Well here is the epilogue. I hope you guys enjoy it. Let me know what you think. I am a little sad wrapping this story up but I think that this is a good ending place.

Sophia's POV

"Mami, Seriously? We have to go. Get your shi…..Get your stuff." That slip of the tongue would have definitely gotten me a pop on the mouth. But seriously, she is taking her own sweet time like this is all fine. Meanwhile, Mom is in the car sucking air and trying not to drop a kid on the floor board. Sarah rushes out of her bedroom with a plastic bag slung over her left arm and her favorite stuffed animal in her right. Sarah, my baby sister, is four, eight years younger than me. Her tanned skin resembles mine and my mother's, but unlike my plain brown eyes, hers are bright green, and her hair is a few shades lighter than mine. I hate her for them, but only because I am fiercely jealous. But she is my little sis. The same little sister that has been sleeping in my bed with me for the past two weeks since Mom had a bout with Braxton Hicks Contractions. She was home from the hospital later that day, but Sarah was pretty traumatized by the whole thing. She has literally been clinging to me and our moms for days on end. I grab the bag from her arm when I see her struggling under its weight and ask her to go to the car. She shakes her head no and waits by the door. "MAMI! What the he…."

"Sophia Torres, you better watch it," she demands as she rushes from the back of the house with two huge bags in either hand.

"Well it is about time! She is about to pop"

"POP?" Sarah calls from the door, eyes wide. Mami looks to her then back to me, opening her eyes wide, silently telling me to watch my words.

"No baby," she calls, ushering her younger daughter out of the door and following her. "Momma isn't going to pop. That is just something people say when someone is going to be having a baby soon. Yay! Baby!" She raises her voice about ten octaves to try to get Sarah on board with the whole "Baby=Good" thing. She isn't buying it. I lock the door from the inside and slam it shut behind me. Scaling the three steps of the porch, I catch up to Sarah as Mami is rounding the car. I open the door and pick her up quickly. She rushes over to her booster seat and plops down, looking to me to pull the seatbelt around her tiny body. I do so, Mami belts herself in, and we all silently look to Mom. She is taking short, quick breaths and has beads of sweat all over her face, her blonde hair covering the headrest of her seat. I see a smile break across Mami's face and she reaches her right hand up to Mom's face.

"NO… Put your foot on the gas and get my ass to the hospital." I laugh quietly at her harsh words and Mami shoots daggers into my eyeballs via the rearview mirror. I take a quick look back to our home before we pull out of the driveway. The two story white house with shutters and a yard is a far cry from the small apartment we all shared just before Sarah was born. It was a hard decision for them to leave it, but they said that we were outgrowing it. And we were. The year before Sarah was born, my half-brother Jack was born. When my dad and Mrs. Lexie were working, he would spend nights at our apartment. I loved it, but when Mami was finally able to get pregnant, they decided that a bigger space was in order. We moved a few miles away into a neighborhood. My dad and Mrs. Lexie still have their apartment, but we still keep 5 year old Jack after school sometimes when their schedules overlap. I don't remember much about my mom's pregnancy with Sarah. My moms have pretty open lines of communication with me, though, so I know a lot more about the whole process than I would like to. Sarah's father was anonymous. They only know what he looks like. But my dad plays a big role in her life. She calls him Mr. Mark, not dad. But he is a male figure and my moms think it is important that she has that. The new baby's donor is the same as Sarah's. My moms also thought it important to have a link between all of their children. I am linked to Sarah through our biological mom and Sarah is linking to the new baby through their biological dad. Mom had a long talk with me when they decided that she would carry. She was indifferent about who would carry the baby but Mami seemed to want her to do it, and she can never say no. She was worried that I would be upset not having a biological link to the new baby. Not having the same mom or biological dad. To be honest I never really thought of it. "Family" has always had a different meaning than the tradition definition in our home. I have three parents that are all involved. Sarah has three parents, only two of which are involved. And the new baby will be the same. And I know that Arizona is not my "biological mom" but in all honesty, I feel no different about her than I do about my Mami. She has kissed just as many scraped knees; she has gone to just as many parent-teacher conferences. She keeps pictures of me on her desk. She calls me her daughter. And she always has. So this baby won't be any part of me… so what? It won't be any part of Mami either, but that doesn't mean that it isn't hers. Just like I am no part of my mom's, but she doesn't consider me any less. I do wonder if she will feel differently about him than she does about me and Sarah. I know that she loves me and I know that she loves Sarah, but I do sometimes wonder if the biological link will be stronger. I told her how I feel and of course she told me that she could never love anyone more than she loves me and my sister. She told Sarah the same thing but she is still too young to know what she really meant. I lean forward and place my hand on my mom's shoulder as support which gets a smile directed at my from the driver.

