Unholy Perfection
A Bleach Fanfic
Chapter 1
"Ichigo if you do this you'll no longer be human!" pleaded Uryuu.
The being above Ulquiorra stopped. 'That voice...'
"Ury..uu?" The creature growled out.
"Kurosaki? Can you understand me? If you carve up his body... you'll be a complete monster." Uryu used his one hand to push up his glasses.
Ichigo looked down at Ulquiorra, who had been decimated.
The Hollowfied being looked over to Uryuu as if to say "Did I do this?"
Uryuu looked away.
Ichigo growled and removed his foot from Ulquiorra. He backed away, sensing the Reiatsu still in Ulquiorra's body.
Ichigo knew that if he let his emotions take over, he'd lose control to that...thing inside of him.
"That isn't nice King! I saved your girlfriend over there! You should be grateful I gave you my true power!" a voice echoed inside his mind.
'First of all, she isn't my girlfriend. Second I didn't need your-!"
"Yeah you did. Don't deny it this time King. If it wasn't for me you'd have died. We'd have died."
"That's what I thought. Well I might as well congratulate you then."
'...On what?'
"We've become a Perfect Vizard. Let me explain it to ya simple like; You're now a hollow with Shinigami powers."
"But that would make me an arrancar, right?"
"No. You were a soul reaper who gained hollow powers and lost control of them to me. Now that you have control, your body has been irreversibly changed into Vasto Lorde-esque being. You see what I'm saying?"
Ichigo panicked. 'You mean I'm stuck like this?'
"Fraid' so kingy. Well you're mostly mute now, aside from growling and mumbling words every now and then. That should come back in time."
Ichigo was now terrified. How would his friends react? More importantly, how would the Soul Society treat this?
"Now now, quit worryin' I'm not gonna take over yer body again. I wanted to make your life hell and I did. I'm completely content with how things are now. There is no cure by the way. Don't bother removing your mask, it's stuck there. Good news is your soul reaper powers keep you from needing to feed, although I'd have loved to watch you eat your family."
Ichigo calmed a bit. At least he had control.
Ulquiorra stood up and Uryuu aimed an arrow at him.
"Stop..." Ichigo growled.
Uryuu lowered his bow.
"Ulquiorra..." Ichigo pointed to the Espada.
"You speak? Then maybe you'll answer my question. Who and what are you?"
"Ichigo...Kurosaki...Perfect...Vizard." Ichigo barely managed.
"I see. I suppose it doesn't matter now though. You decimated my internal organs with your Cero. I shall soon die."
Ichigo realized that Ulquiorra wasn't evil, just loyal to the wrong people.
He growled and barked out, "Orihime! Heal." he pointed to Ulquiorra.
"It is too late. I'm going to begin fading away soon."
Orihime put her fingers to her hairpins and said "I reject!"
Ulquiorra's eyes widened; he 'felt' his organs regrowing and his limbs healing.
"Why... I am your enemy and yet..."
"No..." Ichigo growled and raised his sword. Everyone jumped... but Ichigo threw it into the ground.
"You... are good. Just... on the wrong...s-side. Join.. us?" Ichigo extended a hand.
Uryuu was shocked. "Ichigo..."
Ulquiorra raised a hand and took Ichigo's rising from the kneeling position he hat taken for Orihime's healing.
"As you know hollow respect strength. You, Ichigo Kurosaki, are stronger than I, perhaps even Aizen. I will follow you from now on."
Ichigo shook his head slowly. "No... You are... friend."
"Friend..." the word left Ulquiorra's lips, alien to the Espada. The woman used the word may times when she had been under his care. He understood now what she had meant by a 'heart'. It wasn't physical, no it was something more. It is what gave a being emotions. While he was aware he did not have one, he now understood what it meant. As if his own was within arms' length, just beyond his grasp.
Ichigo looked down to Orihime and nodded thanks. She was obviously still scared of him. Ichigo frowned beneath his mask.
"Orihime..." Ichigo growled. "...safe?"
She wasn't sure how to answer that question. Did she feel safe or was she currently safe? The answers were both uncertainties to her.
Ichigo wanted to cry but the tears didn't come; she was his friend and his presence... no his actions.. no his appearance... he wasn't sure but she was scared of him.
