Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated any of my stories! Work has been utterly INSANE and I've been so exhausted at night that I haven't had the energy to write anything. I was actually trying to write something completely different when this just literally popped out and wrote itself. Sorry if it totally sucks! I have a four day weekend this weekend (i'm having minor surgery on friday) so I'm hoping to get a new chapter of We Weren't Crazy up AND I have something HUGE planned for All You Need Is Love. Hope you guys enjoy this! :)

OH! ALSO! A big shout out to ~vividvictorious~ on tumblr for mentioning my story! I was so seriously touched that she mentioned my story! I hope you like this new chapter!

A raven haired toddler lays on the floor of the black and white nursery, her baby sister on a purple and green blanket. The newcomer, only a few days old, has her father's dark skin and his dark eyes, but her hair is a shade of light brown that matches their mother's. Lennon reaches out, patting her baby sister's back. "Hi, Hawpah," she coos as she shifts to lay down on her own belly, her nose practically touching the newborn's. "Yous yike it outside Mama's tummy?" she asks, frowning when her baby sister doesn't reply. She's not exactly sure why this new sister of hers isn't talking back to her, but she's not crying at the moment, so Lennon decides that she doesn't mind her. "Yous wants a song?" she moves closer and kisses her baby sister's cheek the way she's seen her daddy do and she giggles when the baby's face scrunches up in response. "You no yike da kisses?" she frowns for a moment, waiting for the reply that won't come. Lennon sighs, her three-year-old mind very unhappy at the moment that this little person is ignoring her.

As if on cue, Harper's dark brown eyes meet her sister's light blue ones and from the doorway of the nursery, Jadelyn Oliver makes a soft choking noise as she suppresses a sob as she watches the moment between her two daughters. Beckett Oliver tightens his arm around Jade's waist, pulling her closer as he kisses her cheek. There are tears in his own eyes as Lennon giggles and lightly pokes her sister's nose. "You do yike me!" she exclaims, her sister's eyes now locked on hers. "Me sings to you," Lennon whispers as she puts her arm around her baby sister's back, snuggling up against her. Jade has to press a hand against her mouth to stifle the sob this time, Beck's pearphone out and recording as Lennon starts to sing 'Let It Be' to her new sister. She doesn't sing all of the words correctly and half of them are in toddler-ese, but the fact that Lennon is sharing something that is uniquely hers (Jade never sang the song to Harper while Harper was in her womb the way she sang it to Lennon. Harper had her own song, The Fray's 'Heartbeat'). Beck kisses his wife's cheek, rubbing her side easily as they watch the scene before them.

Both parents had been worried when they'd found out their daughter was going to be a big sister. They'd been worried that Lennon would feel jealous or that she would be upset by the arrival of a new sibling. They had opted not to find out the sex of the baby the second time around, as they'd decided on a homebirth since Lennon's birth had been so uncomplicated. Beck had rather liked the idea of helping to catch their child and being the one to tell Jade whether they had another daughter or a son after seeing with his own two eyes what their newborn was. Jade had agreed, even though she'd accused Beck of being an utter sap. There had been a catch to her voice when she said it, though, so he'd known that she was happy with their arrangement. Harper's birth, however, hadn't exactly gone according to the plan they'd laid out. The plan had been to call the midwife when Jade felt she was getting close enough to delivery while Sikowitz took care of Lennon and Tori sat with the couple for moral support, the way she'd been there for Lennon's birth.

When her contractions had started, Jade had assumed she had several hours to go. After all, she'd been in labor for nearly ten hours after her water had broken with Lennon before she'd finally delivered the baby. She had just assumed that she'd have roughly the same amount of time. Beck had texted Tori, who had come over with the idea that she could get some laundry done or get a couple of meals cooked and frozen before Jade's labor really kicked off, but Sikowitz had been in a meeting and Beck had assured him that he didn't have to come home early, that they had plenty of time. Harper, however, hadn't agreed with their plan and now, watching their two daughters together, Jade let out a soft laugh as she remembered Harper's quick and sudden birth.