"Call Aunt Addison, Soph. Tell her we are five minutes away." I am pulled out of my reverie by my Mami's quick words. I quickly grab her phone out of her purse in between her seat and Mom's. I look to Sarah and see nothing but fear in her face. Her eyes are wide and locked onto our mom.

"She is going to be ok" I whisper to her. Her eyes snap to mine and her bottom lip sticks out slightly as I voice her concerns. "Mami was the same way when you were in her belly. Just meaner! Like super mean. And super sweaty. It was disgusting." I scrunch my nose for affect and a small smiles plays across her mouth. "Here, you want to take to Aunt Adds? We need to tell her that we are five minutes away." Sarah nods her head quickly, jumping at the chance to help. I scroll through the numbers until I find the correct one. I then hit the call button and hand the device to my sister. She holds it clumsily against her ear as her mouth hangs open, waiting for the familiar voice on the other end. After speaking with the redhead, Sarah hands the phone to me and looks back to our blonde haired mother struggling in the front seat. Sarah and I have had a few talks about the new baby and I know she is excited. But she has a soft spot for the blonde just like I did when I was her age. She is fiercely protective over her stuffed animals and her moms, and seeing one of her objects of affection in pain is scary. Though Sarah was born to our Mami, she is really close to Mom. She was the one that took six months off of work when Mami had to go back for surgeries. And since she has gotten pregnant she has been working from home so she isn't as inclined to run out and help her guys when they get in trouble. It has been nice having her home all of the time. Mami isn't the only one who worries about her when she is on the road. I know I don't remember my life before she came into it. I was only like four months old. But I couldn't have asked for someone more perfect to grow up with. And yes, I am 12 years old and am talking nicely about my mother. Some of my friends are starting to go through the "my parents suck" phase and, though we have our disagreements, I am always reminded by Mami that she didn't have to stay. She didn't have to be here. She chose to. And they complement each other well. When Mami is all grumpy from surgeries, Mom always seems to be able to calm her down and keep us happy. When Mom is on a rampage from being all fat and uncomfortable, it usually just takes Mami bringing home some blue baby clothes for her to realize that it's worth it. Remembering how scared I was when Mami started going into labor, I take pity on Sarah. Stretching my seatbelt to its capacity and leaning forward in between her seat and the side of the car, I whisper into her right ear. "She is scared, Mom. She thinks you are hurt." She nods quickly and waits for me to sit back before looking over her shoulder at her youngest girl.

"Baby girl, I know I look crabby right now, but I am ok. Alright?" She reaches her left hand across the car to place it on Sarah's knee and Sarah takes Mom's hand in her own. "And as soon as we get to the hospital, Momma is going to get some medicine and it won't hurt so bad." She looks to her wife on her left and raises her voice a little. "Lots of medicine… isn't that right Mami?"

"Zona, I thought you wanted a natura….."

"MEDICINE…. Medicine will be had. Lots of medicine…" She turns back to Sarah. "And everything will be ok! Then we get to take home a new little baby brother. Isn't that exciting?" Sarah nods her head excitedly and smiles which quickly fades when Mom is hit with another contraction. Just as the string of curse words begins to leave her mouth, Mami screeches the car to a halt on the ambulance ramp.

I am the first out of the car, opening Mom's door and taking her hand. Addison comes through the door with a wheelchair and Mami and I help her into the seat. I rush to help Sarah out of her seat as Mami tosses the keys to an intern, then we are in the building. After a ride in the elevator to the OB floor and a few turns down different hallways, and we reach the room. Aunt Addison and Mami help Mom out of her clothes and into a gown and help her onto the bed. When Aunt Addison starts the exam, Mami waves us up to the head of the bed.

"Fully effaced and 8 centimeters. And you're water has already broken?" Aunt Addison asks.

"Yes" My moms answer in unison.

"Are you feeling the urge to push? Any pain?"

"Are you fuc….Are you kidding me?" Mom shouts. Mami places a hand on her forehead and pushes her back down on the bed before speaking.

"The uh… the birthing plan has changed. We are now going to try an epidural" Mami advises the doctor.

"Well it is pretty late in the game… I will see what I can…"

"LATE IN THE GAME?" Mom shouts, raising her head off of the bed again. "Addison I swear to all that is holy if you don't get the damn needle righ…"

"Got it! Got it! I will be right back" the poor redhead concedes and rushes out of the room.