"Sorry king, you can't cry anymore. Hollows don't cry."
Ichigo felt rage building. Not at anyone else, but himself. Turned around and lowered his horns. Instinct told him how to fire a Cero; it wasn't difficult.
The red blast fired into the darkness of las Noches... and a mushroom cloud appeared in the distance. Ichigo let out a haunting scream, drew his sword and began demolishing what was left of the structures on the roof. Why didn't he just take Orihime and leave? He didn't have to stay and fight Ulquiorra but he did, and he became.. this... because of his foolishness!
Uryuu raised his glasses as his arm regenerated.
"It would seem he at least has the good will to not use us to vent his anger..."
Orihime looked sad all of a sudden.
"His rage is not at you, but himself." Added Ulquiorra. "He realized that had he not fought me he would not have become that which you fear."
"But I"m not-!" Orihime started.
"Do not lie to yourself and us. I can sense your fear. Unless he directs his attacks to us, it would be best to let him vent his frustrations. Perhaps later you two can talk."
Orihime nodded and watched as Ichigo rampaged.
'I just wanted to protect her! I had to! I should have had Uryuu and Orihime run for it! But I had to fight! Now she's terrified of me! She hates me!'
Ichigo fired another Cero and decimated the roof again.
"Oh you have NO idea how much I'm enjoying this King. Wait-is that rain? Shit!"
Ichigo's inner world was covered in a downpour.
"This is your own doing. I shall remain dry as part of your being." Zangetsu added from inside of the White Ichigo's mind.
Finally Ichigo calmed down. 'I have to go help Rukia and Renji! I sense an INCREDIBLE riatsu- wait I can sense Reiatsu other than my friends'?'
"Another bonus, unlike you I have good riatsu control. That's how you've been firing off those ceros for the past 5 minutes."
'Thanks then I guess.'
Ichigo just stopped. Then he returned to a calm stance before sonido'ing over to the group.
He pointed to the hole Ulquiorra had made on the way up.
"Go...Help..." Ichigo growled out before grabbing his sword and heading to aid Rukia and Renji.
Uryuu turned to Ulquiorra. "Are you coming too?"
Ulquiorra shook his head. "No. I will stay in Hueco Mundo and gather up rebels. Not everyone in the dome is happy with Aizen's rule."
The Espada turned to Orihime and nodded. "Perhaps some time you could visit and explain to me more about this 'Heart' and 'Friendship'."
She smiled. "I'd be happy to!"
Ichigo jumped into his inner mind.
'What's with the rain?'
"Like hell if I know. What's up?"
'Can I still use my normal attacks like Getsuga Tensho?'
"I don't see why not. Zangetsu is still here, just a part of me now. Bastard is hiding as part of me from the rain. King, you need to cheer up. Try getting drunk or something."
Ichigo sweat dropped. 'We're underage. That aside, I doubt a bartender would serve a drink to a 7 foot tall monster even if he could see us.'
"Fake ID and a gigai. I think you can still get in your body though. Like I said, fake ID."
Ichigo sighed and looked below him. He saw a monstrous being. "...Yammy?"
He shook his head and raised his sword.
"Getsuga...TENSHO!" The massive black blast of energy pounded into Yammy.
Rukia and Renji were glad he had arrived. Then they noticed something was off. His Reiatsu was even more twisted than normal when he used his hollow mask. They soon saw why.
Ichigo looked over his shoulder through his new golden eyes. "...Stay here."
He vanished and appeared before Yammy.
"You bastard! Who are you? Wait.. that hair.. are you that Kurosaki bastard?"
"Ichigo Kurosaki... Perfect Vizard." The being replied.
"Yo king, good news! I've got a name for that Cero we used against Ulquiorra! Cero Gigante. Try it!"
Ichigo lowered his horns and growled out, "Cero... GIGANTE!"
The blast engulfed Yammy. When the smoke cleared, Yammy... was dead.
Ichigo sonido'd over to Rukia and Renji.
There was a silence before Rukia finally spoke.
"I-Ichigo? Is that you?"
Ichigo nodded.
"A-are you... you know... in control?" Renji added.
Ichigo nodded again.
"Is Orihime okay?" Rukia continued.
