So i kept seeing everyone writing Samcedes babyfics so I decided to be a follower and do the same thing...I was going to make it a one shot but I think i want to make it a short story...I hope you enjoy- I don't own Glee
"Oh my God!" was the first thing Sam Evans heard when he woke up. It was the voice of his wife, Mercedes in the bathroom. He looked at the clock and saw that it read 6:15 am. He panicked and quickly hopped out of bed. He rushed over to the bathroom door.
"Mercy, what's wrong, baby?" He turned the knob and began to open the door, only to have it pushed back closed by Mercedes.
"No, Sam, don't come in here."
"Babe, you're scaring me. What's going on?"
"I don't want you to see me right now." Her voice cracked and he heard her sniffling.
Mercedes was just entering her 5th month of pregnancy and her mood swings were really something to get used to for Sam. He was just beginning to get a handle on them.
"Mercedes, sweetie, don't be like that. Why don't you want me to see you?"
"Because…..I'm huge!" She started to cry harder. It hurt Sam's heart to see or hear her get so upset. Mercedes being pregnant was definitely an emotional rollercoaster for the both of them. He sighed and rested his head on the door.
"Baby, you're pregnant…not huge, now open the door and let me see you." She opened the door enough to show her face.
"You have to promise you won't laugh at me."
"Why would I laugh at you, Mercedes?" She opened the door wider and revealed her body.
"I can't see my feet, Sam!" He looked at his wife with amazement. It was as if her belly grew rapidly overnight. She really looked like she had a beach ball under her night gown. He noticed her stomach getting bigger lately but he figured it was just a part of being pregnant. He bit his bottom lips to hold back a laugh. She noticed and gasped.
"Oh my God! You promised you wouldn't laugh!" She pushed past him and walked over to the bed, her emotions getting the best of her again. He quickly went to her and kneeled in front of her.
"Mercedes, baby….I'm not laughing at the fact that you can't see your feet. I just can't believe how big your belly is…I don't think it's bad. You're not huge. It' just means we've got ourselves a biggin' in there." He put his hands on both sides of her swollen belly. She couldn't help but laugh at the choice of word he used to describe their baby.
"You're beautiful, Mercedes Evans. Honestly, you're more beautiful than ever." She looked down at him with surprise in her eyes.
"Yes, really. The love of my life is carrying my baby…our baby. That's beyond sexy." He flashed her favorite lopsided grin and winked at her. She let out a hearty laugh and playfully pushed his head back.
"You better stop that Sam Evans, you're the reason I'm like this to begin with." He laughed as he kissed her belly, stood up and sat next to her.
"Well, I can't help it if I have the sexiest wife in the world."
"Yeah, ham it up real good Samuel. You still laughed at me."
"Baby, how else am I supposed to react to seeing my wife's belly looking like a beach ball…It's cute." She shook her head.
"Whatever, now I have to figure out what to wear to this appointment."
"What's supposed to happen at this doctor's visit?" He asked as he reached over to rub her belly soothingly.
"Hopefully find out the sex."
"Still think it's a boy?" She gave him a pointed look.
"The way my emotions have been, hell to the yes. Only a boy can make my emotions so hot and cold all the time." He put his hand over his heart and mockingly scoffed at her.
"My feelings are hurt! She laughed and waved her hand at him.
"Boy please…Can you help me back up, I need to find something to wear." He stood up, took both of her hands and helped her off the bed. He put his hands back on her stomach and leaned down.
"I hope you didn't take offense to what your mother just said. If you are a boy, you have to show her that we Evans men don't mean to make her cry." She had no words to say as she watched her husband interact with their unborn child. It always warmed her heart.
It took her a good two hours to find something to wear that was to her liking. It was just starting to warm up in Lima, so she settled on a light a flowing sundress. When they arrived at the doctor's office, they signed in and patiently waited to be called to the back. Well, Mercedes waited patiently. Sam sat next to his wife and began his nervous tick, shaking his leg. One thing that annoyed Mercedes the most. She stood about 10 seconds of it before she put her hand on his leg to make him stop.
"If you don't stop I'm going to throw up on you." She said giving him a stern look.
"I'm sorry. I guess it just hit me that we're going to find out what we're having." She smiled brightly.
"You never told me what you think I'm having." His large hand covered her stomach.
"I'm hoping there's a little girl that looks just like you in there." Just as he finished his sentence, a nurse called out Mercedes' name. They smiled at each other and he helped her out of her chair. Once they were settled into the exam room, Mercedes' doctor stepped in and looked at her in surprise.
"Whoa how we've blossomed lately." Mercedes looked at her with concern all over her face.
"Doctor Masen, is this natural? I mean, am I really supposed to be this big at 20 weeks?"
"Some babies are bigger than usual….let's see what's going on in there." The ultrasound technician prepped her for the ultra sound. Doctor Masen began moving the probe over her belly and looking at the screen.
"Huh…that's interesting."
"What is?" Mercedes said quickly. Panic rising in her voice.
"There seems to be something I missed last time." Sam and Mercedes looked at each other and looked at the doctor, more terrified than ever.
"What exactly did you miss?" Sam asked, all the while trying to keep his cool for his wife.
"Well...the reason you're so big Mrs. Evans is because you're having twins."
"What?" The both of them all but shouted at the same time. Dr. Masen pointed out on the screen directing them where the second baby was located.
"Looks like baby B was playing hide and seek with us last time. Baby A's amniotic sac is a bit bigger than baby B's." Mercedes turned to Sam only to see that his face was completely pale.
"Sam, babe? Are you okay?"
"T-twins? We're having twins?" He asked as he continued to stare at the screen that showed both of their babies.
"Yep. Two boys." Dr. Masen said cheerfully. That was the last thing Sam Evans heard before falling to the floor and succumbing to darkness.