I do not own glee or the main characters.

This is my fisrt fanfic so please be kind.

Chapter 1

Rachel's POV

"Noah, you and I both know that this is not going to work. Us, we are just not meant to be. We can't make it work. Not if you really think about it." I say trying to hold back my tears.

"Rach-" Noah tried to say something but I quickly stopped him.

"No, Noah we can't." I said as I turned around to walk away. That was the most difficult decision I ever had to make but I will not treat it as one, not when it could lead to great things for Noah. I heard him call my name but I just kept on moving because if I look back I might just change my mind and that cannot happen.

Puck's POV

Wow great graduation gift. What the fuck just happened? I can't believe she just did that. I think I'm thinking a mile a minute and before I know I'm at my apartment. I start packing my stuff up. If she doesn't want me I'll turn back into who I was before her. I got that recording contract in Los Angeles I was going to turn it down to stay in New York with her but fuck that noise. I got onto my laptop and booked the first flight to LA after graduation.

Santana's POV

It's been about 3 weeks since Ray broke up with Puck 'for his own good'. We have been friends since senoir year of high school because of things that came our way and because she stood up for me and Britt when we decided to go public.

I was just on my way to lunch when my phone starts ringing. I answer immediatly when I see it's Ray. "'Sup Ray"

"Hey Sana, Q is on the other line."

"Ok conference call this is either very good or very bad." I say "Normally it's bad."

"Yeah Rach what's wrong?" Quinn asked (yup they're friends now.)

"Girls I haven't menstruated this month" Rach says with a worried tone.

"Eeeuuuwww TMI Rach TMI!" is all I could get out.

"San not now." Quinn said. "Are you sure Rach?"

"Yeah" she said "My breast hurts and I think they are bigger. I have been really fatigued these last few days and have been experiencing some headache's so I went to the chemist to pick up some pregnancy tests, with the support of Kurt and Blaine, and they all came out positive guys I'm pregnant." she finally breathed.

"Rach, how many test did you take?" Quinn asked.


"Ray!" I said freaked out.

"Ten I took ten!" Is that a sob? "Guys I just got the lead in the Off-Broadway version of Snow White and opening night is in two days! What am I going to do. I just hate this! I-I-I" she started hyperventilating.

"Rach calm down. Listen Q and I will come over tonight and we'll talk about this and you need to go to the docter to figure out your options."

"I'm not going to abort Santana that just would not be right." she paused "And after Shelby I am not going to give him or her up for adoption. Please can we just keep this between me, you, Kurt and Blaine."

"Sure sweety" Quinn and I answer at the same time.

This is going to be a long nine months.