He leaned against the bathroom door, his eyes so wide they threatened to fall out of their sockets, and accessed the situation.
'I just walked in on Annie Edison in the bath. Reactions. I need reaction scenes. Think, think!
Chandler made uncomfortable references to Rachel's... breasts for a hole episode. I definitely couldn't do that.
Don Draper would ask to join her.
Hans Solo? She would invite him in.
Batman would warn her of the dangers of bathing with the door unlocked.
Troy would never mention it again
Jeff would patronise her, apologise to her, and then make out with her.
Be he knew he wouldn't be able to pull any of these off. He had to be Abed: emotionally unavailable and monotone. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his cool as he spoke through the door.
"Annie, I know social protocol requires me to stay on this side of the door, however I need the first-aid kit. It's under the sink."
"Can't you wait until I'm out of the bathroom?" Her voice was a little strained.
"fork-jousting "
There was a few moments silence, and then she called that she was covered, and for him to come in.

Abed imagined where the sink was and set his vision on the corresponding point on the door. With his hand on the knob, he twisted the door open. 'Straight in and out.'
It didn't work. As always his eyes moved to find her and she was stood next to the bath in pyjamas letting it drain. She looked exactly like Mary Jane when she's caught in the rain in Spider Man. Strands of wet hair stuck to her face and Abed had to physically stop to prevent himself from becoming Peter Parker; wiping the stands away for a reason to feel her skin on his.
"Sorry, Annie" He carried on moving towards the sink and caught her refection in the mirror. She was blushing. He suppressed a smile.
"You... You didn't see anything right, Abed?"
"No." Yes. I just saw you blush; I saw you were reading the Terry Pratchett book I leant you; I saw that you understand how dangerous fork-jousting is. I can see you're using my towel, which I won't be able to use again without feeling like I do now. I saw enough to stop me from sleeping tonight.

He turned round, first-aid kit in hand, cocked his head to the side and half-smiled. "Nothing"