A/N: Hope you all enjoy this chapter :) also, there is mild cursing in this chapter. They're teenagers after all.

Chapter 6: The Art of Ignoring

I woke up the following Wednesday morning with a groan of despair, wishing last night was all just a dream. I pulled the covers over my head and refused to get up until Aravis and Emily-another girl who shared our dorm-chucked their pillows at me. I got up with a small frown, wondering, 'What is wrong with me? I'm usually not this emotional.' Which is true. I usually keep a cool temper and don't get phased, or at least don't let anyone see I'm phased by anything. 'I'm hanging out too much with a certain headstrong Gryffindor..'I thought as I pulled on my robes and then put my shoes on.

Emily, Aravis and I were walking across the common room to the door, when Harold called my name. I turned around to see him running down the staircase that lead to the boys' dormitories and watched as he made his way across the common room. "Good morning, Harold. What's up?"

I asked while nodding for the girls to go down to breakfast without me.

"When are we going to see Madam Hooch?"

"Umm, I wasn't thinking until after lunch, why?"

Harold beamed and said hurriedly, "I think I can find someone to replace me by then. If you're ok with that, and if Madam Hooch is too.."

I grinned, "You're forgetting to ask the person you've got in mind if they're ok with it as well."

We shared a laugh as we walked to the door and down the staircase leading out to the corridors. Getting to know Harold, realized that I would actually miss his presence on the team, even though we hadn't even had an official practice yet. He was just so easy-going, yet quick with a funny retort that had me laughing when those usually would annoy me. Sure that the others would have loved his personality and gotten on great with him as well, discussing potential replacements bothered me. I stopped just as he was about to suggest someone for the fourth time.

"Harold, let's not talk about this until we see Madam Hooch, yeah? Maybe she can help us out."

The blue-eyed boy nodded and said, "I'll see you, then. Have to go help a Hufflepuff study for McGonagall's class. She's offered to tell me where the kitchens are!"

I laughed, "Everyone in Ravenclaw knows where the kitchens are, you could've asked any one of us!"

"Oh..well then. I'd be kinda rude to not show, eh? I'll talk to you later, Harm!" Harold called over his shoulder as he set off towards the library.

I watched him go with an amused smile, then started down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Joining Aravis and Emily, I asked, "What are you guys up to?"

Emily answered, looking up with her brown eyes, "Going over notes and comparing answers on our homework. Want to join us? We could use a third set of answers."

With a shake of my head, I said, "Sorry, I uh..don't have my stuff for.." I trailed off, not knowing the 4th year schedule. I was still thinking of something to say, when Emily spoke again.

"You know, Harmony, I never noticed until now that you're not in any of our classes. You couldn't possibly have a different schedule than ours, since all the 4th year Ravenclaws have classes together.."

She continued to study me with narrowed eyes, and asked, "Is something going on with you, Harmony? You've never been like this before. You're not.." she gasped, and a look of horror passed over her face as she finished, "You're not taking remedial classes, are you?"

I felt my jaw drop a little in shock. I quickly righted myself and said, "No, Emily, I am most definitely not in remedial classes. Um, well..do you want to know the truth?"

At her frantic nod, I looked over at Aravis for assurance. She just shrugged and plucked a piece of toast from the giant stack in front of her. Turning back to Emily, I said in a hushed voice, "Ok, I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone else, alright?"

She nodded and grinned, waiting expectantly. I looked around at our fellow Ravenclaws and saw they were all either talking, eating, studying, or all of the above. Figuring it was safe, I said in almost a whisper, "I'm taking classes with the 5th years."

At first, Emily didn't react. She sort of just sat there, staring at me in concentration. Aravis and I shared a glance, then went back to watching Emily for a reaction. She said, in a surprisingly calm voice, "Good for you, Harm. It must be so much fun, taking those classes a year early. I suppose that means you're swamped with homework and studying for the O.W.L.s then, right?"

I nodded while pouring myself a glass of orange juice. "Right now, it's sort of going a bit easy, but I know that in just a few weeks, classes will be a nightmare."

Emily asked, "What have you got today?"

"Today, I've got Charms and Astronomy with the Gryffindors, then Herbology and History of Magic with the Slytherins."

Aravis was about to say something, when the bell rang, signaling for us to go to our first class of the day.

Emily and Aravis left to go to their first class, while I went to Charms. I sat down once I entered Professor Flitwick's class and prepared for the lesson.

