Arc Rise Fantasia 2

Gray: "So after a long and tiresome first semester of college cramp inside the same room with 5 other guys we're back!" –takes off clothes and jumps on Emil's bed - "As expected, as comfy and soft as ever!" –takes a pillow over his head and closes his eyes-

Emil C.: "Yo! And where am I supposed to sleep?" –glares at Gray who throws another pillow at my face and pints at the floor-

Tenebrae: "Master..." –bows in front of depressed Emil- "If you would ask of me I could turn into a mattress so you could rest the night."

Emil C.: "Nah, its ok, Tenebrae!" –ruffles the Centurion's ears- "I would be damned if I used one of my precious friends as an object…!"

Gray: "Oh, c'mon you two!" –growls turning to see the two in a 'heart-to-heart moment'- "Fine!" –he sighs stepping off the bed- "You can sleep on the bed, but just because you remind me of Lucy…"

Emil C.: "But what about you?" –looks back at Gray sleeping on the floor- "It's not fair for me to get the bed since it was partially my fault that your house was burned to ashes…"

Happy: "Waaaah!" -points at Gray and Emil as he talks to my roommate- "They are so noisy, J-kun!" –roomate nods with head as pets Happy's head-

Tenbrae, Gray and Emil C.: "Traitor…" -glares at Happy who moved out of Natsu's house to live with Emil's roommate-

Happy: "Who are you talking about?" -asks the giggling Exceed faking ignorance-

Emil C.: "Anyways, are you sure you want to sleep on the ground with just your trousers on?" -he says pointing at Gray's bare body-

Gray: "So then what do you propose?" –glares at the comfortable position in which Tenebrae and Happy are sleeping with Emil and J on the beds-

Tenebrae: "If you would allow me, I have a proposition to make… " -starts laughing in a mischievous way- "Trust me, we will all be satisfied!"

Gray: "You know Tenebrae, I hate to admit it but this was an excellent idea!" –pets the centurion sleeping at his feet-

Emil C.: "I would agree with both of you…" -pushes his own body to one of the corners of the bed- "If Gray didn't have the costume of taking off his clothes once he gets on a bed!" –points at Gray laying right beside him as they share the bed-

Happy: "See, J-kun?" -points at Tenebrae with fear- "That dog over there is the cause of Emil-kun's and my hallucinations as well!" –J takes picture of awkward moment between the Emil and Gray ready to use to blackmail Emil later-

Gray and Emil: "Let's just go to bed..." –sweatdrop as they turn off the lights on the room- "Goodnight everyone..."

Happy: "Night, Emil-kun!" -glares daggers at Gray and Tenebrae- "Don't let Gray take advantage of you while you're sleeping!"

Gray: "Happy, just don't talk." -shakes his head turning his body towards Emil- "First of all, Emil we are friends so there's no need to fear I'll do something weird; and second of all, I don't swing that way and would have to be very drunk to try something with you…"

Emil C.: "That is comforting, I guess?" –stutters thinking it would have been better to sleep on the floor after all- "God, if you want to punish me you are doing a great job…"

Tenebrae: "Relax, Lord Emil!" –opens one closed eye- "If the exhibitionist tries something funny with you I'll bite his head off!"

Emil C.: "Wow, thanks Tenebrae!" –looks surprised at Tenebrae while Gray seems annoyed by everyone's remarks-

Gray: "Geez, it's good to know I'm loved and trusted..." –growls facing the other side of the room- "Let us just do the freaking Disclaimer and go to bed before you start calling me a rapist, again!" -tries taking off his boxers but is stopped by Emil's tight grip- "Fine! Fine! I won't do it! Gosh, you people are sensitive!" –chuckles- "No pun intended-!" -winks at the femenine public- "Emil C. does not own Fairy Tail, Tales of Symphonia nor Arc Rise Fantasia! But he will someday take over all the copyrights and make a huge crossover where we will all meet and I'll get my own room!" - cocky smile-

Happy: "Says the guy who seems to be enjoying the company of an innocent young boy!" –at Emil creating a barricade of pillows between the two of them-

Gray: "You're not helping, Happy!" –groans as the room is filled with silence at last- "It's almost like they're treating me like I'm some kind of Juvia…"

Emil C.:"You got that right…" –mumbles before completely falling asleep-

The Rise

Niko-kun and Adele-chan Adventures

With a little charm on her hand and a new set of clothes the Real Diva waltz from store to store in the Capital of Carbunculus with a bright smile in her face as if her sole presence lightened up the day for the people on the square. The people delighted with the girl's gleeful demeanor watched the girl with awe and swore she had the aura of an angel and the vigor of a demon as she went from store to store ravaging through the sale off discounts and promotions.

