A/N: This is the final chapter in the story. It is told in third person POV. I hope you all have enjoyed reading this. I have enjoyed writing it.
One year later...
Bella sat on the sand near the cave, soaking up as much sun as possible while she waited for Jake. He'd been on patrol the night before and had gone home to shower. Bella wondered what he was up to when she'd seen him earlier. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be back" he'd said. There was a hint of mischief in his eyes when he'd smiled at her as he left the beach. Bella had never liked surprises until Jake came along. She felt special knowing that he loved her and planned things to make her happy.
After a while, she decided to lie down. Just as she was about to doze off, Bella felt a warm hand on her face, cupping her cheek. She opened her eyes to see Jake smiling down at her. "Hi, beautiful" he said softly. "Hi" she beamed. She sat up and took him in. She gasped at how handsome he looked in khaki pants and a white button-up shirt that hung loosely on his body, the top three buttons open, exposing his russet skin. "Wow" she breathed. He smiled to himself, pleased with his choice of outfit for the occasion.
Jake took Bella's hands and lifted her so she was standing. He gazed into her eyes and shined his signature smile. "You know, we've been through a lot together, Bells" he began. "Yeah, we have" she replied. Images of the past year and half flashed quickly in her mind. Their first date, kissing Jake, his smile, Jake in wolf form, Bella riding on his back through the woods, making love. She smiled at her memories. "I wouldn't change a thing. You have brought so much joy to my life, Bells. I love you with all that I am" he said as he got down on one knee and took something from his pocket.
Bella's jaw dropped when she saw the small velvet box and realized what he was doing. "Bella Swan, my love...nothing would make me happier than to grow old with you at my side. Will you marry me?" He opened the box to reveal the ring that belonged to his mother. It was elegant and beautiful; a princess cut onyx surrounded by tiny, delicate diamonds.
Bella looked into his dark eyes, tears clouding her vision. She saw the love and the hope in his expression as he awaited her answer. "Yes, Jake. A thousand times, yes!" With that he slipped the ring on her finger and she leapt into his open arms and showered him with kisses. He hugged her tightly, swinging her around. His heart felt as if it would burst from his chest.
He gently put Bella back on the sand and kissed her tenderly. "Do you like the ring?" "I love it! It's perfect." she answered. "It was my mom's. Dad said she would have been proud to have you as part of our family". "So, I guess we should announce this to my dad. He might shoot you" Bella giggled nervously. "Nah...He gave me his blessing when I asked his permission last week" Jake smiled proudly. Bella was shocked. "Really?" "Yep, he loves me" Jake winked.
Bella grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer for a kiss. When she caught her breath afterwards she smiled bigger than she ever had. "I'm going to be Mrs. Black" she said. "Yes, you are" said Jake. He wanted to jump up and down like a little kid he was so happy. He then took her hand and they walked down the beach, talking about their future together.
The End
Thanks to all the readers. I really hope you enjoyed this little story and I hope you liked Jake & Bella in this. Please let me know what you thought of it. I love feedback! :)