Disclaimer: Don't own Transformers


Prowl, like those in his group, braced himself for landing on the water covered planet they had heard so much about from the others.

One by one, each member of the group smashed into the rough surface of Planet Earth. Releasing himself from his pod, Prowl looked around at the welcoming committee, optics wandering around the figures to find one in particular. One of which he couldn't locate.

Where was he?

Someone had to be watching the base. That had to be where Jazz was. After all, Ratchet and Ironhide were been missing as well.

It didn't take long for them to reach the base. It had been a bit plain and not all that impressive. Yet, Jazz still didn't appear.

Following directions to the medbay, Prowl felt himself growing more and more tense, doorwings gradually stiffening up. Jazz had to be here. Prowl just knew it.

Upon opening the door, he spotted Ratchet right away, hovering over a bot he'd never seen before and yet the Cybertronian seemed oddly familiar. It didn't quite make much sense due to the fact that this bot didn't have any cannons. It couldn't be Ironhide. Yet he kept having a feeling that it was indeed him.

Looking off to the other side of the medbay, on a metal table off to the side lay the one bot he had been looking for. However, there wasn't even an ounce of spark left in the cold frame.

Prowl felt his optics watering up, Jazz was dead, by the looks of it; his body had been torn in two and then stripped of various parts. How that could have happened, Prowl didn't want to know. All he knew for sure is that it must have been excruciatingly painful.

Everything seemed to blur before the Head Tactician's optics, so much that he didn't catch the presence of a bot behind him. Softly the mech sung, "Ya are the one who lies close to meh. Whispers hello, Ah missed ya, Ah missed ya. Ah say hello, ya are here quite suddenly. When there is us, Ah'll be waitin' in yer arms. Here in yer arms."

Whipping around, Prowl found himself looking face to face with a new mech, one that sounded so similar to the Jazz he had fallen in love with.

"Speechless Ah see." The figure chuckled before tackling Prowl in a hug.


"Oh Prowler! Ah've missed ya!"

"What happened?"

Jazz explained how it was that he had nearly been killed in battle and how Ratchet performed a very risky operation that involved his spark chamber being swapped into a new frame, followed by various parts such as his CPU since his old frame was beyond repair. The new frame would end up going through upgrades and modifications until it was as good as if not better than his last frame.

Prowl, relieved, refused to let the third in command out of his sight, not wanting to lose the mech any time soon, which was perfectly fine by Jazz. It wasn't as if Jazz was planning on being separated from Prowl. He had a lot to teach the second in command, starting with the planet's music.

It wasn't until the unknown mech woke up that Prowl knew for sure who it was. Ironhide wasn't all that pleased to discover that having undergone a similar operation as Jazz, he ended up in a new frame with the alt mode of a red van.

Many were amused with the matter to say the least. Except Ironhide of course, but it was much better than being dead.