Right behind her a slim young man with messy red hair and tears popping off his eyes followed dutifully the young maiden almost out of breath as the young man tried to effortlessly to catch up with the young girl; almost at that moment the girl stop in her track and turned to the exhausted young man and chuckled kindly at him. "Honestly, Niko you are as hopeless as ever!" She teased the boy taking half of the bags and packages from his hands with little to no effort.

"It's just that this is way too much for our journey, don't you think Adele?" The man huffed as he walked towards the small bench where his partner waited patiently for him with an everlasting smile on her face.

"I fret I'll have to disagree with you, Niko…" The girl took out of one of the bags a couple of pants and an indigo colored long-sleeve shirt. "But since this is not our era at all, we need to blend with the people of this town if we do not want to call any attention to ourselves…"

"But Adele, don't you think it's a little bit late for that?" He pointed at a group of thirteen year old girls who squirmed and yelped in delight as Adele turned to them and waived her hand kindly.

"Maybe you're right…" She laughed embarrassed as she took all the bags upon herself and walked towards the inn where the Opera owner had so kindly paid for them to stay. "Come on now, Niko! We need to get changed!"

"Yes, ma'am…" The gunman sarcastically smiled carrying the rest of the packages with him and inside the great hall of the 5 stars hotel they were staying at.

"Carbunculus…?" Adele shook her head as she turned to the smiling gunman. "I do not think we will find my key in a place like this, you know?"

"Trust me in this one, won't you Adele?" The redheaded young man playfully winked at his friend as they walked down the main gate of the metropolis.

"Wow! I had never seen anything like this before!" Niko gawked as he stared static at the huge installations of a factory towering over every building on the magnificent citadel.

"Really?" Adele stared at the structure with disdain and dislike as she noticed that a small green area used to reside where the new structure now dwelled. "I have just visited this place twice and once was just to save Leslie, so I would not know whether this thing should be here or not…"

"I know, right?" Niko perked up as he ran towards the installations main door in a hurry. "This place is so magnanimous! So mysterious and alluring!" He goofily chimed taking close look at all the details of the apparatus in the main entrance's door.

"If you say so…" Adele sighed taking another look at the boring metal colored building shooting rays of electricity and multicolored gases from within. "It still doesn't feel like a very nice place, it feels almost like the very place was a lifeless desert."

"Seriously, Adele!" Niko playfully ruffled the Diva's hair much to her annoyance. "You got to stop being so judgmental and superstitious…" He pulled out his tongue as he tried knocking on the building's door and her fret summoned all her will not to punch her partner right there and then.

The door did not budged as a hologram appeared before them as well as two ray laser guns pointing at them with great precision to their heads. The two companions hugged each other and shuddered as they closed their eyes in front of the huge cannons close enough to their heads to blow them with one precise shot.

"IDENTIFICATION, PLEASE…" The mechanical voice of the hologram spoke up.

"Hello, my name is Niko Bennex and this is my friend Adele." He replied trying to regain some composure whilst not releasing Adele from his tight grasp.

"VOICE IDENTIFICATION INCORRECT…" The monotonous voice answered as the two huge guns started to light up and charging their laser engines prepared to shoot at them. "ANY INTRUDER TRYING TO ENTER REGENESIS INSTALLATION SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY DISPOSED UNDER CLAUSE 48, SEC. 27 OF THE REPUBLIC'S CONSTITUTION RULES OVER THE PAST 5 YEARS…"

"T-990, shut up…" An annoyed young girl wearing a gaudy old fashion styled three layered purple dress while carrying a lollipop on her hand as she walked right behind the frightened duo.

"VOICE RECOGNITION CONFIRMED." The security system answered lowering its weapons almost immediately.

"Gees, this stupid machine…" The girl sighed turning her amethyst eyes towards Niko. "Are you going to stand there all day or do you have any business here?"

