A/N: Heyo! This is my first FanFiction, so I hope you enjoy! It will only be two-three chapters long. =D

Wally's Thoughts



"Uncle Barry?" Wally's voice rang through the house, although failed to reach the Flash's ears. The ginger raised an eyebrow as he started up the stairs.

"Hello?" He pressed one foot on the first carpeted step, propelling himself to the next.

"Anyone home?" The question was swallowed in the silence of the small house. Not a single bristle of the bleach white carpet dared to move against the pale yellow walls.

Wally shrugged, deciding to try upstairs. The ginger ran a hand through his fiery red hair before speeding up the staircase, only to stop at the sound of his name.

"It's Wally, Irus…"

Kid Flash froze, ears perked to the direction of the voice, which he immediately classified as his Uncle's. The words weren't directed at him, but about him. They were coming from the far end of the hall, the white door the sound was originating from was closed.

"Wally?" This one belonged to his aunt.

"Yeah… his powers- they're different than mine."

The young speedster stiffened. He could sense the confusion that lingered in his mentor's voice.

"How?" Iris' tone surprised Wally. It was calm, as if she didn't believe what Barry was saying had a large impact on his life. Wally guessed she had put a comforting hand on his Uncle, but he didn't travel closer to the door. He was frozen, afraid a single move of a finger would give away his presence. He needed to know more.

"It could be because he developed super speed at such a young age…" Barry's voice trailed off, willing Wally to close in on the door to collect every word the older speedster was saying. "The other day, we were on patrol around the city. We were searching for Captain Cold, who had managed to escape from his last robbery."

Wally let his eyes slide to a close as he remembered that day.

"Captain Cold." I pointed out, motioning far across the street. The villain had just exited a tall, gray building. The white on his thick blue coat mimicked icicles as the fabric followed up to his head, providing a warm hood. The dark blue glasses that covered his eyes clashed with the bright yellow belt he wore around his waist. His white gloves gripped his famous ice gun.

Uncle Barry and I sped toward him, intent on capturing him for his recent crimes. The large gust of wind created by our speed knocked the rogue member toward the wall of the building.

"Hi there," I stood above Captain Cold, a smile etched upon my face, "Miss us?"

"Oh yes," The villain tightly clenched his gun and lifted it until it was pointing directly at me, "So much so, why don't we just freeze this moment?"

Quickly whipping around, I sped away, attempting to avoid the shot.

Wally cringed as he recalled the frigid crystals encasing his feet in ice.

I couldn't go. I couldn't move. I couldn't run.

I turned my head around to an unconscious Captain Cold. Smiling to myself, I spotted Barry sprinting toward me, and with a quick 'You okay?', he was soon breaking the ice with a small chisel. The second the last chunk of ice fell to the cement, the shattering signaling my freedom, I was off.

I was running.

But it wasn't me running. It was my powers running. I was like a toy car rolling down a steep hill. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop running.

Everything around me was a blur. Faint sounds strived to register in my brain.

"Wally!" My Uncle's voice lingered around me, barely loud enough to hear. "Wally, stop running!"

A strong grip pulled my arm back, my speed dissolving beneath my shoes. I shook my head to clear my vision. Everything around me grew faster as I continued to slow to a stop.

Wally's thoughts were interrupted by his Uncle's voice.

"Wally shrugged it off, convincing me it was only a defect of the ice. But I can't believe that. His powers… they're controlling him." Barry paused to let the story sink into his wife. "I think Wally is losing control of his powers. Fast."

There might have been a silence after that, Wally didn't know. The young speedster had left. He had run into his room, not wanting to know the rest.

Was his speed so powerful that it could control him? Was he losing control of his powers? – for good?

Kid Flash plopped on his bed, burying his face deep inside his bright, red pillow. He didn't want to know. He didn't want to lose control of his powers. He didn't want anything to change. Kid Flash was a part of him he couldn't lose. Deep in thought, Wally drifted off into sleep.


Wally slowly lifted his eyelids to the bright sunlight seeping through the curtains of his windows. Blinking a few times, he sat up. Opening his eyes fully, he noticed everything was….shaking? Everything was moving. Everything was blurry.

Was it everything? Or was it him?

The thought hit as he eyed his hands, blurry from the speed he was vibrating at.

Oh no.

The speed of the vibrations increased with the panic of the ginger. He could feel himself slipping through the thick mattress of his bed.

No, no, no, no, no.

"Uncle Barry!" Wally yelled out his name as he stood up, forcing himself to slow. He looked to his doorway to see the Flash staring at him in shock. "I-can't-stop-vibrating! I'm-going-too fast!" Barry took a step toward the younger speedster, whose words cluttered together at the speed he was attaining, looking for words to say.

"I'll contact Bats. Try not to slip through the floor." Barry sped out of his room to receive his communicator.

The thought never occurred to Wally. His molecules were seeping through the floor. They weren't going to stop. He was going to die.

Flash was back in a matter of seconds, communicator at hand. He had just gotten Batman's signal. "Batman. I need your help." Barry forced himself to talk at a normal pace, so the Dark Knight could understand his words. "It's Wally- he's going too fast. He can't stop vibrating. He can't control the speed. His molecules are going to slip through the floor!"

Wally couldn't hear Batman's response. He was contently focused on slowing down. Slow. Slow. Slow.

But speeds that fast aren't easy on your system. A wave of sourness pounded over the vibrating Kid Flash. Pains of hunger encased his stomach, warning him to stop. His head went light-headed, dizziness overwhelming his vision. But he couldn't stop. His surroundings seemed to close in on him, darkness engulfing his sight. He could barely see the world flipping around as the last bits of vision went black.

"Kid!" Barry's voice never made it to Wally's ears. His uncle watched the weary body hit the ground with a loud thump, limp from exhaustion. He turned back to his communicator, pressing it down with his index finger. "Bats, he went unconscious. I'll bring him to the Mount."

At least he had slowed down.


A/N: I hope you liked it! Oh- and reviewing? That's A-OK with me! ;)