The lesson was one long, full hour of note taking, with little time left to practice the spells. "We'll pick up where we left of the next time we meet, and in the meantime I want you to write 3 inches on how this spell may be used practically, and I want you to practice it for an hour." With some grumbles of complaint, everyone packed their bags and filed out of the room. My next class was the same as Charms, ending with us being given even more homework than necessary.

During lunch, I was walking to an empty seat after scooping a helping of mashed potatoes onto my plate, when a Slytherin girl I recognized from one of my classes bumped into me and said with a sneer, "Watch where you're going, you wretched little sneak. Thought you had us all fooled, didn't you? What, you assumed no one would realize you weren't in our year?" She walked away with an icy glare on her face.

I stopped, my heart skipped a beat in fear. I looked around, hoping no one heard and ran to find Aravis. After looking up and down the Ravenclaw table, I found her sitting with Amanda at the Hufflepuff table. Carrying my plate over there, I sat down across from them and asked, "Aravis, do you know if Emily told anyone about our..conversation this morning?"

I began eating my potatoes and chicken while waiting for an answer. Aravis just shook her head and said, "Not that I know of, I haven't heard anything."

With a grim smile, I said, "Well one of the Slytherins I have classes with said she figured it out."

"Maybe she actually did. Who else knows but us, Emily, and your brother?"

"Wood knows, because Corin told him." I said automatically, "But I don't honk he would tell anyone."

"How do you know? You've only met him this year, and you seem to keep forgetting he's a rival Quidditch captain."

I didn't say anything for a while after taking in Aravis's good point. 'I really don't know why I'm being affected so. What happened to the Harmony that was always cool and collected? Even if that Slytherin girl figured it out, I never would have let her know that I was afraid of her. I would've merely walked away.'

"So much has changed already, and we've only been back for a few weeks. I'm sort of scared to see how the rest of the year will play out.." I murmured.

Amanda smiled at me and replied, "Relax, Harmony. Change isn't always a bad thing, you know. Things always change for the better, if not now, then later down the road." I grinned at her words of advice and thanked her.


While we were still eating, Harold came up and sat next to me. He waved at Aravis and Amanda, then turned to me and said, "I think I found someone who's willing to be on the team in my place."

"Great! Let's go talk to Madam Hooch, then!" I beamed at him and stood up, then noticed he wasn't getting up after me. I looked at Harold's dark, messy head pointedly for a moment before saying, "C'mon Harold, we have to see Madam Hooch."

"Already done, Harm. I made a trip to her office and explained everything to her on my way here. She said I just have to bring the person willing to replace me to the practice tonight, then the four of us will talk after practice is over."

I almost knocked over our goblets as I quickly sat down and wrapped my arms around Harold in a sort of tackle/hug. I felt him wrap an arm around me while he asked, "Don't you even want to know who it is?" with a chuckle.

"Of course I do, tell me!" I nearly shouted as I pulled away, throwing a glare towards my friends, who were laughing at my reaction.

Harold grinned and said, "Morgan Garrison, one of the people who tried out for the Beater position."

"I remember her, she worked really well with Garrett. She still wanted the position?"

Harold nodded and his grin changed into a smirk, "Don't tell anyone, but she has a crush on Garrett. I guess she figured making the team would help her chances with him."

"Wow, so she trained to get that good, just to impress him?"

The blue-eyed boy shook his head, "Nah, she actually never played Quidditch before. According to Morgan, her skill showed up out of no where."

I looked across the table to Amanda and Aravis, who just shrugged in unison. Turning back to Harold, I said, "Well..bring her to practice, then. We'll see how it goes from there."

We sat and chatted about classes and teachers until the bell rang to go to class. I only had History of Magic left, since Astronomy wouldn't be until later tonight. Unfortunately, this class happened to be with the Slytherins. Which meant the girl who'd bumped me during lunch would be there, too. I put on my best blank face, and walked into Professor Binn's class, sitting down by myself. As the classroom started to fill up, I noticed the Slytherin girl walk in with her friends, and got a look at her. She was fairly pretty with black hair, brown eyes, and slightly pale skin. I would admire the girl's beauty if she weren't so rude.