"Arizona, I know it hurts baby but you can't be mean to the doctors." She leans in to hear ear trying to keep her words from reaching my sister and I. "The fate of your vagina is in her hands. Don't piss her off." Mom's eyes slowly find Mami's and she all but growls at her statement. "Alright girls, out you go. It looks like it is almost time!" Just as Mami begins to usher us out of the room, Aunt Addison bursts the door open with a slew of staff behind her. We weave our way through pink scrub clad nurses and doctors and Mami gives each of us a kiss before pointing us to the waiting room. "Grandma and Grandpa will be here to stay with you girls in a little bit. Be good. Soph, take care of your sister. I will be out as soon as I can. Ok?" We nod. "I love you, girls."

"Love you too, Mami." I say before Sarah mimics my words.

"And tell Momma I wuv her, Pwease."

"You got it, baby girl," Mami answers. "Now scoot!" She pops Sarah on the bottom and points toward the waiting room again. We take a few steps in that direction but I peak one more time through the window to her room, just in time to see our dark haired mother take her wife's hand and give her a long kiss on her forehead. For the first time this morning I see Mom smile, she looks up and mouths some words that we of course cannot hear, but seeing her in a more consolable state puts my mind at ease enough to be able to walk to the waiting area. I take Sarah's small hand in mine and again take the bag which she has hoisted over her shoulder. "What do you have in here?" I ask as we walk.

"Bobby and Walph and Wally" she names her three other favorite stuffed animals, aside from Frank in her arm, or as she calls it, 'Fwank'.

"Bobby, Ralph, and Wally, huh?" She nods. "Anything else?"

"My fwame wif da picshure of us and Momma and Mami." The same picture she snuck into her first day of preschool and on her sleep over's at my dad's. She really is nervous. We find our seats in the waiting room and I pick up a magazine, trying to blend in with the few other people in the room. Before long Sarah is asleep on my shoulder, Fwank secure in her arm. Mami peeked out of the room a few times to make sure we were still behaving and weren't terrorizing any staff. About an hour later Grandma and Grandpa rush into the room. I shake Sarah awake and we both run to the door to greet them. Grandpa gives me a tight hug and lifts me up, spinning me. That is his signature hug. He does the same with Sarah and I am wrapped up in a tight hug by Grandma who then lifts Sarah into her arms and takes her seat. I catch them up on what I know. Grandpa doles out two blue bubblegum cigars to my sister and I. Now we just wait.

It is about thirty minutes later that Grandma's cell phone rings. She answers and gives directions to the waiting room before hanging up and throwing the phone in her purse. I am lost in my conversation with her and Grandpa about school and my grades and gymnastics when I hear familiar voices.

"Abuelo, Abeula!" Sarah shouts, jumping off of Grandma's lap and rushing to the spitting image of my mother.

"Hola, Mija!" She croons. I hop off of my seat and wrap my arms around my Abeula's waist. We switch hugging partners and then my grandpa's shake hands while my grandma's hug. The women catch up on my Mom's progress while the men talk about…. Something. I don't really pay attention. Just then my Mami rushes out of the room and walks quickly toward us. She smiles brightly when she sees everyone waiting.

"Mom, Dad! Ah, thanks for coming! We were hoping you would be able to come in."

"Mija, we wouldn't miss it for the world!" Abeulo says. "My first grandson..."

"He has already bought a baseball glove, can you believe that?" Grandma laughs. Mami laughs too, which puts Sarah and I at ease.

"Well, she is doing great. Addison says it won't be long. She has been pushing for about an hour. Just waiting for him to decide he is ready to join us." A few words of encouragement sound in the room and Mami gives a round of kisses before rushing back to the room. Any minute now….

Three hours later

Grandma, Grandpa, Abuelo, Abeula, Sarah, Mami, and I are whispering in the room while Mom sleeps. She is spread out on the hospital bed, Mami keeping vigil by her bedside and holding her hand. She said that the delivery went well resulting in a 9 pound 9 ounce baby boy. He has been checked out and everything is fine, he even scored a 9 on his APGAR scales. And yes, I know what the APGAR scale is, having a doctor for a mom and a paranoid first-pregnancy other mom has increased my knowledge of this kind of stuff tremendously. My little brother is now getting his first bath by the medical staff. A
knock on the door ends our light banter and Addison walks in, baby wrapped in her arms, another staff member trailing behind her with a hospital bassinette. A series of "aaww"s and "oohh"s fall out of everyone's mouth as Mami meets Addison in the middle of the room. The transfer of the little boy into our mother's arms makes him whimper, instantly waking my sleeping mom.

"I hear my baby," she mumbles, groggily. "And we have company," she smiles lazily at everyone. "Cal, let me see him."

"Ok, ok, baby. Relax." She smiles and makes her way to the bed.

