So, I was pondering on whether I should put this one up as a oneshot or not. I decided that it was just way too short, and that I should just combine with my other short Hope/Light onefic I put up a while ago.
What Pictures Can Tell You
There, on his desk, was a nice picture frame. The wooden carvings on it were antique, yet elegant, and he personally liked how it compliemented the picture. It was not a family picture - he saved the family picture of his walet. It was a picture of a young Hope Estheim - perhaps ten years ago or so - and a young woman.
Sazh had gotten the picture for him - it must have been a difficult feat, but this was Sazh Katzroy of all people. And Sazh was a very, very determined individual, despite his witty cynicism at times.
"How did you get this? I don't ever recall us taking pictures during those days..."
"Boy," Sazh had laughed at his question, "We were saving all of humanity with a ticking timebomb basically strapped inside us. We probably didn't have any time to do such a thing. But... we were caught on tape during those days."
"Tape?" Hope had replied.
"At Palumpolum. You and miss soldier were caught on national television. I saw it at Nautilus," he pointed at the hovering crystal over their heads, "Took me a long time to get these - was almost impossible with Cocoon being a mess after everything that went down. And all I could find were pictures, never the actual footage. But hey. Better than nothing, don't you think?"
Hope sighed, remembering what Sazh had told him and glanced over to the picture. Inside was a tall, beautiful woman - glaring directly at the viewer. She held an aura of strenght, of swift elegance. Slightly behind her stood himself - the look in the eyes was a strange mixture of fear and determination.
Her eyes had a spark of drive and boldness in them - she defied her fate, and drove him to defy it as well.
He wondered when he'll be see those bright eyes once again.