HI! Soo this chapter is a year late (sorry) and is totally out of the whole Glee plotline now. This is still set in Season 2, right after the season finale, where Kurt is still a junior and Blaine is a senior at Dalton. It will continue from this timeline and may not follow Season 3&4.
The sound of guns blasting and exploding brains shook Blaine out of his self-pity. He looked up to the source of the distraction: his two best friends, and roommates, Wes and David, playing a gruesome two-player video game, yelling while banging on their controls.
"No, no, NO! I said go to the left! I was supposed to cover the right side. How else are we going to infiltrate the cabin and wipe out the zombies?" exclaimed an outrageous Wes, throwing his controller down in frustration.
"PICK UP YOUR CONTROLLER AND LET'S FINISH THIS OFF. Don't be such a baby, Wes, we can still reach the home base and win this thing," yelled David, leaning to the left as he quickly steered his character in that direction, hiding behind a pile of boxes to avoid the hungry zombies.
"No, this is useless. I give up," Wes said, pouting and walking back to the bunk bed, settling down and covering himself up with Harry Potter sheets.
David sighed in exhaustion as the zombies overcame him without the help of Wes. "See, this is your problem. You give up when you shouldn't." He put away the video game controllers and turned to find Blaine leaning on the door, tie crooked and face drooped in sorrow. "Rough day?" he asked.
"The roughest of them all," Blaine replied, dragging his feet over to his single bed.
"That doesn't make much sense," Wes said with a smirk on his face. "How's the new kid like? What was his name- Sebastian?"
"Sebastian Smythe, yeah," Blaine said gloomily, head down in shame. "He asked me out on a coffee date. Just as friends, of course."
David scoffed and Wes yelled out, "Blaine. Have you forgotten that you have a boyfriend? Who clearly cares deeply for you? Have you forgotten Kurt Hummel, fashion extraordinaire with the beautiful blue-gray eyes you melt into? The Kurt Hummel that loves you and dotes on you?"
This reaction brought out a small smile on Blaine's face before being replaced by the frown stuck on his face all day. "It sounds like you're the one in love with him, Wes."
A pillow thrown at Blaine's face smacked him back into reality.
Blaine sighed deeply before continuing. "Of course I haven't forgotten about Kurt. Of course I haven't stopped loving him. Contrarily he's the one that doesn't love me."
David settled next to Wes and folded his feet up. Both boys sat forward, waiting for Blaine to continue.
"I was talking to him about New York this morning. And okay, before you judge me, the way everything was set was perfect. The smell of coffee everywhere, the light in his eyes. I- I don't know what came over me, but I told him that I loved him…and he couldn't say it back."
A simultaneous groan filled the room. "Ouch buddy," Wes said, patting Blaine's back in an attempt to comfort him. "That's gotta hurt, Blainers, but Sebastian? Really?"
"Sebastian is nothing! I promise you, I'm just here to make him feel comfortable. You of all people know that it's not easy to settle into a new school."
Wes flinched at that comment and groaned. "Don't you bring that up, Blaine Anderson. Fine. Go on your coffee date with the new kid. But if you mess up my OTP…"
David patted Wes's hand. "Hun, you've been reading way too much fan fiction. That's not good for the soul, man. Not good."
Wes pulled his hand away from David. "Hey! Who are you to lecture me on my guilty pleasure, Mr. "I'm-Having-Problems-With-My-Girlfriend-So-I-Resort-To-Watching-Porn-By-Myself-When-I-Think-No-One's-Watching.""
"You did not just say that," raged David, standing up straight only to hit his head on the top bunk. Both boys began yelling at each other.
Blaine smiled at their shenanigans. He knew he could always count on Wes and David to make him feel better. At least they were always there for him. He stood up and walked to a small, wooden drawer hidden in the corner of their large room, and took out snowmen briefs and a large bathrobe. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shower. Don't rip each other to pieces please."
He shut the door and the two squabbling boys immediately shut up. Wes looked up at David and whispered, "We have to do something about Kurt and Blaine."
"I know, man, I know. I'll go call Celine about this; she'll figure something out."
"Good plan. Good plan. Now…what are we going to do about Sebastian?"
Sebastian walked into an empty room, walls blank and floor clean. There was a single bed in one corner and a simple wooden desk in another. It was a large room, far bigger than he needed. He rolled his suitcase down to the bed and unzipped it, when his phone began buzzing. He took it out and glanced at his screen: Mia. A little bubble of happiness encompassed him as he tapped the "answer" button. "Hey there, lil sis. What's up?"
" I just wanted to see how you were doing at your new school, big bro," a cheerful voice responded. "Talk to me about it, I want to hear about everything. Are the boys there cute?"
"There is this one boy…He has a boyfriend, but they're having problems, and I know I can catch this one. I just need a few days before I pounce."
"A few days? On a taken man? Good luck, bro, that's not going to be easy."
Sebastian chuckled into his phone. "You doubt my skills, sister. I bet that by the end of this week, I know I'll have at least kissed him."
"Oooh a bet? You're on. If, by the end of this week, your skills have left you and you fail to kiss this mysterious taken man, I want your car. No, no, too easy. Alright, you have one month, until the end of the school year, to be considered "in a relationship" with this guy."
"And if I do?"
"You'll win my apology and respect for your pimpin' skills."
"That would be greatly appreciated, but no. If I win, I want you to stand up to mom and dad and tell them the truth about that night. Make them understand me, let me back into our house."
"Sort of ironic that you want me to fix our parents' gay issue with you if you win a bet on kissing boys."
"Deal or no?"
"Of course, Sebby. You know I'm always up for a good bet. But you didn't answer my question before: all boys academy, there's got to be cute boys everywhere, am I right?"
"Of course. Come visit sometime and you'll see.""Alright, I got to go now, mom's calling. But I miss you, Seb. I definitely will come visit. Maybe when I go there to collect my new car after you fail. Bye."
Sebastian smiled as the line on the other side clicked. "Bye sis."
Kurt laid on Rachel's frilly pink bed, reaching out for a slice of pizza. Rachel and Mercedes reached out patted him on his usually perfectly coiffed hair, today a mess.
"Maybe call him one more time? If he's not going to answer you, maybe he's just not the right one. Boy, if he's going to get this emotional over one thing, you can just drop that hobbit," Mercedes sassed, taking a slice for herself.
"Mercedes! Do not talk like that!" Rachel's shrill voice followed Mercedes's. "Kurt, call him one more time. Just once more. If he doesn't pick up, give him some space. Just remember, I'll always be here for you."
Kurt took a deep breath and reached for his phone, pulling up the keypad and typing in the number he'd memorized so long ago. He stared at the screen for awhile before pressing the 'call' button.
Thank you to everyone who's favorited and followed my story! Also to those that reviewed this. It's been a long year and I completely forgot about this and I'm so sorry for that. Hopefully, some of you are still here and will read this! Thank you!