OOOOOH getting saucy with all these ideas! Well, let's jazz it up a bit hmm? I've got different what if and let's do this responses so here goes nothing...a new spin on this little dark tale :)

Katherine couldn't help but smile in approval as she and her lover stepped foot into the busy faire of a glorious night blessed renaissance. So much laughter, drinking, bustling and the perfect place for the elder vampire to truly teach Elena the arts of enticing and alluring vampirism. Though she felt a shiver of heat drive through her with what her made had draped over her deeply sensual body.

The corset of deep purple and black the very nicely formed leather strapped on her legs laced along her sides…how she looked so delectable. If we weren't at this party oh how quickly I'd rip all that from you my love. Elena felt a grin widen on her face flashing a hint of fang in delight. Don't think I don't wish to do the same. The younger vampire had nearly lost all composure when Katherine had stepped out of the walk in closet dressed to kill in all aspects. Laced from the bottom of her waist all the way up to her very revealing breasts was a beautiful rose etched corset in rich reds of both light and dark blended so provocatively and it didn't stop there. She had slipped over her firm legs a half slit cut skirt flowing with each stalking movement in a pair of beautiful black laced boots set to the perfect height of heel. Both had almost forgone their imminent mission of Elena's nocturnal instinct 101, but Katherine regained her stride and reluctantly drug her lover out for a night of fun and learning curves.

"The air…it's…"

"Intoxicating?" Katherine smirked sliding her hand along the back of Elena's spine right near her ass. "It will be that way love…the sights, the smells…the lure."

"Is it always…this way?" Elena's eyes bore into Katherine's nearly gazing straight through her maker.

"It can be. But that is why you must learn to contain the instinct within. Focus first on the sounds…" Katherine whispered slipping behind Elena sliding nails along her waist bringing a shutter through the young vampire. "The music, the voices…drown them out…then slowly…drown each heartbeat out." Elena nodded shutting her eyes focusing everything in her attempting to slowly tone down the loud rattles and rings in her ears. Katherine felt her lover's tensions ease, her shoulders drop her body become still and calm. She was almost there, until…

"Hiiii…" Elena's eyelids flipped up her pupils attempting not to shrink nor expand but the hunger had already surfaced with the young rather inebriated tourist. "You two are quite…the pair…" She giggled with a little purr and her reddish blonde hair draped over one of her eyes, eyes of a deep blue that sucked the younger vampire in prying her eyes from the girl's narrowing downward at her very revealing low cut vest and high cut skirt. "Can I…buy you a drink?"

"Ma dear girl…" Katherine smirked about to send the annoying little flirt away but was caught off guard when Elena flaunted her plan.

"Are you sure you want to?" Elena purred with a much deeper seductive tone stepping closer laying her palm on the girl's chest slowly scraping a nail downward bringing the human's pulse thundering her heartbeat racing. Her eyes slipped right back into the girl's and every so smoothly she let them contract then spread.

"Elena…wait…" Katherine watched, suddenly taken aback how her body wouldn't respond to any movement. In that moment her power, her strength, her will fled. She couldn't comprehend it. What is…happening to me?

"Tourists…they have such a…spark to them…shut your eyes…I promise, it will…feel pleasurable…" The girl's eyes contracted and dilated slowly shutting her eyes. Elena cracked her jaw letting her fangs lengthen with promise leaning her head down cupping the back of the girl's head tilting it. She couldn't help but let her own eyes burn from dark brown to a rich blood red lost in the ache of a captured prey.