Ichigo hesitated before responding, "Safe."
"That isn't what I asked." Rukia put her hand on the hilt of her sword.
"...Afraid... of me." Ichigo managed. "But unharmed."
He propped his sword on his shoulder. "Are you... afraid?"
Renji smirked. "Like I'd be afraid of you! You owe me a rematch!"
Ichigo let out a slightly disturbing chuckle.
Rukia hadn't answered. Ichigo looked over to Rukia and cocked his head.
The features of his mask were angry, but the body language was definitely Ichigo. Laid back, and a bit annoyed. Yep, this was Ichigo.
"I'm not afraid, you just look stupid; your body language betrays your appearance. It looks kind of funny."
Ichigo growled, which made Renji draw his sword on instinct. It was hard to tell frustration from any other emotion from Ichigo.
Renji lowered his sword and sheathed it.
Soon Orihime an Uryuu arrived and the group shared events.
Ichigo looked down at Orihime who was smiling and laughing with Rukia. 'It's good to know she's happy now.'
"Can't you smell it though? The fear she has? Be careful it might just make you go crazy." His hollow smirked.
Rukia made his way over to Ichigo and pulled on the fur on his wrists. Ichigo roared. Technically it was a yelp of pain but hollows don't yelp.
"What the hell Rukia? That hurts!" He stopped. He had just said an entire sentence without pausing!
"Well done you passed grammar class! Want a gold star Strawberry Shortcake?" his hollow laughed.
'How do you even know about that? Isn't that an American toy series or something?'
"You have internet. Don't ask me how or why but you do." Ichigo's hollow shrugged his shoulders.
'… that's odd.'
"You can't hide anything from me anymore either. The only porn on your server is all those suppressed thoughts you have about the girls in your life... mainly Orihime over there." His hollow laughed.
Ichigo blushed under his mask. 'Hey! What right do you have to- wait... why are you looking at porn?'
"I'm your instincts dumbass. If it were me I'd have already fucked her by-!"
'Shut up or else I'm going to come in there and kick your ass. Failing that, destroy every computer in there.'
"Look, you can't lie to me about these things. Love is an emotion but it's fueled by instinct. And you know what I am. Now shut up. That Kenpachi Bastard is coming!"
Ichigo swiftly blocked a strike from Kenpachi.
"So ya finally went an became a hollow? Good! Now I can go all out without worryin' about killing ya!"
"You can try Kenpachi!" Ichigo replied in his watery voice. "But I just killed that guy over there in one shot!"
The two clashed blades over and over.
"Not bad Hollow! It's about time one of ya gave me a challenge. That's right, you used to be Ichigo! What am I saying?" Kenpachi smirked.
"I AM Ichigo Kurosaki! For some reason I understand your love of fighting strong opponents! I think the hollow in me is starting to get excited about this fight too!" Ichigo grinned under his mask.
Ichigo jumped back and tossed his sword into the air, catching the end of the chain on his right index finger. He spun it until it was going in circles.
"See how you can use Zangetsu now? The chain works like the bandages in shikai so go crazy! Let's show him what we've got Ichigo! Remember, use your INSTINCTS! AHAHAHHA" Ichigo's inner hollow was ecstatic.
'I know!' Ichigo replied.
"Nice trick ya got there Ichigo! Let's see how well it works on ME!" Kenpachi charged Ichigo, who sonido'd away and then slung the sword at Kenpachi. The chain extended and the blade cut Kenpachi's right shoulder.
"Not bad! But," Kenpachi grabbed the blade and pulled, sending Ichigo forward... right towards Kenpachi's blade. Ichigo twisted in mid air and dodged, grabbing Kenpachi's face with his right hand and shoving him away, causing the captain to drop Tensa Zangetsu, which Ichigo retracted.
"That was a nice move there Kurosaki! I totally wasn't expecting that, especially from you!" Kenpachi placed his hand over his eye patch. "Let's go all out then! I know you're holding back too! Go for the kill!"
Kenpachi's Reiatsu burst through the roof and Ichigo staggered. "Fine!" Ichigo lowered his horns and began charging a Cero. 'I won't kill him just incapacitate him.'
"CERO!" the blast fired off and rushed towards Kenpachi...
who knocked it away with his sword.
