Calm, quiet, and peaceful, the lab had become the one place to offer shelter to Kururu. He found that, behind these walls, no one could touch him unless he so allowed it. However, he failed to take his own actions into account as something that could harm him. Sure there had been the explosion that had changed him into a tadpole once before, but he had fixed that and returned to his normal age once it needed to be done. No, this time the accident he had created would have a much more dangerous effect.

And he wouldn't be the only one to suffer for his mistake.

Things had started quite peacefully, a rare calm settling over the Hinata household that brought everyone into a time of peace. Even Natsumi had lightened up in her usual punishments toward Keroro that day. It seemed that the only tension still left in the house was the dark aura of jealousy radiating from the youngest of the Keronjins, Tamama, as he watched Mois and Keroro chatting happily. This, however, was a normal occurrence so it didn't strike anyone as unusual.

Venturing down into the Keronjins' secret base would reveal the others busying themselves with other things. One would find Giroro nestled in the weapons vault, a long rifle in his lap, polishing and lubricating each and every last weapon in the place to keep them in pristine working condition. Dororo could be found in his garden area, a smile upon his face (if one could see through the mask he wore) as he watered a white rose bush full in bloom. Deeper still into the base one could find the structure of Kururu's lab; the huge door resembling the yellow frog's head couldn't be missed after all. One would find access to this place forbidden, however, and would have to turn and leave the premises.

Today, however, the door to the lab stayed cracked open just a bit, just enough to notice it being open if one were to look, just enough to squeeze into if one were foolish enough to invade the souchou's territory. And today, someone would be just that foolish.

"How dare that woman try to steal my Gunsou-san! Someday I'll make her pay, desuu!" The voice of a very furious tadpole came grinding through his teeth as he stormed down the hallway. Contented before with merely sitting in the same room to hate "that woman", it hadn't been long before Tamama's ever-hungry stomach commanded him to leave in search of food. So, ever-so reluctantly, he had done just that. However, he stopped short at a strange sound emanating from the dangerous face of the lab. It had been a sort of echoing screech, not one that was loud enough to startle anyone, but just loud enough to peek the youngster's curiosity.

Walking slowly so as not to alert the security monitor above him, the tadpole peeked his head just far enough into the lab to satisfy his curiosity; finding only darkness up to the point where his eyes fell on the computer. The large screen, usually buzzing with activity, showed only a dark grey noiseless static which let off a small glow of light around the surrounding area. Kururu's chair seated just in front of the massive screen was empty, begging the question in the tadpole's mind as to where the intelligence officer was in the lab and where the odd noise he had heard had come from.

Knowing his decision was quite dangerous for a number of reasons before he had even thought of it, he took a tentative few steps through the door. All was quiet, save for the sound of his own heart pounding against his ribcage, and dark within the lab; not a trace of Kururu anywhere which was extremely odd. Tamama quite expected the other to pop out to scare him at any moment, though that didn't happen.

"Kururu-sempai? Are you in here, desuu? He called out after a tense minute; his body instantly tensing as if waiting for some horrifying piece of tech to attack him. A pregnant pause filled the room, still no movement or sound. After what seemed like an eternity Tamama finally relaxed. "Guess he's not here, desuu…"

However, just as he turned and began to walk out of the lab, he began to hear a faint sound.

His head turned in the direction of the noise, a dark corner of the lab blocked partially by a table, and began to walk toward it slowly. Each step he took was slow and careful, his breath held to better hear the slight noise. When finally he peeked around the table, his eyes widened slightly and a small gasp escaped his lips. There, lying on the floor and curled in a tight ball, was the yellow Keronjin.

"Kururu-sempai!" the tadpole shouted as he rushed to the other's side. He cried out in pain and kneeled down as something sharp stabbed into the bottom of his foot; a quick check revealing a fragment of glass embedded in the skin of his heel. He quickly jerked the fragment out and tossed it aside, looking back at his teammate; a tiny bit of relief appearing on his face as Kururu's head turned up toward him. The relief was short lived, however, as Tamama noticed the broken glasses on the other's face and the thin trails of blood that ran down in a few spots where glass had pierced the skin. His army training kicked in just then, and he quickly forced his superior to his feet; though training didn't predict that your teammate would throw up on you in the process of helping them.

The smell of half-digested curry smacked the private hard and he narrowly avoided losing his lunch as well; even after accidently stepping in the sickness trying to get both of them out of the lab. A weak string of laughter came from Kururu a moment afterward, and Tamama couldn't help but think the other had purposely waited to throw up on him.

He dearly hoped that he wouldn't become sick as well after this.