Title: Induction

Prompt: "We all go a little mad sometimes"

Characters: Jade Nyguen/Cheshire

Word Count: 815

Author's Notes: This is to make up for the Jade-centric WIP I've had floating around for ages and haven't finished yet. Basically my headcanon of how she got into the League of Shadows. Some references to "Alice in Wonderland" (1951).


We all go a little mad sometimes.

It's whether you decide to reject that madness, or embrace it, that dictates where that lapse in sanity will take you.

If you reject it, pretend that you're fine, and that nothing's wrong, it's easy for that madness to become even more out of control than it already has. The wildness inside you is fighting against your good conscience, igniting a relentless, internal battle, which can extend to outside your body, and damaging far more than just your sanity and reputation.

Embracing it however…

It's like a sense of calm is induced inside your mind and body. A conscience plays no part in life anymore. The mind is free from any needless turmoil; no inner conflict is in place to disrupt your external actions. Embracing your madness, gives so much more control, so much more freedom.

It's so much easier.

Jade knows this.

No, not Jade.


("You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself")

The Cheshire Cat, the maddest of all Wonderland. The Cheshire Cat, who, unlike the rest of the Wonderland inhabitants, who deny any idea of being insane, embraces his psychosis. The Cheshire Cat, with the ability to disappear whenever he wants, unable to be found without him choosing so.

She is the Cheshire Cat, and she is free. There's no more Alice holding her back; no more young, naïve, little Alice that she has to guide through the forest. There is no more Red Queen shadowing her, igniting fear and uncertainty in every part and person in her life.

She has escaped, run away from her harsh reality, and found her little rabbit hole.

And now, she's standing in front of her ticket to Wonderland.

She tilts her head up and sends him a sly smile. Her lack of respect towards this certain authority figure is probably unwise, as he is not only a dangerous man, but also her new master, but she isn't too concerned; there will be plenty of time for her to act as dutiful subject of his, ample opportunities to bow and speak respectfully.

And as disrespectful as her attitude towards him is, Jade doesn't miss the slight flicker of interest jump in his eyes. "So young lady," His voice is intricate, exotic and foreign, "What has caused your sudden interest in joining the League of Shadows?"

Dark eyes narrow, as she looks up at him with a face covered in grime, sweat and dead man's blood. "What makes you think that this is a sudden thing? I could have pulled off this whole exercise just to gain your attention."

Ra's Al Ghul is a smart, imposing man. Jade knows she's playing with fire, trying lie to him, mock him. This man has more information than anyone could imagine, and his stiff posture and elegant robe doesn't deceive her; she can sense the strength he possesses underneath his guise of a calm, controlled persona. Like her, he has experienced a madness inside, and embraced it, and the control it has given him, inspires her.

("Most everyone's mad here")

"Now I highly doubt it was my attention you were seeking, young Miss Crock." She freezes at the name as he continues. "I'm sure you were trying to receive the attention of your father, Sportsmaster, am I right?"

That is not true. That is not true. There's no way she would ever want to gain anything from him; his attention is the last thing she cares about.

Sportsmaster can rot in hell. Anything she does, is not for him.

"I've heard about your little adventures," Ra's Al Ghul continues, while giving silent orders to his surrounding henchmen. "Starting off with purposeless theft and taking up odd jobs for clients before moving into the territory of other mercenaries. In particular, the territory of a certain Lawrence Crock. Also known as Sportsmaster."

Jade isn't going to lie, Sportsmaster's movements have affected her own, but not in need for his attention. Anything but his attention.

"I do find it surprising that Sportsmaster has allowed one of his daughters to strike off on her own in the first place, especially when her actions have begun to have a detrimental effect on his own business.

"But, he never did allow it, did he, Jade Crock?"

"Nyguen," she fires back. "It's Jade Nyguen, not Crock." The man raises his eyebrows at her.

"And is that the name you will go by while working for the shadows?"

She scrutinizes him through thick eyelashes. "I'm Cheshire now," she says, simply and calmly, throwing away the persona of Jade Nyguen. No longer a daughter and sister, no longer a person.

An assassin.

"Well then Cheshire," Ra's Al Ghul nods and turns away. "Welcome to the Shadows."

She smirks and pulls the grinning cat mask back onto her face. No longer Jade, no longer conflicted inside.

Cheshire, mad and proud.