Hey all! I'm back and I hope ya'll like this story. It's not the typical "girl-who-plays-baseball-and-falls-in-love-with-Benny" story. This story is going to take many twists and turns and hopefully be interesting the entire time. Updates will come slow, and I'm sorry for it, but I have had an extreamly sever case of writer's block for the past year. I'm going to do my best to update this story as well as my story in Unnatural History.
This chapter is just an introductory chapter and-to be honest-sucks. Hopefully the following story will get better. One final note: this story takes place after "The Beast"-they will all be in 9th grade (I'm assuming they were just in 7th or 8th when the movie took place)-and Bertrum has left, leaving the team one player short again. With that said, onto the chapter!
Chapter 1: My "Disability"
I once read a book that claimed that "being a woman" was a "disability."*** Most people would probably say that that was sextist. Me, I say it's true. Especially in this day and age when girls can't do anything but cook, clean, and go shopping. Girls can't do anything fun like play baseball, goof off, play baseball, act stupid, play baseball, fight, ect. Oh, did I mention play baseball?
It was just my luck to be born a girl. I'm the least girly girl you will ever meet. My mom left when I was just three, leaving me to be raised by my father. Dad never did understand women, so he raised me the same way he was raised. I haven't worn a dress or skirt since Mom left and I've never done anything girly like have a sleepover or do "make-overs" or any nonsense like that. Instead, I was raised to love nature, camping, wrestling, and, most of all, baseball.
We had always lived on the same old farm. It was five miles to the closest town; the school was complete ten miles away. I never did like that school. The boys teased me for being a tom-boy and refused to let me hangout with them, and the girls would have nothing to do with "the freak in pants." It came as a shock to me the day Dad announced that we were moving to the city.
"It's just a small city." Dad had explained. "More of a town really."
"Why do we have to move?" I had shouted once the shock wore off.
Dad had sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"I was fired today." Dad worked as a cook at a local resturant."And I can't pay off the farm anymore. We have no choice."
No matter how much I begged, the situation never changed. We began packing immediatly and were ready to move by the end of the week. The day we piled into the old farm truck was the same day I made the descision to rid myself of my "disability" in an effort to start a new life in this new place we were going.
The day we moved was the day I, Robyn McCallister, became "Robin." Dad was a little hesistant, not wanting me to jump into something as crazy as masquerading as a boy. But after a little convincing, he gave in and agreed to my plan.
On the way to our new home, we stopped at a barber shop and I had my bright red hair cropped short to my head. I wore the baggiest jeans and T-shirt I owned and pulled my Los Angelos Dodgers cap down low over my face.
My disguise didn't fool Dad at all, but he admitted that because I was about the size of a boy my age-I'm five foot five- and lean, sun-tanned body, I did look like a teenaged boy. And so, with my disguise in place, the McCallister family began our journey. As I leaned against the window of the truck and watched the scenery fly by, I smiled, glad to no longer have to worry about my "disability."