"Elena!" Katherine had hoped to ease into the night's game of the hunt but something had spurred her lover on, in a way she hadn't expected. It was just like with the man in the alley but now…it was as if Elena was becoming the dark instead of embracing it. The elder vampire glanced unable to pull her eyes from the scene as it unfolded before her. Elena dipped in slicing cleanly into the girl's neck immediately harboring a moan of pure ecstasy from the human which brought the vampire grasping arms around her tightly in possession sinking further slowly suckling the life from her. Katherine wanted to turn away, but was fixated on the actions of the younger vampire. She's so delicious love…care to join me? Elena's call nearly broke Kat's will right then and there as if her made had compelled her. It brought Katherine recalling all the years the decades the centuries she'd played human's this way, like her feasts her delights. Now the tables were turned and she understood Elena's yearn for it. It was too much to bare and slowly the elder vampire succumbed to her lover's voice moving behind the girl clasped in Elena's arms lowering her elongated fangs right over the other side of her neck giving in. She broke the skin with the girl moaning deeper arching her body between them. Elena had been right, something about this flirty young woman had indeed appealed to them both. Her doppelganger had felt it. The blood flowing through this girl's veins was more than just a sweet release it was ancient, strong and uncanny in it's pull at the vampire's. Katherine pulled at the warmth of her essence hearing Elena do the same and when the girl reached her hands up clenching her fingers in their hair they submitted to the pleasure to the dark calling quickly pulling from the chaos and crowds to a beautiful little outdoor oasis surrounded in carved marble statues, fountains and recently lit lanterns. Both broke out of the girl's skin whom pulled away dazed and intoxicated on liquor and blood loss but so very much in control of the situation. "Who are you?"

"Mmmm…did I taste good?" The girl smirked laughing letting her body drape over one of the stone benches and with her little feat both vampire's moved closer enticed by her. Katherine couldn't pull her eyes from the girl neither could Elena. Their irises lit up with blood fire, hunger, ache.

"Who…" Blue eyes turned so close to ice but held a hypnotic lure to them slipping into Katherine's whom licked her lips trying to resist the call but unable to. Elena wasn't much better now kneeling down to slice back into the girl's still unhealed neck. The elder vampire reached out quickly yanking her lover away from the vixen. "Whom are you?"

"Kath…" Elena swallowed down the sudden rush of danger flicking her eyes slowly calming from bloodlust now harbored with worry. But it was the laughter from the girl that sent shivers of dark preamble down both their spines.

"Katerina." Just the one name spoken so soaked in sensual rapture and Katherine felt herself step forward lost to this devious human. Elena briefly shook from the power this young thing was putting out and it was enough to lock her arms around her maker driving them across the garden away from trouble. "Let her go…let her feeeeeed…"

The younger vampire flashed fang with a hiss. The sensual tango drove far from Elena's mind turning her eyes to Katherine whom looked so utterly confused with an expression of sobriety. Katherine love…are you okay? Both women were struggling just to keep their thirst in check turning to one another then back to the girl whom stood without any swagger as if they'd never touched her at all.

"MY lover asked you a question." Elena snarled attempting to keep her composure. No longer wanting to tear into the girl in pleasure, as much as she wanted to rip the girl to shreds for be-spelling not just her maker but one of the most powerful oldest vampire's she'd ever known.

"My my…so eager to know about me." The girl snickered leaning back down laying against the bench now upright but still so provocatively desirable to the two nocturnes. "Minutes ago you both were moaning if not louder than I was, ready to give me a night I'd never forget I'm sure."

"A witch." Katherine growled. But the woman laughed.

"Much, much more."

"How do you know of me?"

"Ha…ha…oh my dear Katerina I know…so…much…" The older vampire felt another strike of heat drive through her over her sizzling flesh. She hissed stepping back a notch furious someone like this could give an effect just as her dear sweet Elena could. "Careful, I might take your playmate. Then what would you do? Can't go back to the brothers grim and all those that have stepped on your path are scattered or dust."

"She smells of someone, someone I've met Katherine." Elena stammered, calming the urge to snap the girl's neck. Then the memory flooded her, the scent those eyes that smile. "Alexia." Katherine turned her head to her lover with eyes widening.

"You met…"

"Dead. By the hand of the older sibling. Word traveled fast in my homeland."

"And that homeland would be?" Katherine trembled at the pain itching at her with the knowledge of what Damon had done to the beautiful vampire. But the girl just let laughter pour from her throat standing then stepping away into the shadows and fading within the crowds of entrepreneurs. "Dammit." Katherine snarled with Elena rushing toward the streets gazing around attempting to ward out the girl's scent but just as she had appeared she was completely gone.

"Katherine…who was that?" Elena muttered but her lover could hear the tremble within her voice. The older vampire wrapped a soothing arm around her made.