Mom shifts and tries to sit up, grimacing at the effort. Aunt Addison and I am instantly at her side, Sarah on my heels. We try to lift her, probably hindering her more than helping, but she allows us to help. She scoots toward us and wraps an arm around me. I lean in and she places a kiss on my cheek. She tousles Sarah's hair and leans over to kiss her forehead. "Hey, my girls." Mami sits on the bed next to her and shifts the baby to rest closest to Mom. Pulling back the blanket, she reveals a sleeping boy with blonde fuzzy hair and a fair complexion. My grandparents are immediately behind me crooning over the little boy.

"Well," Mami looks and Mom, "We agreed to wait until we saw him… what are you thinking for the name?"

"Let me get a good look at him…" She pulls the blanket from around his face and pulls his arms free, holding one of his tiny hands. Mami strokes the other. "What do you think about Samuel?"

"Hm… Sam…. Samuel Timothy…. I like that." She smiles at the blonde.

Mom looks at us. "What do you think girls, you like Sam?" We both nod our heads and smile.

Baby Sam is passed around the room, receiving hundreds of kisses and hugs from his family. Mami and Mom are quite patient in getting their baby back, allowing everyone to have their turn. Sarah is successful in following Sam to each new person that holds him, making sure that he doesn't cry or fuss. If he does make even the slightest sound she is consoling him with a pat to his head or his back. Mami gives mom a quick kiss and says something about getting some water before walking out of the room. I take the opportunity to steal her spot on the bed and give my mom a hug. She wraps an arm around me and we watch the scene in front of us. I am so happy that he is healthy and that our mother is doing well. My fears of being loved less now that she has a biological child in the world now start to surface. It may be juvenile, but I have always been able to talk to her about anything.


"Yeah, baby?" She answers. I am tucked under her chin and she places a kiss on the top of my head before I continue.

"I know we talked about this already, and I don't want you to think that I am jealous or anything like that. I love Sam, already. And I am excited to have a little brother. I just need to know…."

"Soph… What is it honey?"

"Well he is your real son. And I am just an adopted daughter. I just am feeling kind of….. Ugh… this sounds stupid… I mean he is a baby."

"Sophia look at me." She demands. When I don't, feeling embarrassed of the tears in my eyes, she lifts my chin and meets my eyes. Her blue eyes bore into mine. "You are MY daughter. Always. And you will always be my first child. I could not love anyone any more than I love you no matter how hard I tried." I nod my head and bury it under her chin again. "I need you to do something for me, ok? You have to keep me in check. Babies need a lot of attention and moms can sometime get caught up in them. I need you to be the one to make sure that I remind you and Sarah how important you both are to me. Just give me a little help. Because I don't ever want you to think that you girls are not the most important thing in the world to me. " I nod my head again. "Now go get that baby, we need to introduce him to his big sister."

I hop off of the bed with a smile and Grandma groans when she has to hand over the infant. As soon as I take him in my arms he nuzzles into my chest and my heart swells. I walk gingerly to the bed and hand him over to our mom so I can climb up. As soon as she hands him back to me, Mami walks back in the room and places a large cup of water and a small bottle on the bedside table. She gives me a kiss on the forehead and hoists Sarah into her arms. I scoot over just a bit to allow her room to sit. With Sam positioned in my arms and my mom's arm around me, Mami and Sarah scoot up to my side.

Mom leans in and whispers in my ear. "You will always be my baby girl."

And I know that I will. Almost a teenager or not, this family is the most important thing in my life. They say that all a kid needs a mother and a father. Some say that two women cannot raise a child like a man and a woman can. Some also say that it is wrong for a woman to choose a life with another woman. And I have a father, so I might not be qualified to speak on matters like this. But if every child had at least one parent that gives them half as much reassurance and love that mine do, then every child would be lucky. I don't claim to have the best family in the world. My moms get grumpy. They argue sometimes. Sometimes Mami isn't home for dinner. Sometimes we aren't the best kids. But there has never been a time that I questioned if I was loved or wanted or cherished. There has never been a time that I have gotten away with disrespect. There has never been a time where I didn't feel safe. Looking at the innocent little boy in my lap, I feel proud of the family that he has been born into. I am proud of how well he will be taken care of and how much he will be loved. Sarah will show him how to love a stuffed animal and how to sneak pictures onto overnight trips, I will teach him how to do a backflip and how to kick a ball, Mami will teach him how to speak Spanish and how to do CPR, just in case a kid goes down on the playground, and Mom will teach him how to shoot a gun and how to protect the things that he loves. That is what she does best.

A/N: Well I hope the epilogue didn't disappoint. The girls have three little ones now to look after and their life seems to be in a good place. I wanted to end it with hope and leave a little to the imagination. Thank you all for following the story and continuing to comment and thanks for the encouragement to write the epilogue. Thanks again!