"…" Niko and Adele still very much in a state of shock stared at the mysterious newcomer with fright on their eyes. "Do you care to come in for a second, then?"

"Y-yes!" Niko stuttered following the girl inside turning to find his friend still standing outside with an embarrassed look on her face. "Aren't you coming too, Adele?"

"Nah," the girl dismissively waved her hand, "but you go ahead Niko have some fun, ok?"

"But I am supposed to take care of you!" Niko gallantly retorted gaining a light blush from Adele and a quizzical look from the girl who seemed already bored of standing on the building's door.

"Seriously, Niko, I'll be fine trust me!" She said turning her head towards the streets. "It is a very nice day to pass it inside such a gloomy factory after all…" She lightheartedly commented oblivious of the infuriated glare the little girl was giving to her.

"Do as you please," the girl scoffed closing the door of the factory behind her, "so tell me Mr. Gunsman what brings you here?"The girl inquired pointing right at Niko's gun pocket with her lollipop.

"I-I don't know…" The young redheaded boy scratched his back as he gave the place a second look to the place with joy and excitement. "I just thought that whoever keeps this place going must be a very talented genius, you know?"

"Oh! Well~!" The girl's cold expression changed as she blushed madly. "You could say that!"

"So who are you, cute little girl?" Niko gently rubbed his hand over the girl's head.

"My name is Kathia Galliardos, nice to meet you, sir!" She gently hugged the gunman.

"Wow, aren't you the sweetest thing?" The ex-soldier chuckled looking down at the girl hugging his leg. "My name is Niko Bennex!"

"Niko-kun, would you be my friend?" The girl smiled at the young man.

"I would be honored for a cute little princess like yourself!" He commented tickling the girl's nose with his finger as the girl laughed in content.

"Niko," Adele sighed aimlessly walking through the streets, "you are such a nincompoop!" She chuckled as she remembered L'Arc's sermons to Niko due his lack of seriousness and goofy demeanor.

"L'Arc." Adele mumbled under her breath as she stopped walking in the middle of the street. "I wonder what you're doing right now…"

"Oh, I'm sorry! "An old man with glasses yelled as he crashed in front of Adele.

"It's fine, sir!" The Real Diva smiled as she knelt to help the old man to pick up some papers he dropped during the crash. "Are these pamphlets?" The nosy girl questioned looking at the notes.

"Oh, yes, these are the pamphlets for the orchestra choir." The man bowed as he picked up the last of the papers. "Dear lady, would you mind accompanying me to the Opera Theater and help this old man carry these papers?"

"With pleasure!" The girl nodded her head as she took more than half of the papers on her hands and walked beside the elderly man.

"Master Patel! Master Patel!" A woman came running towards the elderly man from the gates of the Opera Theater. "This is terrible, Master!"

"What's wrong, Althea?" The man walked closer to the woman as she whispered something to his ear. "This is impossible! Quite a scandal! She couldn't!"

"I am afraid she did, Master…" The woman yelled at the border of tearing up.

"Now, now Althea..." The old man patted the woman's head. "We do not want to create a scene in front of the rest of the actors, do we?"

"Excuse me, sir…" Adele who had been quietly standing beside the man the whole time interrupted the conversation. "But, what seems to be the problem?"

"Our lead actress interpreting as the 'Pure Maiden of the Mist' in today's Opera show has eloped with the man who would be interpreting the 'Warrior of the West'…." The man sullenly sighed with a forced smile.

"And with the main role characters gone our play is doomed!" Althea stated pouring out in tears as she dropped her head in defeat.

"Don't worry!" Adele kindly smiled at the old man. "I don't think I can replace the girl and I might not be a great singer but I think I can try it if you let me…"

"Really?" The worrisome secretary whipped her head towards the redheaded girl with hope on her eyes.

"You do understand the importance of the play, don't you?" The man glared at her a little hesitant of the girl's idea. "This play is after all a national event created on the Congress a long time ago…"

"Like I said," she gently bowed at both of them," I might not be the best of singers but if there is any way that I can help you…"

"Now, now…" The man turned to Adele encouraged by her speech and passion. "Do not undermine yourself before trying; I'll be the judge of your abilities." He said taking a seat on the front row of the theater with Althea seating next to him.

"Uhn!" Adele nodded as she walked to the middle of the stage with fear written all over her face still she mustered her dread and ascended the podium.