"Let us forget this…and enjoy the night's festivities my love." Katherine was determined to release the tension piling on them both with a little food, wine and shopping. But in the back of her wading mind the one little mischief had certainly increased her urge to protect Elena, no matter the consequence...

"You know dear brother…we've lost their trail." Damon chimed in with his usual repertoire of undying sarcasm leaning back in the driver's seat of the black old fashioned Shelby GT 500 turning to his sibling whom hadn't shaken the pain from his face even behind the pair of Oakley tinted sunglasses. They were going a nice 90 through the streets of a quaint little European town.

"Damon." Stefan had the faint notion to shut his older brother up but no, he let it go.

"I almost have the urge to buy one of those giant atlas globes and just SPIN it round and round with a glass of bourbon. Who knows maybe shit faced I can pick a place out that they MIGHT be in."

"Damon." He spoke again with a little more of an irritation in his throat.

"Aww sour grapes Stef! Look, so things didn't go so well with blondie lochs…"

"Didn't GO so well? Are you listening to yourself?"

"Actually I rather ignore myself, that's what keeps getting me into predicaments with you…dear brother." Damon calmed his own temper yearning to flare. "Well, do you think our dear ex has fled this country too?"

"I'm…not sure. She seems very eager to stay as far away from our home as possible."

"Well good ole spunky Car didn't really give us much to go on."

"What do you expect? She was in Katherine's hands Damon. On top of finding out her best friend is a vampire now. I would be a little speechless too." Stefan turned toward the road but a sudden flash of bright light brought a snarl from him. "DAMON LOOK OUT!" The older sibling slammed on the brakes skidding the car to the side nearly flipping them with how much of an impact ninety to zero could cause on a dirt road. Both siblings turned to one another then heard the faint tap of high heels. "Oh you gotta be…"

"Hello boys." Damon glanced up adjusting his red tinted glasses pulling the down just enough to look at a pair of nicely formed long legs covered in rather tight black pants and knee high boots trimmed with a very revealing black vest and a wave of red-blonde hair. The older brother couldn't help but drop his jaw with Stefan following suit.

"We search the countryside for them and we get her?" Damon groaned rolling his eyes to his younger sibling but when he heard the faint growl from the woman before them leaning over the edge of the convertible window all process of thought flew the coop.

"Missing someone again Damon? Tsk tsk and here I thought if I found you I could repay Lexi one." Damon swallowed down his nervousness. I knew her murder would come back to haunt me.

"He did it to save everyone." Stefan retorted, completely kicking himself for defending his brother after he had killed his BEST friend.

"YOU of all people, on his side for that?"

"Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder I see." The one sly smart ass remark brought blood boiling and both Salvatore's could smell it. Quickly as it had risen the woman pushed it down with a deeper resolve. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm surprised…" The woman removed the sash of black from her neck revealing the marks made by not one but two vampires in which both brothers stared deeply. "…you haven't asked me who decided to make me a snack."


"I met her. The 'doppelganger'. She's very young, stubborn but she has that fire in her blood that Katherine has."

"If you harmed…" Damon snarled about to strike but the woman shook her hand.

"Down boy. But perhaps you can make it up to me. You see, I have my own agenda with dear Katerina. I see you both weren't on the prowl for her, rather for what you seem to have lost. She's a manipulative bitch and the girl didn't deserve a turn so young."

"Dare I ask…why would you help us let alone me, Avery…"

"Because boys…" She leaned in with a power flaring in her iced blue eyes sending nervousness through both vampires KNOWING her potential. "…she deserves a fate worse than a slow death. You want your girl back, help me eradicate Kat."

"How can you? We don't even know where they are?" Both siblings watched the woman throw her head back in dear laughter.

"OH how funny! I guess I'll share my secret if you boys will give me a ride." Damon hesitantly offered his hand as the woman climbed in. "They both fed from me, so I've marked them too and just like you two can sniff out their blood I can do so…much…more. Shall we?" Stefan eyed his brother whom shrugged his shoulders turned the ignition on and put the Shelby in reverse, switched gears and floored it off as their new passenger pointed the way.