"Come on, Harvey! Hurry up already!"
Harvey rolled his eyes at Mike's impatience. Mike had been begging him to see it ever since Mike knew the damn doll existed. Harvey had promised Mike could see it if he finished some impossible task, only the task wasn't Mike Ross type impossible, because he had shown up to Harvey's office with a ridiculously smug smile on his face and the files Harvey had asked for in hand.
Harvey was a man of his word though, so he told Mike he'd bring it over to his apartment when he came over to pick Mike up for dinner, and that's why they were now standing inside Mike's apartment, Harvey halfway to pulling the doll from the black bag he had kept it in from the day he got it, even a doll made in his likeness was not enough to keep him from finding dolls completely creepy.
"You're not going to laugh at this, right?" Harvey said pausing one last time as he was pulling it out.
"Harvey, I already told you that a million times, now quit stalling and show me it!"
Harvey reluctantly pulled the doll all the way out of the bag. The doll was so very Harvey, slicked back hair, 3 piece suit, it even had Harvey's signature 'I'm the smartest guy in the room who thinks I'm the smartest guy in the room' smirk on it's face. Harvey watched Mike's face as he examined the doll, the corners of his mouth slowly turning upwards, which quickly devolved into full-blown laughter.
"Oh..my..god..Harvey...so..perfect," Mike spoke between his righteous laughter.
"So much for not laughing," Harvey huffed.
"I'm sorry, it's just..so good. Really captures you," Mike said, wiping his eyes where tears had started to form.
"Are you ready to go get dinner or do you want to spend your Friday night like you normally do, by playing with dolls?"
"Harvey, can I have it?"
"Absolutely not. And it's not up for discussion. Let's go."
"All right, fine. Let me just put it some place safe until we get back," Mike said as he sat the doll on the shelf next to his own doll.
"Yeah, good idea. God forbid anything bad happen to the creepy dolls while we're gone."
It was late when Harvey and Mike got back to the apartment, stumbling through the door, hands and mouths all over each other. Harvey pushed Mike down on the bed, climbing on top of him and kissing him hard and with urgency. His hands moved down to unbutton Mike's pants and Mike pushed Harvey's hands away.
"Woah..woah..hold up, Harvey."
"What's wrong?"
"The dolls...they're holding hands."
"I knew your dirty talk was bad, but I didn't know it was this bad."
"I'm being serious, Harvey," Mike said as he rolled out from underneath Harvey.
Mike walked over to confirm what he'd thought he'd seen, and sure enough the Mike and Harvey dolls were now holding hands on the shelf Mike had placed them on before they left.
"Did you do this just to mess with me?" Harvey asked after walking over and seeing exactly what Mike had described.
"When would I have done this, Harvey? While we were out for dinner or while you had your tongue jammed down my throat the second we were through the door?"
Harvey seemed to think about it for a moment, "On second thought, you can actually keep my doll."
"I don't want it now. I think yours is possessed."
"So decapitate it or something."
"Don't be ridiculous, decapitation doesn't work on possessed dolls. Just zombies."
"If it wasn't already officially dead, that comment just killed off what was left of the mood. Can't believe I'm getting cockblocked by dolls now," Harvey said in frustration, before walking away.
Mike didn't find the dolls as creepy as Harvey did, he actually thought they were kind of cute, but standing alone in front of them, their eyes kind of felt like they were staring directly into or possibly through his soul.
"I'm just going to face you guys this way for a little while," Mike said, turning the dolls to face the wall, before rushing off to catch up with Harvey.