Deciding to ignore her glare sent to me, I took out my text book and sat quietly in the back of the room, waiting for the lesson to begin. Luckily, I was able to manage going unnoticed by the Slytherin and her friends, mostly because I kept my head down and took notes the entire time. When the bell rang, I pretended to finish copying something down from the board while everyone rushed out. Making sure the coast was clear, I sighed and stretched in my seat, then got up to leave. I had just rounded the corner when my tormentor jumped in front of me with a sneer still stuck on her face. Holding back a yelp of surprise, I took a step backwards, away from her and her friends. They all had looks of disdain and loathing etched into each of their faces as they started to surround me. I glanced around, hoping someone would see the predicament I was in.

"Think you're such a big shot, huh? You little brat." She spat. The others egged her on and glared at me, hissing insults from all around me.

"I..I don't. I'm taking classes, just like everyone else." I stammered, trying and failing to put on a brave face.

One of the girls to my left let out a bark of laughter, "Ha! Please, everyone knows you're not taking classes with the other fourth years, you big attention whore. I don't even know why you bother trying to hide it."

Too stunned to say anything, I stood there as the insults continued. I shut myself down, not reacting to their words, just staring straight ahead. I tried to walk through their circle, but to no avail. They pushed me back into the center, stepping closer to me. Feeling panic shoot through me, I struggled to keep it in check. One of the girls raised her wand and was about to utter something, when a loud, "Hey!" rang through the corridor.

Whipping my head to the left, I saw Corin and his friends striding towards us, and Corin had a look of absolute fury on his face. He pushed the girls aside and yanked me to him, shouting, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

None of the girls said anything, but started to walk away. Corin angrily said, "What the fuck is your problem, Danielle?" The black-haired girl, the one who'd started picking on me, turned around to reply, but her words were directed towards me.

"Don't think big brother Corin will be there to protect you all the time, O'Hare. Better charm a pair of eyes onto the back of your head."

I didn't say anything when Corin asked if I was alright after letting me go, just nodded quietly. Looking to his group of friends, I saw they all looked furious. Among the Gryffindor boys was none other than Oliver Wood, and between him and Corin, I couldn't tell who looked more angry. One of the boys, Irwin Gastorn, looked at me and asked, "You sure you're ok, mini O'Hare?" Some of them smiled lightly at his attempt to lighten the mood.

Finally breaking my silence, I nodded and said, "Yeah. Thanks, Irwin, and Corin. And really, all of you guys."

I tried to smile at them, but was overcome by a wave of emotions ranging from fear to anger and all of a sudden I felt the ridiculous urge to cry. Irwin wrapped a lanky arm around my shoulders and squeezed, saying, "No need to thank us, you little bugger. You're like a little sister or something. Yeah," he grinned, "the sister I never wanted."

That managed to get a small laugh out of me, and soon the other boys, David, Christopher, and Thaniel were all chuckling and giving me what they thought were gentle hugs and pats on the back. Even Oliver put his arm around my shoulder and gave it a squeeze, which was a comfort, until I remembered that my team's first practice was tonight. I thanked all of them and turned to leave for Ravenclaw Tower, when Corin pulled me aside and asked, "If you need anything, you know how to reach me. Or any of the others, for that matter. I'm not going to let these girls do anything to harm you, got it?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I said, "I'll be fine Corin, I don't need anyone protecting me."

He snorted in disbelief and replied, "The hell you don't."

"Corin, you can't always be there for me, you know. You've got your own life to deal with without me getting in the way."

I watched as his face slowly changed from angry to pensive. He snapped his fingers and said, "True, but I'm sure the boys are willing to help out!" I looked on in horror as Corin turned around and asked his friends if they'd be willing to walk me from class to class just in case Danielle and her gang tried anything.

All of them nodded, and Wood said, "I've got..what, three classes with you, Harmony? I can certainly keep an eye on her those days, mate."

Corin grinned triumphantly and said, "All settled. Give me a copy of your schedule tomorrow and I'll tell everyone where to meet you. Alright, Harmony?"

With a groan I said, "No, not alright. I don't need a babysitter, Corin! Let alone a whole gang of them!" I looked at my brother's friends and added, "Sorry, no offense to you guys."

Thaniel laughed and said in his deep voice, "None taken, baby sister."

"Oh, please don't tell me you're all going to start calling me that now.."

While the others laughed, Oliver grinned and spoke up, "Don't count on me calling you that. I'm sticking to O'Hare, thank you very much."

I sent him a grateful smile as Corin rubbed my hair and then sent me off to class.

A/N: I'm really very sorry this took so long. March is the dreaded month where there's no breaks and tons of projects to do for school. For some reason, I seem to be extraordinarily busy during this month. Anyways, I hope this makes up for the waiting you guys have done. Thank you!