"Very well, you may begin!" The man nodded with his head whiles the gorgeous redheaded sighed and began her song...

On my own

Pretending he's beside me

All alone

I walk with him till morning

Without him I feel his arms around me

And when I lose my way I close my eyes

And he has found me

In the rain the pavement shines like silver

All the lights are misty in the river

In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight

And all I see is him and me forever and forever

And I know it's only in my mind

That I'm talking to myself and not to him

And although I know that he is blind

Still I say, there's a way for us

I love him

But when the night is over

He is gone

The river's just a river

Without him

The world around me changes

The trees are bare and everywhere

The streets are full of strangers

I love him

But every day I'm learning

All my life I've only been pretending

Without me

His world would go on turning

A world that's full of happiness

That I have never known

I love him

I love him

I love him

But only on my own

"Im-Impressive…" The old man gawked in total awe completely ignoring the fact that he was at the verge of tears. "Praise, L'Arc Warrior of Justice, and his companions!" The man embraced Althea and laughed.

"Our play will be a success!" The girl chimed unable to sit still on her seat. "Now the only thing we have to find is someone to interpret the Warrior of the West!" Adele could do nothing but flush at the reassuring words the two were giving her.

"Oh, right…" The man sighed sulking on his seat once again.

"Don't worry about it." She mischievously winked at them as she climbed down the podium. "I already have someone in mind that could fit the role…!"

"If he's as gifted as you are," the gentle old man hugged the girl, "then we won't have any issues, my dear!" The redheaded sweat dropped as she remembered Niko's 'artistic abilities' on stage…

"He's adequate enough…" The young girl mumbled under her breath. "…Rest assured that he'll do a great job…" The girl bit her lip as she tried to face the other two with a straight face with such an apparent lie.

"I still can't belief you got me involve with the whole play issue, Adele." Niko sighed placing the bags on the loveseat inside the lustrous VIP suit somehow Adele and him had to share as per request of the Old Director.

"We cannot just allow the play to flunk because of the irresponsibility of others!" Adele snapped as she took a bottle of water from the fridge. "People have to learn how to take responsibility of their actions, you know?"

"Look who's talking!" Niko smugly pointed at her with his finger as he felt on his butt and rolled on the floor like a little child.

"Not fair!" Adele pouted pulling Niko up from one of his ears. "That's why we are going to help, got it?" She glared back at the young man who seemed to be hyperventilating all of a sudden.

"B-But Adele you know I can't sing…" He stuttered trying to regain his posture and facing her once again.

"It doesn't matter Niko," she gently patted his head, "the point is that you try your best and help those in need!"

"Adele, are you taking this seriously or what?" He glared back at his friend who seemed to look at him with a mischievous gleam on her eyes.

"Trust me Niko!" She winked at him as she pushed him into the changing room and threw the newly bought clothes with him. "We'll be a success in the coming play and you'll be the greatest actor ever interpreting the role of the 'Prince'!"

"I'm still not very sure about this…" He grumbled from the other side of the door as he took a pair of pants out of one of the bags and took his old tattered uniform ones off.

"Just a question, though." Niko commented between displeasing grunts and sighs. "What is it?" The redheaded gunman heard from the other side of the room.

"What's this play about?" The young man opened the door to find a flustered girl coughing out her drink. "What? Does it look that bad?"

"No! Not at all!" She quickly responded as she tried to get her pose. "The truth is, that the play is an interpretation of the 'Odyssey of the Great Hero L'Arc' and all of his companions…"

"Oh…" Niko suddenly became mute for a second taken back by the answer. "May I ask who am I interpreting…?" He shuddered trying to keep as serene as possible.

"Let me put it to you this way," Adele blushed madly as he approached the boy, "the whole play revolves around your role, pressure much?" She chuckled as Niko sank deeper on his depression.

"Hey, it's not that bad!" Adele assured the young lad. "I'll be Interpreting the 'Maiden of the Mist' or should I say, Ryfia?" She sighed trying not to give into her insecurities.

"I guess this won't be a walk on the park to either one of us, huh?" Niko playfully ruffled the Diva's hair. "So, how do I look?"

