Two Weeks Later

Jane and Lisbon stood in the warm sun. She held two bouquets of flowers in one hand and Jane's hand in the other. A lot had happened in the last two weeks. Police reports and interviews had been conducted into the death of Robert Spall, he was in fact Red John, they found trophies in his house. Jane was gonna be fine, the police weren't planning on charging him, these things just took time. Jane meanwhile had spent almost every day of those two weeks here apart from the few hours he had been interviewed and of course talking to the team. They knew of their relationship now they all agreed it had been building a while and was only a matter of time, she had threatened to suspend them all when she heard of the bet they had made of when they were finally admit they had feelings. Rigsby had won and said he'd take them all out for drinks with his winnings so she relented and all was forgiven.

Now though Lisbon knew why Jane was here, it was time for a final goodbye. He'd went to his home in Malibu, he'd kept momentos of them, all the furniture had been given to charity long ago and the house was on the market, all Charlotte's toys which Jane had kept in the attic were given to a children's hospital. While he sat and sorted through these things he shared his memories with her. Happy ones, how Charlotte would act on Christmas morning. Angela grumbling that he was as bad as her. How much Charlie had loved going to the beach with him and building castles. How Angela had found him arrogant at first but slowly warmed to him. It had been cathartic for Jane she knew and was honoured that he wanted her beside him while he went through the process.

"I think it's time you met them Lizzy." he whispered.

"God I hate that name!" she groaned.

He smiled and squeezed her hand. "Bet you feel like you know them already with how much I've talked about them lately."

Lisbon agreed, they had to be amazing for a man like Jane to love them so much.

"Angie would have loved you." he murmured. "She always wished she was stronger, able to handle me. Like you can. She'd love how you keep trying to put me in my place."


He stopped walking and looked at her. "That's what I let you think Teresa! We both know who wears the trousers in this relationship!" They shared a smile and continued walking.

Jane approached two specific stones. 'Angela Jane and Charlotte Jane'

Lisbon handed him the flowers and he knelt down between the stones unaware that dew was soaking into his trousers. Lisbon stepped back. Jane exhaled shakily.

"I know nothing I do will ever bring the both of you back. I'd do it if I could. Since I lost you my life became about finding him, getting him, stopping him. For you two I did it. Now you two can truly sleep. Rest easy in the knowledge that the monster who hurt you is gone." he swallowed. "I have so much to thank you two for, for our life before. All the happy times. The sound of the piano in our house, your singing Angie and Charlie's sweet laughter and chatter. That was the thing I missed most I think, the times I'd come home to the sound of both of you doing whatever you were doing." he lowered his voice to a whisper. "I know I have you to thank for Lisbon too. I know you sent her to me and wouldn't let her give up on me when most people would have ran to the hills. I don't know how you did it but you saved her for me, you made me go home and for that…." he exhaled. "I don't know what I'd do without her. She brought me to life again after losing you both." he wiped a stray tear from his eye. "I just want you both to know that I love you so much and I kept my promise. The next promise I make is that I will never forget you both." he laid a bunch of flowers at the base of each stone. Pressed a palm onto each one, closed his eyes for a second. No sounds penetrated this time. He was alone with his wife and daughter. The only thing he felt was the cold stone beneath his palm. He then sighed and stood up.

"Jane?" Lisbon asked. "You ok?"

He smiled a small smile and approached her. "Yeah." twined her hand with his. They made their way across the cemetery to where their car was parked. Lisbon heard someone call her name behind her.

2 people stood in the shade of a large tree. A tall blond woman with dancing eyes and a child who looked like a miniature version of Jane. The child held her mums hand, waved at Lisbon.

'Take care of him Teresa.' Angela asked so only she could hear.

Lisbon nodded, 'Like you did me.' She answered silently.

Lisbon blinked and they were gone. She looked back ahead and clutched her cross and chain.

"Lisbon?" Jane asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing. C'mon lets get home."

A/N ok people this is it :) finito, with a happy ending hope you enjoyed it, thanks to all my reviewers, you guys r all great x