Okay, so I got pretty positive feedback for my fic "An Enemy Among Us," so I decided to write and post another poetry fic. This one is going to be a tad bit different, however. For starters, it's going to focus on Miroku and Sango. Mostly Sango. I dunno, I just find it easier to get inside of Sango's head than Miroku's. But I'll do my best and we'll see how it works out, but most of the chapters will probably be from Sango's POV, but we'll see. Oh, and I might include an Inu or Kagome POV chapter every now and then. Another thing is there isn't going to be a song of the day or quote of the day. And I'm not going to set that strict guideline of "Only one chapter a day" like last time. I might post more than one chapter a day, some days I might not post at all, it just depends on how things are going for me. But with every chapter, I'm still going to include a quote, it'll just be called "Quote of the Chapter," instead of "Quote of the Day," but no songs, unfortunately. Sorry! And I think that's about it so... enjoy!

Quote of the Chapter: "Comparing Rowling to Meyer, is like comparing a work of art that appeals to the majority of the population to a turd with glitter thrown on it."

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.


Recuperating in Kaede's village

Is usually uneventful.

We heal

Kagome and InuYasha argue

Kaogome sits InuYasha

Kagome returns to that

Strange world of hers

InuYasha sulks

Miroku acts lecherous

I slap him -

Totally uneventful

And completely normal.

Or at least,

That's how it usually goes.

But one day


Really pissed me off,

So I decided

To take a walk

Around the outskirts

Of town to

Clear my head

And put some distance

Between me

And that pervert -

He was so insensitive!

Always flirting

And womanizing!

Why any woman

Would fall for his stupid

"Will you bear my children?"


Or found him charming

Or even gave him

The time of day

Was way beyond me!

They were all such idiots

And floozies

And I for one -

"Somebody help me!"

I froze in my tracks

Grabbed onto Hiraikotsu

Ran in the direction

Of the yelling and

Came upon a young man

And two little girls

Cornered by a group of demons.

I ordered Kirara

To get in front of them;

As I threw Hiraikotsu

She transformed

And began fighting off

The demons

That managed to avoid


In a matter of minutes

The last of the demons

Were defeated.

I caught Hiraikotsu in my hand

Threw it over my shoulder

Then ran over

To the boy

And two young girls,

All of whom

Were staring at me with

Wide eyes.

"You guys okay?" I asked

Kirara transforming back

And jumping up

Onto my shoulder.

The young man

Stood up

Met my eyes;

His were

Filled with wonder

And amazement.

The girls stood up

Distracting me

From his...



He had black hair

And icy blue eyes -

I had never seen eyes so blue before!


Thank you so much miss!

I was just taking my sisters here

To see our grandmother -

Our parents just passed away

You see - And all these demons...

They just...

Ambushed us;

Caught us off guard.

We would have been dead

If it wasn't for you.

Thank you ever so very much, miss!

I'm Keitaro

By the way.

And these are my little sisters


And Maemi.

And we are forever in your debt." he exclaimed

Bowing down on the ground

At my feet.

I blushed

As the two little girls

Said their greetings

And did the same.

They were so cute!

I quickly brushed them off

They owed me nothing,

I just happened

To be in the right place

At the right time,

I assured them

Asking them all

To stand up.

"But please

I must at least know your name."

I smiled,

What harm

Could it possibly do?


I'm Sango.

And this is Kirara."


Such a pretty name...

For such a pretty young woman..."

Anyone else here picturing him as a Miroku wannabe with a creepy pedophilic mustache and smirk? Just sayin', that last line sounded more than a little Miroku-like. Creepy. But he's not like that. Or at least, he's not supposed to be. Keitaro is supposed to be... Eh, you'll get it soon enough. Anyway, that last line was more than a little bit... Out there. Did anyone here catch Sango's fatal mistake? The one thing she shouldn't have thought? Anyway, I hope you guys all had a great holiday, whatever it is that you celebrate.

Be sure to let me know what you think!

Peace out,