"As handsome as ever, Niko." The girl praised his friend as she took out a stack of papers and placed it in front of Niko's face. "Now, we only have three days to learn our papers so we have to start practicing our papers…"

"Sure will, Adele!" He said trying to keep his cool.

The Next morning the two friends woke up to find each other sleeping on the floor completely surrounded by stacks of papers and empty water bottles. As Adele tried to get on her feet she could not stop but walk towards Niko and with a big smile and yelled, "Geez, Niko, you really need to take a shower!"

"Five more minutes…" Niko whispered as he rubbed his hands on his still closed eyes.

"That won't do, boy!" Adele chimed as she herself walked towards the bathroom and closed the door behind her. "There we go." She strolled back to the sleepy redheaded boy on the floor with a small bucket full of cold water on her hand.

"Good morning, sunshine!" She chuckled as she drenched the poor sleepy teen from head to toes in water and he jumped out of his place in an instant. "Not fair!" Niko growled as he took off all his clothes inside the bathroom and got inside the tub.

"Adele 5, Niko 0!" She chuckled as she prepared her Niko's and her own clothes for the day. "It's been a long time since I've prepared something for somebody else…"

"Honestly, L'Arc!" A young peppy redheaded girl pulled a young boy from his ear down the streets at full speed. "If we are late again for school because of your laziness I'll make you pay!"

"Hey, it's not my fault that I'm a heavy sleeper!" He pouted trying to get free of the girl's firm grip.

"When are you going to start taking responsibility of your actions, L'Arc?" The girl seriously reprimanded the boy as she pulled him in front of two big iron gates before them.

"Hey! It's close!" L'Arc snickered as he turned back to the streets. "Guess no school for us!"

"You have to be serious!" Adele scoffed at her friend's apathetic attitude as she tried to climb over the gate all by herself, "I am a class representative with perfect assistance and I won't stop because of you…" She grunted as her tiny legs tried to keep her balance and not let her fall.

"You're annoying when you act all mighty and stuff, you know?" The chestnut boy commented as he watched amused at the little girl trying to pass through the bars.

"And you should learn how to take care of yourse-ah!" The girl yelped as her feet slipped from the bars support making her fall on her back as she closed her eyes in stupor. And then… Nothing.

The girl felt her body landing on something soft as she expected something hard or even a couple of injuries, instead the girl was surprised by the voice of a familiar young boy chuckling. "Look who's talking, airhead!" The boy grinned at the girl as she opened her eyes and found herself back on her feet.

"Thanks!"The girl coldly answered as her eyes lingered back at the gates. "I guess, I will never make it in time…" The girl sullenly looked back at heer friend as she motioned him to go back home.

"Fine…" L'Arc sighed as she pushed the girl towards one of the outside school patio's bushes. "Here! You can enter through that hole!" The boy pointed at a small crack on the school building big enough to fit any child their age.

"Then why didn't you say that from the beginning?" The girl almost jumped over the terrified young boy who at that moment seemed to be enjoying her reaction. "Never mind that, I shall not give you the satisfaction of seeing me in that position!" She pushed the boy out of her way as she introduced herself to the crack.

"Instead, I'll just tell the professors to block this hole since it seems this is how you always make it to class even when you are late!" Adele mischievously cackled as she ran towards her class. "How do you like them apples, L'Arc?" She pulled her tongue out at the stupefied boy whose mouth hanged with open and looked like he could die at any moment.

"Adele!" The boy yelled as he ran behind the girl. "You traitor!" He cursed as the girl gleefully chuckled seeing her friend as enthusiastic as ever.

"I never actually told the professor…" The Real Diva giggled as she let her long blissful hair get soaked on the warm water of the cozy bathtub she was in. "I guess you did own me one, didn't you…?"

"But that's in the past," the girl shook her head as she finished washing her hair and body, "we all have to keep moving forward and do what we must…"

"Hey, Adele…?" A gentle knock on the door was heard making the girl come back to her senses. "Are you almost ready?"

"Yes, Niko, just a few more minutes!" The redheaded beauty opened the water valves and rinsed the soap from her body. "Why? Did you need something?"

"Oh, nothing much…" He mumbled obviously concerned about something. "It's just that, how are we supposed to get me to learn how to sing for the play in three days?"

"Don't think too much about it, Niko!" The girl reassured her partner as she put a robe on her shoulders and dried up her hair with a towel in front of the bathroom's mirror. "Soon enough we'll find our hole in the wall and make it through sound and safe, you'll see!"