Tori was in the bedroom with Jade, folding a load of Lennon's clothes while Beck gave Lennon her evening bath. It was a little early, but he figured it was best to have her bath done before Sikowitz got home so he didn't have to worry about it. Jade's contractions had been fairly close together from the get-go, but they certainly weren't as painful as she remembered them being with Lennon. "Did you guys decide on names yet?" Tori looked up from a dress she was folding as Jade shook her head easily. "No girl's name yet, but we tentatively decided on Harrison for a boy," she suddenly broke off with a deep and gutteral moan, her eyes widening in surprise as she groped for Tori's hand. Tori reached over and quickly grabbed Jade's hand, her eyes widening as she literally watched Jade's entire body tense. "Are you pushing?" she knew that she sounded shocked, she could hear it in her own voice. Jade had quickly nodded, letting out a deep whimper.

"BECK!" Tori had all but shoved the laundry basket off the bed and across the floor while she shouted for Beck. She helped Jade up out of the bed when Jade struggled to stand up. "We didn't get the sheets on the bed, Laura's supposed to be bringing them. If I have this baby on that bed, the mattress is fucked," Jade said. Tori couldn't help it and burst out laughing, covering her mouth with her hand. Jade raised an eyebrow, her expression a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "You're about to push out a baby, with no midwife and no supplies, and you're worried about your mattress?" she couldn't help but ask. Jade smirked, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm trying really, really hard not to freak out right now, so yes. I'm worried about the mat ..." she couldn't finish her sentence, her entire body tensing again as it gave an involuntary push. "Okay, okay. Just go with it, Jade. Don't fight it, okay?" Tori patted Jade's back, knowing that if her body was pushing on it's own then chances were, her body was ready and so was the baby. "BECKETT MATTHEW, GET IN HERE!" she shouted again.

Beck scooped Lennon out of the tub, throwing a towel around her as he raced down the hallway to their bedroom. "What?" he asked, exasperated, almost dropping Lennon when he saw Jade. "Are you frigging kidding me?" he set Lennon down on the floor and hurried over to Jade, pushing her hair out of her face. "You've only been in labor for like two hours! Your water didn't even break!" his voice was high pitched and slightly hysterical. Jade let out a whimper as the contraction died off and she stopped pushing. She grabbed Beck's face, pushing a hard and bruising kiss to his lips. "Stop freaking out and help me, okay?" she demanded. Beck just nodded quickly before moving to pull the bathroom floor mats up off the floor, tossing them aside. Tori moved over with a couple of pillows, propping them between the tub and the wall. Beck helped Jade down against the tile and Jade leaned back against the pillows, her face already covered with a thin sheen of sweat.

"Tor, get Lennon dressed, please!" Beck turned to look at her, Tori nodding quickly. Lennon, however, wasn't about to leave the room when she saw the state her mommy was in. Tori tried to pick her up to take her to her room, but she'd freaked out, kicking and hollering and trying to get to Jade. "Tor ... it's okay. She can stay," Jade hated to hear her baby in such distress and while she wasn't totally sure that her sibling's birth wouldn't traumatize Lennon for the rest of her life, she couldn't bear to listen to Lennon hysterically cry. Tori had nodded, grabbing pajamas and toddler sized underwear from the basket she'd been folding. After getting dressed, the little girl had run into the bathroom and over to her mother's side. She stood beside Jade, her little hand patting Jade's face. "Baby comin?" Lennon asked in a soft voice. Jade nodded, kissing her daughter's tiny fingers as Tori ran to get a couple of things, coming back with the nasal aspirator and several blankets.

