I'm sorry for the long wait you guys had to endure. It seems like for the past couple weeks I haven't gotten a moment of down time.

Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day... I hope it was better for you than mine or my best friend's.

I'd like to thank my amazing beta reader, Dizzly Puzzled, who helped make this story so much better. Thanks!

I'd also like to thank all those who took the time to review/follow/favorite. In the words of Astrid (from the How to Train your Dragon Christmas special: Gift of the Night Fury [yes, I am a fan of How to Train you Dragon]) "You're amazing!"

The answers to the age question were very...intriguing...

The trivia question was "In what episode do we find out Tucker is afraid of hospitals?"

The answer was Doctor's Disorders! And the winners are...


Dragonian master


Silly Guest

Sincerely the Sign Painter



kumquats are awesome


Dragon Girl



Great job to all!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Ghost Bug

Chapter 15

Danny's POV

Pushing my top speeds, I flew through the Ghost Zone. I ignored any ghost that looked at me funny. After all, it wasn't everyday you saw a pissed off, teary-eyed Danny Phantom surging through the Zone. I was at Plasmius's portal in record time. The fruit loop was still too cocky to install a door on his to stop unwanted ghost traffic...then again, nobody really dared to cross him; nobody but me that is.

I burst through his portal, with one thought in mind, get my sister back and teach this damn fruit loop a fricking lesson once and for all. He was in his "secret lab" in human form when I got there. I didn't even give him time to process what was going on; I just grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall harshly. "Where is my sister!?" I screamed at his face. I could see the glow of my freakish green eyes on his shocked face.

His eyes soon narrowed, and he switched to his ghost form and pushed me off. "I don't know anything of your sister, Daniel," he mocked calmly. His face was calm, obviously laughing at my rage.

"Liar!" I yelled, uncharacteristically. My hands glowed brightly, and I shot at him sloppily, but he had easily dodged the attack. There was a large crater left in the wall where he was.

"I must say, Daniel, this is a surprise to see you so angry. No banter or mockery today?" he questioned with his eyes narrowed.

"Don't toy with me, Plasmius!" I threw another ecto-blast at him, this time I hit him, and though he was thrown back, he quickly got back to his aerial position.

"I see your anger is giving you strength, Daniel. Do you really think that you are not like me now?" he tested.

"Just the hell up, Plasmius! Where's Jazz!?" I yelled. I grabbed him by the collar and threw him at the ground. He casually stood up and brushed himself off, as if the attack didn't hurt him in the slightest. It only angered me further.

"Let's see...Jasmine...Jasmine...I may know something about her little...disappearance," he mused. He gave me an evil smirk, I felt my eyes widen and then quickly narrow.

"Where is she!?" I demanded. I listlessly shot three more ecto-blasts at him that he was easily able to dodge.

"Would you like me to take you to her? Just avoid all the fighting, or would you like to keep this up? I'm quite tired, Daniel, and though I usually do enjoy beating you, I don't know how much I really feel like doing it now." He actually had the nerve to yawn.

In retrospect, I probably should have thought it odd that he was so willing to give in like that, but my anger locked all of my common sense away and threw away the key. "I swear, Plasmius, if you're bluffing, I'm going to rip you in half!" I muttered in a harsh whisper.

"Temper, temper, child," he taunted. I then grabbed hold of him and he teleported us to the spot. I made sure to keep a tight hand on his shoulder and the other ready to shoot an ecto-blast at his face if he tried anything. For some odd reason, he didn't, and I was in what seemed to be a sort of warehouse.

Keeping an eye on Plasmius, I moved closer to the slump on the floor. "Jazz?" I whispered, both wanting and not wanting it to be her. The lump moaned. My eyes widened in shock and I floated down to her, holding her up, I saw that she was unharmed, just unconscious. This was way too easy...

"Why, Plasmius, if you were just going to bring me back here, what could you possibly gain from this?" My clouded mind began working again; finding the loop holes in this situation.

He gave me an evil smirk. Everything came together to late. He got Dad's invention working. He's the reason my parents blamed me. He was trying to turn my parents against me! As if he read my mind, he spoke, "Check and mate, Daniel."

The next thing I knew, there was a cage around us, much like that when my dad and I were captured, except this time it was ghost proof, too. I threw many shots. I yelled. I screamed. And all he did was laugh. I fell right into his trap. Damn it, why was I so stupid!

Though I gave up, I continued to stare at him with angry eyes. I stayed like that, between him and Jazz for what felt like hours, my instincts going haywire. A double of Plasmius I didn't even know was there came through the wall and whispered something to Vlad before joining Vlad's being again. A mischievous smile covered his calm, taunting face.

Though I was calmer now, I was still trying to think of a way out of this. "Well, Little Badger, if I were you, I'd switch to my human form, two people are going to get in here that I don't think you want to be in that form around," he laughed mockingly.

My eyes widened as I heard the door rattle. How did they...but they...Dad's invention. "Shit," I murmured and quickly switched back to human form.

"Ta-ta," Vlad mocked and phased out of the warehouse. I crouched next to Jazz just as my parents came in.

My eyes closed. He planned all of this. And my stupidity made me fall for it. "I'm so stupid," I murmured as my parents came running over to us. I didn't even want to look at them. They thought Phantom was here based on the invention and my parents, being the people they were, were going to draw the conclusion that Phantom took us and locked us in this cage.

"Danny! Jazz!" my mom exclaimed, running up to the cage.

My dad came right behind her. With a quick shot of an ecto-stun gun he had on him, he was able to take out the cage from the outside. They wrapped me and a stirring Jazz up in a hug. We sat there like that for awhile. I didn't say anything; trying to figure out how to smooth this situation over.

Jazz's eyes began fluttering open. "Mom? Dad? Danny?" she questioned in a whisper.

"We're here, sweet heart," my mom soothed. Jazz, much like a six-year-old, nudged closer into Mom.

I felt uncomfortable being this close to everybody. We hadn't done something like this in years. And I'd tried to stay away from them—meaning my parents—as much as possible. Not to mention the fact that right now, I just wanted to fly, get far away, spend some time alone. Get some time to think things through.

When Jazz was fairly awake, my mom asked us, "Who did this to you guys?" Her eyes were filled with tears, and I looked to the ground. I thought Jazz would do the same as me, but then she said something that I was never going to understand.

"Phantom. Phantom did this to us," Jazz whispered. My eyes widened in shock.

Good? Bad? Ugly? I won't know unless you review.

If you guys have any questions, I will answer them if you put them in your review.

This issues trivia question is:

In which episode do we first meet Wulf?

Remember, I need a name, not a description.

Please review.

~Pheek out

Silly Reader: 16? I'm not a great guesser. XD