"Geez, Adele," the gunman burst into laughter from the other side of the door, "if I didn't know you any better I would have sworn you just talked like Mr. L'Arc just now!" The girl could do just laugh at her friend's remark as she stared at her own reflection on the mirror.

"Well, I guess having passed so much time with him…" She finally opened the door to see his friend smiling back at her with a grin on his face. "He somehow rubbed some of that confidence of his on poor little me!"

"But that's good, don't you think, Adele?" The redheaded boy said scratching the back of his head not taking her eyes out of her. "I mean, I have always liked the cheerful hopelessly in loved Adele!"

"Niko!" The girl hugged her friend for a second before turning to her closet. "You know, you are quite the catch." The girl stated as she started scavenging inside her closet for something elegant to wear.

"You really think so, Adele?" The boy's eyes shone with hope as his head drifted to his own little world.

"Of course you are!" She turned her face from outside the pile of clothes. "The question is; why are you still single?" She pondered as she took out a beautiful scarlet red long dress with a matching corsage and a hat with flowery arrangements.

"I don't kno-!" The redheaded man tripped on his on tracks with one of the rugs and spilled all the water on the glass he was drinking all over his new attire. "Oh, men…" He sighed walking to the bath to dry himself up.

"Right, because he's Niko!" Adele chuckled under her breath trying not to be heard by her friend as she tried her new clothes in front of the mirror on the dressing room.

"Oh, man!" Niko ruffled his hair exasperatedly as he stop in the middle of one of his lines. "I missed that note again!" He stomped his feet as his partner walked towards him with a sympathetic smile and bag.

"Ready for a break?" She gently motioned to one of the empty seats on the first row of the Opera House. "Sure!" The young man walked side by side with his partner.

"You've improved a lot, you know?" The girl opened the bag to reveal a couple of bagels from inside and a couple of orange juice boxes.

"You really think so…?" Niko skeptically stared back at his friend who just nodded back at him and handed over one of the bagels and orange box to him with a motherly smile.

"And that's why," she took a bite of the food, "a healthy diet must be taken in order for your vocal strings to be in optimal conditions for the play!" She pointed at the bagel still intact on her friend's hand.

"Adele, you have always been like a mother to us all, haven't you?" The gunman teased his friend as she blushed and glared at him resentful.

"Are you implying that I'm old?" She hissed as she sipped some juice from the box and glared murderously back at her friend who seemed confused with the girl's reaction.

"Not at all," he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I mean that this kind gestures and cheerful reliable personality is what makes you the Adele Mr. L'Arc and I have always relied on."

"I guess, you're right." She finally agreed after a long pause before she reassume to her lunch once again. "Without me you two children would've been lost!"

"Hey, rookie!" A chestnut haired teen kicked a sleepy redhead's leg as he slowly opened his eyes. "Shouldn't you be studying for the final test?" The teen covered his eyes from the sun as he tried to see who was talking to him.

"Oh, Mr. L'Arc." The boy straightened up as he laid sit on the grass. "I don't think there's any use on me taking the test, you know?"

"Why?" The brunet boy motioned his friend to move as he sat beside him and stared at the horizon.

"Even if I study hard for the test and ace the theoretical section," he took off his jacket and shirt, "I would flunk the physical test… again…" He ended as the latter just poked his arm.

"I see the issue…" With one swift movement the man jumped back on his feet. "Well, let's go!"

"Go where, Mr. L'Arc?" The man inquired sluggishly standing up and following his friend.

"To my house." He simply replied not even turning back at his puzzled friend. "For what reason…?"

"Since you have tons of free time," L'Arc finally faced his friend with a naughty glint in his eyes, "you'll be my tutor for the theoretical section of the test, of course!"

"I guess I could help you…" Niko shrugged his elbows as he followed his friend inside a giant building full with young boys and girls training some type of martial arts technique or another…

"And that was when the Empire was finally unified under the control of King Meridia…" The redhead teen ended as he closed his text book and turned to his half drowsed friend beside him.

"I think that'll do for today," he sighed standing back from his seat and moving towards the exit, "you should better take a rest, Mr. L'Arc!"

"Hold it right there, Niko!" The man pushed the door close anew as he unsheathed his sword.

