Title: Lemonade
Rating: PG
Summary: A fight between B.A. and Face ends up bringing them closer in the end.
"What you mean you can't make it? I was countin' on you...you told me weeks ago that you'd help me take the community center kids to the zoo."
"I know...and I will. But, you didn't tell me it was this Saturday. I can't make it."
"Why not, man?" B.A. demanded.
"I have other plans already." 'Just don't ask me what they are,' Face prayed silently.
"I knew it!" B.A. exclaimed pounding his fist into his other hand.
B.A.'s response took Face by surprise. "You knew what?"
"Choosin' some lady over them kids ain't right!"
"For your information, I don't have a date."
"Then what's the problem?"
Face sighed, knowing his answer wouldn't go over well. "It's personal."
B.A. made a fist and held it up in front of his teammate. "If you don't start explaining, my fist and your face are gonna get personal."
"If you must know, I have plans with Father Maghill," he answered, already revealing more than he had wanted to.
"So, reschedule...he'll understand."
"Look B.A., I'm sorry...really, I am. But, I just can't make it that day." Face turned and started to leave. He didn't want to tell B.A. the real reason for his visit with the priest who just about raised him.
"We ain't done yet, man. Don't you walk away from me," B.A. said grabbing Face by the arm and spinning him around.
Face pulled his arm away and rubbed the spot where B.A.'s massive hands had squeezed. "C'mon B.A., let's drop it. I'll help out next time for sure."
B.A. shook his head disapprovingly. "You really are somethin'. But, this is low...even for you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"We all know that you put yourself first, but this time you gone too far."
Face felt his anger rising, but he kept his voice calm. "That's not fair, and you know it."
B.A. did know it; Face had always been a good friend and spent a great deal of time helping out at the center. But at the moment all he could see was red and the words flew out of his mouth before he had a chance to hold them back. "You ain't no good, Faceman. All you do is lie and steal...you no better than a common thief."
Face's mouth hung open for a brief moment in shock. Quickly regaining his composure, he said acerbically, "It's nice to know what you really think of me...or should I say how little you think of me." Again, Face started walking away not wanting to show B.A. how much his words had really hurt.
"I thought I told you not to walk away from me," B.A. growled moving in front of the smaller man and blocking his exit.
"Get out of my way, B.A."
B.A. took an imposing step closer. "Why don't you make me?"
Face hung his head; how had things escalated to this point? Looking up, he briefly met B.A.'s eyes before stepping to the side and trying to get by.
B.A. countered Face's movement. Raising his arms he put his hands on Face's chest and pushed lightly. A light push from B.A., however, was enough to send him reeling. Unable to regain his footing, he stumbled backwards. He put his arms out behind him to break his fall, but landed awkwardly on the right one while smacking the back of his head on the edge of the coffee table. Face lay there, stunned, spots clouding his vision. B.A. stood over him breathing hard, not from effort, but from emotion.
(TBC…part 1 of 3)