"What?" Ichigo was in shock.
"Not bad, you even burned my arm a little. My turn." Kenpachi put his sword in two hands and raised it over his head.
Ichigo saw this and noticed the energy gathering on the sword's blade. "Shit!"
He lowered his horns. "Cero GIGANTE!"
The two blasts collided... but Ichigo's attack overwhelmed Kenpachi's strike.
When the smoke cleared. Kenpachi lie on the ground unmoving... but the crazy bastard was alive.
Ichigo stood tall and was stopped by a blade to his throat.
"I do not know who you are hollow, but you are not Ichigo Kurosaki." Byakuya stated calmly.
"Dammit Byakuya, I am who I say I am! I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, Perfect Vizard!" Ichigo growled. "Let me go before I do something I'll regret!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that." Byakuya stated coldly.
Ichigo sighed. His sonido made the positions reversed instantly.
"Byakuya. You're going to drop your sword and I'm going to explain, slowly how this happened to me." Ichigo said.
Byakuya dropped his sword... and it melted into the ground.
"Bankai. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." Byakuya directed the petals at Ichigo who raised an arm and fired Cero after Cero, neutralizing the Bankai.
As this happened he began explaining the situation to Byakuya.
The captain sealed his Bankai and Ichigo released him.
"I see. If you attempt to attack us you will be exterminated, are we clear Kurosaki Ichigo?
"Crystal." The Vizard looked at his sword. He was getting really tired of carrying it.
He looked at his clothes. They were totally decimated. He'd figured out they were an indicator of how much power he had left, so he walked over to Orihime.
"Orihime, could you fix my jacket?" Ichigo motioned to the sleeve on his right arm.
"O-okay Ichigo." She began repairing the article.
When she finished the uniform changed quite a bit.
In place of the normal neck of the jacket there was a hood that fell loosely behind his head. His kimono had vanished, and the jacket was more like a robe than anything, flowing down to just above his ankles.
The neck cut low and showed his hollow hole and the fur around his neck.. The inside of the hood was blood red.
His pants changed to slim black pants.
Ichigo took the long hair he had gained and moved it so he could raise the hood over his head. A shadow covered his face as if by magic, aside from his chin. There were 3 red chains that looped around his torso diagonally. Ichigo placed Tensa Zangetsu on his back and more chains bound it there.
'Nice new look. Did you do this?' Ichigo asked his inner hollow.
"Nah, it was Tensa's idea. I like it though. Makes you look like a badass." The hollow smirked.
"Correct. It was I who changed our Bankai uniform. We will meet face to face in due time Ichigo, but not now. Just know that what you want to protect and what we want to protect are two different things."
Ichigo returned to the real world.
"You look.. different." Said Rukia. "Is that part of your Hollowfication?"
Ichigo shook his head. "Nah, Tensa Zangetsu did this for me according to my Hollow half."
Uryuu pushed his glasses up on his face. "While I can't say it's what I'd have made for you to wear I will admit the black and red go well together and the hood hides your face well."
"Ichigo Kurosaki." Byakuya said.
"You must go to Karakura town. Aizen is preparing his attack."
Ichigo snapped around. "What? Why?"
" I"m not allowed to say. We shall maintain things here however. You must go ahead of us."
"But how? We'd need a-!" He realized something. "I'm mostly hollow now! I can create a gartantua! Maybe."
He sweat dropped and went into his mind.
'Yo hollow! I need to open a Gargantua! How to?'
His hollow sighed. "It ain't that hard Ichigo. Focus on where you wanna go, put the energy on the tip of yer finger and tap the air. There ya go. Now fuck off."
Ichigo did as instructed and a Gargantua opened up. "I'll go on ahead. See you guys later." He stepped in and a path of energy appeared between his feet. He took off at high speed.
In Karakura town things were NOT going well for the Gotei 13. Aizen was dominating the battle and many lay dead or dying. Ichigo jumped out of the Gargantua with a sonic boom.
"AIZEN!" Ichigo drew his sword and met the traitor's.
"Is it me Ichigo or are you looking a little pale?" Aizen falsely inquired, knowing about Ichigo's state from the hole in his chest.
That's chapter 1. Next time:
Ichigo Vs Aizen: Round 2!