"Mr, L'Arc?" The gunman stuttered completely dazed by the sword. "What are you doing?"

"My part of the bargain…" He monotonously answered pushing all the books and objects from the middle of the room. "Now, on your knees!"

"What bargain?" Niko frightfully did as his friend said as he crawled to the middle of the room.

"Since you helped me get ready for the theoretical exam," he evilly chuckled as he approached his friend's ear, "I promised I would help you pass the physical test one way or another!"

"B-but we never agree-!" The redhead man was silenced as his partner pointed his sword right at his throat.

"Silence and give me a thousand push-ups, soldier!" He sadistically gnarled at the trembling man kneeling on his knees. "Sir, yes, Sir!" Was the immediate response as Niko rushed to the ground and closed his eyes.

"Remember, Niko…" L'Arc smiled back at the sweaty back of his friend. "As long as you have friends you are never alone, and they'll never let you lose!" Niko raised his head to see his friend's smile before the latter blushed and turned his head.

"At least that's what one of my friend's once told me…"He coughed trying to regain his composure.

"Does that mean we are friends?" The redhead gunman perked up as he noticed his friend trying to hide his flustering face. "Shut up, you moron!" The chestnut haired trainee growled pointing back his sword at him.

"Besides, who told you to stop working?" He glared back at his frightened friend. "Now you'll do five hundred more, soldier!"

"But I thought we were friends!" Niko begged his friend as he returned to his exercises.

"Shut up and keep moving!" The young brunet boy yelled as he leaned back on his comfortable chair and enjoyed the moment.

"Yes , Sir!" The teen cried as he kept on doing the push-ups in his place…

"At least I passed that time." Niko mumbled not noticing how strongly he was gripping his partner's hand.

"Relax, Niko." The gentle voice of Adele released the tension from his arms. "Just remember that as long as you have friends you are never alone, and they'll never let you lose…" She whispered as she let go of his hand and walk out of the curtains.

"Could it be that she…?" The redheaded gunman mumbled under his breath as he heard Adele's voice from the podium.

"Mr. Niko, it's your turn!" A girl wearing thick black glasses pushed him towards the stage. "No time to back now, huh? Well, Mr. L'Arc, Ryfia and Adele, here I come!"

Gray: "Well, that sure was a great night!" –hums opening his eyes to realize he's arms and legs are wrapped around a shivering Emil- "Who-whoa! What the hell?"

Emil C.: "Cou-couldn't sleep a bi-bit…" –starts crying as he runs to the bathroom- "I feel dirty!"

Gray: "Geez, I was just hugging him during the night…" –mumbles under his breath as he notices Tenebrae shaking his head- "What?"

Tenebrae: "Master Gray, please, don't lie to yourself." –glares at him with disdain- "You better than anyone knows how odd that statement was…"

Gray: "Honestly, what's the big deal with a guy hugging another guy?" –blushes trying to put on a façade- "It's not like there's something bad about…"

Happy: "Waaah! Ten-Ten! Gray is totally naked!" –Happy starts chiming as J wakes up and screams in horror-

Gray: "Oh, so that's why he was so freaked out…" –turns to his crouch and stare at his bare body- "Meh…" –shrugs off the embarrassment and puts on his boxers-

Emil C.: "Oi! You freaking pervert!" –slaps Gray on the back of his head- "You better never point that thing to my body ever again or I'll personally castrate you!"

Gray: "Touchy much?" –Gray chuckled towering Emil with his own power- "You afraid of me…?" –gets head closer to Emil's-

Andrew: "I was just coming to ask Emil if he wanted to come to breakfast with me…" –a teen wearing a hat burst into laughter from outside the open door- "But got to say Emil, you better give me a phone because I totally called that one a long time ago…"

Emil C.: "Andrew, sexual harassment is never a matter to laugh about…" –glares daggers at his friend-

Andrew: "Yes it does, when it comes to you!" –keeps laughing like a maniac-

Emil C.: "Mental Note, seriously get a better group of friends and keep distance from Gray's weird clingy attitude towards me…" –puts on his backpack and walk outside the room-

Tenebrae: "My Master is a little tired at the moment, but he wishes for all of you to keep supporting this story." –bows to the audience- "And he's sincerely grateful for all your support!"