"Ah! Shit! Beck!" Jade had cried out, moments before her body tensed again. "It's okay. Just push, babe," Beck encouraged her softly, having discarded the boxer shorts that she'd been wearing on her lower half. Jade grunted softly, clenching her teeth together as she gave another hard push. Tori shifted closer to Jade, one arm wrapping around Lennon's waist to hold the little girl close in case she got scared, her other hand reaching out for Jade. Jade gripped Tori's hand with a grateful look, her head dropping back against the bathroom wall as she panted hard, trying to catch her breath. "Babe, I can see the head," Beck told her after another round of pushing, looking up at her. "You're so, so close," he assured her, rubbing her leg easily. Jade nodded, turning her head for a moment to look at Lennon. Lennon gave her mama a tentative and slightly scared smile and Jade kissed her baby girl's cheek. "It's okay. Mama's okay," she whispered to Lennon. Lennon nodded, but her eyes widened moments later when Jade couldn't hold back her shriek of pain as another contraction wracked her body and she pushed hard enough to get the baby's head to crown.

Beck's eyes widened, swallowing thickly. "Easy, babe. Easy. I don't want you to tear, okay? Just ... push as slow as you can and the head will be out soon," he promised. Jade whimpered but nodded, swallowing hard as she tried to control her pushing. All of her senses were telling her to just bear down as hard as she could and get it over with, but she definitely didn't want to tear. Not without Laura there in case she needed help after. She grunted softly, pushing little by little until the head finally slipped free. Beck reached out, with shaking hands, to cradle the head, looking up at Jade. "The sac is still intact, but I think he or she has your hair, babe," he told her with a grin. Jade managed to return his grin with a smile of her own before another contraction hit. She bore down as hard as she could, the shoulders slipping free one after the other. The baby suddenly slipped out into Beck's hands and he quickly worked to free the baby from the caul and eased her up onto Jade's chest. Jade rubbed the baby's back, Beck ready with the aspirator in case it was needed but the baby let out a choking cough and started to wail unhappily.

"Oh no! Oh no! Bee-bee sad? No be sad, bee-bee," Lennon's hand had immediately reached out to pat her new baby sibling's back. "You no be sad, bee-bee," she cooed as Jade looked up at Beck, her eyes questioning. "It's a girl," he grinned at her, Jade gasping as she looked up at Lennon. "You have a sister!" she told her. Lennon gasped, her little hand reaching out to push her baby sister's legs apart. "Dat's a gina!" she exclaimed and Beck burst out laughing, covering his face with his forearm so that Lennon didn't get upset by his laughter. "Yes, that is a vagina. You have a sister!" Jade told her daughter. Tori grabbed a blanket and wrapped the baby in it while she was on Jade's chest, her pearphone out as she snapped several pictures in a row. Lennon didn't seem phased at all by the blood and goop of her sister's birth, her blue eyes locked on the new baby in her mama's arms. She leaned in, kissing her baby sister's cheek softly. "Hi, bee-bee. Me woves you," Lennon whispered, patting her baby sister's back. Jade let out a soft sob, shifting to wrap one arm around Lennon so she could hold both of her girls close.

Lennon looked up, giggling when she saw her parents. Her singing had put her baby sister to sleep and now Harper's back rose and fell with the tiny breaths she took. "Me put bee-bee to sweep!" she announced as she slid up and moved over to her parents. Beck lifted her easily, pressing a kiss to her cheek before holding her down so that Jade could kiss her. "You are the best big sister ever. Did you know that?" Jade whispered to her daughter, pressing several kisses to her cheek. Lennon giggled, ducking her head with a shy smile like she did anytime anyone praised her for something she had done. "Baby Harper is so lucky to have a big sister like you," Jade told her, pushing her fingers through Lennon's hair, tucking it out of her face. Lennon giggled, looking at Jade. "Hawpah woves me?" she asked. Jade bit her lip, cursing her hormones as more tears flooded her eyes. "Harper loves you a lot," she assured her daughter, moving her fingers through Lennon's hair again. "Good. Me woves Hawpah too," Lennon snuggled into Beck's arms, sticking her thumb in her mouth as she laid her head on her daddy's shoulder, her eyes dropping as her daddy rubbed her back, whispering his own words of love to her. Her sister was asleep, so now Lennon could sleep, content that the family's brand new tiny little human was safe and sound.