone judging and all." She said brushing her bangs out of her face.
"When have you cared about what other people thought of you?" Pauly asked stopping her.
"I don't, but I mean we live with them." Jenni said.
"Yeah well you gives a fuck?" Pauly asked making her smile.
Pauly boosted her confidence. Almost back to where it was before Tom destroyed it. She realized she didn't give a damn about what other people thought.
"I don't." She answered and kissed him.
They walked up the steps to the house and went inside.
Nicole who was on the phone seen them and immediately hung up.
"You guys are so cute! When you smush can I watch?" she said excitedly.
"If you want," Jenni said laughing at her crazy friend.
"Where did you guys go?" Nicole asked and they sat on the couch.
"Out to lunch on the boardwalk."
"Awwww, you should just smush now!" Nicole said laughing. "Do you guys want to go play? We should go hang out on the boardwalk or something."
"I'm gonna ask Vinny if he wants to go." Pauly said going to the room he shared with Vinny. "Yo, you want to go to the boardwalk with us in a few pimp?"
"Yeah, I'm ready." Vinny replied.
Pauly sat on his bed while Vinny sat on his, "So you and Jenni?" Vinny asked with a smile.
"Well we have been hanging out a lot." Pauly smiled, he was so happy about how much time they were spending together and he started to blush.
"You are crazy over her." Vinny chuckled at how his friend was acting. He had never seen him act like this about any other girl but Jenni.
"Kinda…" Pauly even laughed at himself with that one.
"Why don't you make her your girlfriend?" Vinny asked what he thought would be the obvious thing to do.
"You know I'm not good with relationships, I always end up hurting the girl and feeling bad for it." Pauly looked at his hands sadly. He knew he was not boyfriend material, at least not yet.
"But if you love her this much, she shouldn't be a hit it and quit it, you know?" Vinny always was so wise. He always knew what to say to someone and he gave great advice.
"Yeah, I got to think about this." And with that Vinny knew it was his cue to leave Pauly to think this one out.
Vinny walked into the girls room where Nicole and Jenni were getting ready.
"You guys take forever to get ready, we are just going on the boardwalk not the runway." He commented earning an eye roll from Jenni and a 'shut up' from Nicole.
After the four were ready they left the house to go on the boardwalk.
Pauly held onto Jenni's hand the whole time they were walking. It felt right, good, like their hands were meant for each other.
"It is a good idea to go to the bar I feel." Nicole said as she stared into every bar we passed walking around.
They decided to go with Nicole's idea and go to the bar where they had a few drinks and chilled together.
After drinking for a little they headed home. Everyone was tired so they went their ways. Jenni went with Pauly into his bed, Vinny in his bed, and Nicole in her bed.
It seemed like everyone in the house was fast asleep except Jenni. She wasn't even tired but everyone else was.
Pauly was fast asleep next to Jenni but she had so much going through her head. She had longed for this moment ever since the day she laid eyes on the guido. She fell in love with his humor and personality. Flashbacks of all the times they sent flirtatious looks or words to each other came running to her mind. These were the moments she loved. The ones she longed for even if she was in a relationship. Some of them she was glad that they were off camera so that some of their tender moments would be private and theirs. These moments were her light in a seemingly place of darkness… or Tom.
(Season 1 – Jenni's POV)
Reality TV. I have always been a reality TV junkie. That's what most of the shows I watched were so getting the chance to be on one myself was pretty cool. Who knows if it will even make it on MTV but it was worth a shot.
I parked my car in the driveway that led up to my new 'shore house', or at least that is what everyone called it. I'm moving in with seven other people; four boys and three girls. I haven't met a single one since we were not even aloud to have any contact with them until the first day we got to the house. I never really thought there were a lot of rules to reality TV with the producers and all, but there are.
Two cameras followed me up the stairs as I pulled a few things with me and into the house.
I was welcomed by a tan girl with the name of Sam. She definitely was the type of girl I beat up, but I will give her a chance. A muscular guy named Mike said hey and he was a little cocky. Vinny looked so little and cute almost like a little brother.
Then there was Pauly. He was my type. Muscles, tan, and a diehard guido, juice head, gorilla, one that played by the rules of the guido handbook. He didn't mess around. I would have claimed him as mine but I already had a guy wrapped around my finger. That didn't mean I couldn't play around though, did it?
The first night there we kind of chilled out. Snooki got really drunk and looked like a complete whore. Then came the second night, we were all ready to go to the clubs and get drunk.
Even though I was on again and off again with Tom I still flirted with Pauly the whole night. We grinded and danced dirty till we got to kissing which led to making out. What the two minutes of time that scene was on the episode didn't show, was that we were together almost the whole night. Dancing together, drinking together, and just about everything you did at a club together.
Even the walk home from the club we held hands and he gave me a piggyback ride.
When we got to the house is when I may have taken it too far. I mean I just met the kid and I followed him to his room. I felt bad that I teased him the whole night. We kissed and I loved every second of it. He rubbed his hands up and down the length of my body which made me only want him more.
But after seeing his penis the second day of meeting him I decided that maybe it wasn't the time to be having sex with him. Especially when me and Tom's relationship wasn't
completely over. This wasn't the best first impression. We were the first people in the house to 'hook up'.
I'm never shy but saying goodbye and dipping out of his room I was so shy when I sneaked out. He said 'goodnight sexy' right before I left which sent my heart racing. That was one of the last times we were that intimate with each other. Now thinking back on it I regret not sleeping with him ;)
So that is how I'm going to do some of the next chapters. They are going to be where Pauly and Jenni have flashbacks of their flirtatious gestures toward each other. Some will be made up or some exaggerated scenes from the show. I hope you liked it and please review.
Don't hate me because it took forever ):