A/N: This is my first ever HP fic so bear with me. Also, I really don't know how long this will be. I've got nothing set in stone for this, I just opened up a new document and started writing. Honestly, I don't know what I'm getting myself into, I've already got another story to handle along with real life. Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Letter from Dumbledore

I looked up from my reading to the sound of tapping on my window. I groaned and walked over to see an owl with a letter attached to its leg. After opening the window, I walked over to my bed where the owl had landed. The barn owl stuck his leg out and I unrolled the parchment.

'To Miss Harmony O'Hare

I wish to congratulate you on outstanding scores in all your classes' exams. For this reason, I have decided to enroll you, with your consent and permission from your parents, in 5th year classes at the start of term on September the 1st. You will, of course know that this means you will be taking your O.W.L.s earlier than usual. I have no doubt that you will succeed in this, as I have the utmost confidence in your skills an abilities.

Please return this owl with an answer before term starts,

Albus Dumbledore

P.S. Congratulations on becoming the new Captain of Ravenclaw House's Quidditch team. Again, I have confidence in your abilities.'

I grinned as I wrote each sentence, then ran downstairs screaming, "Mummy! Dad! I got a letter from Dumbledore! Read this!" I went down into the living room, but it was empty. Scrambling into the kitchen, I found Mum making sandwiches for lunch. "Mum! You have to read this!" I yelled at her.

My mum, better known as Melody O'Hare, turned to me and asked, "Why would we be getting letters now? Term isn't starting for another three weeks."

I shook my head and replied, "This is a personal letter, from Dumbledore himself." Mum read the letter slowly, seeming to take in ever words before grinning and scooping me up into a hug.

She called out the kitchen window, "Robert! Come here quickly! You have to see this!"

A few moments later, Dad came in through the back door, asking, "What's going on? Has something happened?"

"No, sweetheart. Harmony got a letter from Dumbledore, read it."

Dad quickly scanned the letter before turning to me and asking, "Are you sure you want to do this? It doesn't say whether you'd be skipping 4th year entirely, or taking both 5th and 4th year courses.. Oh! You've been made Quidditch Captain! That means you'll be one of the youngest Captains at the school, yes?"

I nodded and grinned. "It also means I won't be a reserve Chaser anymore, with Jeremy gone. Do you think I'll be able to it though? Taking on 5th year classes and being Captain?"

Mum asked, "Why don't you go talk to Corin about that? For now, just tell Dumbledore that we give our permission for you to take higher level classes. Also, be sure to ask him about whether or not you'll also take 4th year classes."

"Are you serious?" I tried holding in my excitement, but was failing horribly at it.

"If you feel you're up to it, and really want to do this, then we don't see why we should stop you, sweetie." Dad smiled while Mum nodded her head in agreement.

Dad added, "Besides, I know someone who will be very happy to know you've been made Captain." He grinned and said, "Grandad O'Hare will be so happy, I wouldn't doubt if he spent all of Christmas dinner reminiscing about his days with the Kestrels."

I hugged each of them, then ran upstairs to Corin's room. Of course, his door was closed so I had to bang on it until he opened it. Finally, my older brother yanked back the door and said in an irritated voice, "I was taking a nap. What is it, Harmony?"

"Corin, you're not gonna believe this! I got a letter from Dumbledore saying that if I want to, I can take 5th year classes this year!"

He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Instead of 4th year classes? Will you be taking your O.W.L.s earlier too?"

I showed him the letter that held proof. Corin read it over, then gaped at me before yelling, "I can't believe it! You're the new captain of Ravenclaw House?"

"Yeah..Jeremy's not at Hogwarts anymore, remember? The year before was his last and I guess he chose me as Captain! So that means I won't just be a reserve Chaser anymore!"

Corin raised his eyebrows and punched me in the shoulder. "Good job, kiddo. I knew you could do it. Just wait till I tell Wood about this, he won't believe it!"

Giving him a quizzical look, I tried to remember that name. 'Wood..it sounds familiar.'

"Harm, he's in Gryffindor with me. I don't think you've met him before, or even seen him around Hogwarts."

"Still have no clue who you're talking about. But do me a favor? Please don't tell anybody that I'm the new Captain of Ravenclaw. I don't want any trouble before we even go back."

Corin just shrugged and nodded before going back into his room. I walked into my own room and saw the owl was still there, waiting for me. Looking around my desk and trunk, I found a spare piece of parchment, with a quill and ink. I hastily wrote,

'Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I thank you for this spectacular offer, and I have chosen to accept it. I was wondering, however, if I would also be taking 4th year classes, along with the 5th year ones I'll be taking regularly?

Wishing you a great summer holiday,

Harmony O'Hare'

I sent the owl off after tying the scroll to his leg, then walked over to my full length mirror that hung on my closet door. I stared at my reflection, taking in my short stature and long black hair. Quidditch players with bodies and builds like mine usually made better Seekers, but I had proven to be a great Chaser, as I had been able to speed in and out of others' ways during the small handful of games I had filled in for last year. I just hoped I would be good enough to face this coming school term.

A/N: Any reviews at all are welcome. Next chapter I'm going to describe Harmony's looks more thoroughly, along with her brother's. Again, any reviews are welcome with open arms!