On a cold winter day

Author's Note: Just a little drabble i made on my iPod! Sorry if it makes completely no sense :D


And english are not my first languange, so please don't be too harsh...

Disclaimer: If i own hetalia, there will be definitely more Russame fluff...

It is a snowy day in Moscow. Alfred snuggled up to his lover in front of the plasma tv in Ivan's warm room. They got chocolate and pastries and bunch of another cool stuff like films and shit, so Alfred didn't feel like squirmed out of Ivan's warm embrace. The tv is on and its playing one of Alfred's favourite movie. Life is perfect.

"Hey Ivan? Can you get me those plate of pastries?" alfred pointed to a white plate full of chocolate pastries on the bedside table. Ivan nodded sleepily and reached out for the plate, then he sets the plate down between them.

"Would you like me to feed you, дорогой?" Ivan asks in his husky voice, making alfred blushed a bright red and he looks very cute in ivan's opinion.

"N-no, its too early for a morning round. Besides, i'm still sore. You went too hard again, you jerk," alfred stated, trying to look angry but only successing to make ivan chuckled and leaned down to kiss the younger blonde's soft lips.

"im sorry, фредка. Did i hurt you too bad?" Ivan asked in worried tone that make Alfred's blush deeper. The large russian hand travel along his lover's backside to rub at the clothed and round, pert ass. Alfred moaned happily as Ivan squeezed his backside.

But finally Alfred pushed him away.

"Noooo! I want my pastries! OUCH! Dont pinch my ass like that you big bad russkiy!" alfred said as he reached down for the plate.

"Whatever you say, sunflower," ivan kissed him one more time on the lips before joining his beloved one, nipping on his pastry.


I love them because they're just crazy cute.

Review? :D