A Single Kiss

by Erin Griffin

Fandom: Once Upon A Time

Pairing: Mr. Gold/Emma Swan

Summary: It was just a kiss.

A/N: This is my first het story in ages. I hope it wasn't horrible or out of character. This is a filled prompt for ivory-feld who wanted a story for this pairing.

One kiss. According to Henry's book, that seemed to be all it took, and maybe it was right. Emma wasn't certain what to think when it happened to be New Year's Eve and Mr. Gold just happened to be standing there at the stroke of midnight. With Graham gone, she had no intion on kissing anyone that night and had in fact put herself to work any and all hours until a replacement was found at the station, Regina be damned. She had only gone to Gran's for a slice of pie and coffee to go when the count down to midnight struck. Try as she might, she couldn't leave the psuedo party that had gathered there (as crowded as it had become in the restaurant), and when she was face to face with Mr. Gold, the one man in Storybrook who made shivers run through her, she felt the impending dread. With everyone else around her embracing the people around them, Emma stood still her eyes locked with the eerie darks of his. "What is the harm?" he asked. Emma opened her mouth to speak, but Mr. Gold cut her off, tipping his head, and placing the hand not occupied by the cane to his tie. Emma wondered what his actions meant before he spoke again and she knew. "I remember you owing me..." the man said, opening his arms slightly in what could be seen by anyone as a lighthearted gesture. Emma, however tried to figure out if this was genuine or a hidden threat.

"And that's it?"

"And that's it," he replied. Emma's mouth twisted before she walked forward. The man placed his hands on her shoulders in a surprisingly light grip before he leaned towards her, mindful of the small bag and cup of hot coffee between them. Emma leaned forward as well, meeting him halfway, and as their lips met, she frowned in confusion, for it was light, and chaste in comparison. She was sure that the creep would try something, but he stepped away, smiled lightly and said, "Happy New Year, Deputy Swan," walking away as if nothing happened between them. Emma took a few steps towards the door, her eye catching with Mayor Mills, who watched after Mr. Gold with the same sort of confused impression on her face that the deputy herself sported. When Emma's eye caught to her roommate, she only shook her head before getting back to her office to finish off the last of the paper work. Still, hours after every signature was written and the two drunken capters for the night snored away in their cells, Emma frowned as she licked her lips. It was only a kiss. One single kiss, right? In a place like Storybrook, was that ever all it was?