Title: A Herbivore in a Carnivore's World
Author: Anti-Social Otaku
Summary: Harry is considered a Herbivore. He no like kill. Where he is, it just might not leave him a choice. But how the hell is he going to survive when he's a child... well... somewhat a child. (He's not really a 'herbivore' he eats meat.)
Warnings: Some swearing, Slash... I think. Not very sure considering there aren't much canon men I could make bi or homo sexual.
It was quiet. He would have thought it would be loud, loud and happy after Voldemort had been defeated. But of course that couldn't happen. Too many deaths tainted the victory they had earned.
"Harry." There was Hermione, her voice quiet and mournful.
"You all right, mate?" Then there was Ron, his normally boisterous tone full of sorrow.
Because, of course, someone always had to die.
Fred, Tonks, Remus, Dumbledore, Cedric, Sirius... Snape.
There could never be a win without the lose, and they all had lost someone.
He felt arms wrap around his still body, felt the warmth they offered, but he still couldn't take it.
A ball was in his throat, and he refused to let it go, refused to cry... in front... of... them.
Then he was, crying that is. Silent tears of pain coursing down his cheeks. "He's gone." He whispered. "Fin-" His voice hitched slightly. "Finally dead."
They fell to the ground, the three of them laughing hysterically.
"Hey, mate. You still gonna marry my sister?" It was playful, already knowing the answer and fine with it.
"Ron, you prat. Not now!" A slap, then twin giggles filled the air. One from Hermione, the other from Harry.
"Oi! That hurt, you know!" They stared at each other, before laughing again, relief and sadness creating an overwhelming emotion.
"So- what-"
The ground rumbled, the sky broke open, darkening with thunder clouds.
"Hermione! What's happening?" The genius of their group was looking up in horror, whispering something none of them could hear.
"Again, Hermione!" Her mouth was open in a silent kind of terror.
"The wards fell," she said.
"The wards fell!" This time she screamed it, her voice pitching high.
"What does that mean?" The castle around them started to crumble.
"Hogwarts is pure magic. The wards containing the magic is starting to break. I-" She jumped to her feet, her boys not far behind her. "I don't know what's happening!" She wailed, pure fear etched into her face.
"We have to- Hermione! Look out!" Harry dived towards one of his best friends, pushing her out of the way of a falling stone wall. And as the wall fell on him, he could hear the horror filled scream of both of his friends.
Haven. Wake up my dearest.
Please. Wake up.
Haven- I need you
My darling little boy-
"Hedwig?" he whispered. Well it was suppose to come out as a whisper, but what came out was one lone sorrow filled mewl.
:Haven dear. You're awake!:
He spun around on his heels, looking around... wait one second. Where in the name of Merlin was he?
"Hedwig?" Again, the mewl came out, accompanied by several snuffles.
:Calm yourself Haven. We are safe.:
"Hedwig! Where are we? Why is everything so big? Why can't I talk? Where did Ron and Hermione go?"
:Haven: This time his owl's voice was stern.
Harry whimpered, though it came out more... animalistic.
:Look to your left, Haven:
Harry's world spun as he saw his his avian friend perched firmly on a metal pipe, looking for all the world like a regal queen.
"Hedwig! Help me!" He was whimpering loudly, jumping up and down until his left paw started throbbing.
Wait- rewind. Paw?
He looked around the asphalt ground and saw a puddle of water. Walking over, he saw his reflection.
He was green, he thought hysterically. He. Was. Freaking. Green.*
Being smaller then someone's palm seemed little compared to the fact that he was green! Green!
"What happened, Hedwig?" Even from here he could feel the amusement coating her 'voice'.
"Wait! How are you even alive? I saw you get shot down!"
:Haven. Calm down:
Harry mewed a few times and growled in annoyance, though it sounded like a squeak. Damn my small stature.
"Please, Hedwig. Tell me what happened."
His owl flew from her perch and landed gracefully on the floor next to him, giving the ground a positively disdainful look.
:I am alive, Haven. Because you are. As long as one of us is still breathing, the other will live:
"What are you talking about?"
:Haven, dear. I knew you were slow-: She ignored the indignant huff from the tiny cat to her right. :But not this slow. Do you not remember our pact? Our bond?:
Harry froze and mewed out a pathetic little sound.
:... You forgot to read the whole ritual... didn't you...?:
Harry seemed very happy to just stare at the ground and make big innocent kitty eyes.
Hedwig let out what seemed to be a sigh.
:The ritual you had used to bond us split our life energy and magic between the two of us: She ruffled her feathers in annoyance when all she recieved was a blank look.
:You die. I die. I die. You die: She simplified.
Harry moaned and flipped onto his back, paws in the air.
"This is a cat-as-trophy!" He whined... then paused. "Why am I speaking-" He waved a paw to his his muzzle.
:You are human, but not. Think of yourself like an animagus, except with a you twist in it:
"Are you calling me weird?" He questioned, snorting and rolling onto side and looking at his owl with black eyes.
:Of course not, as you are nothing but a talking cat:
Hedwig let out a rattling cackle as she dodged a quick swipe of sharp claws.
"How did we get here anyways?" Harry asked huffily, sitting up and wrapping his tail around his front paws. "And why are you calling me Haven?"
:Hogwards' wards fell: She said simply, preening her feathers, amused at the kittens' frustration.
"What is that suppose to mean?" He yowled. Hedwig gave him a reproaching look at his lack of manners.
:Didn't your little bookworm tell you before you all disappeared? Hogwarts is pure magick because the wards of the magick fell, everything changed:
Harry let a small growl escape his throat, laying down, his head cuddled between his paws.
"So where are we?"
:In a world that is ours... but not:
A raised eyebrow... that is, if cats had eyebrows.
:A... parallel world if you may. Something in our world changed and here we are:
"Can I still do magic?"
:I don't know. Do I look like a magic-folk?:
Harry glared at her petulantly. "Well sorry," he said sarcastically, then turned narrowed eyes to an empty can.
Taking a deep breath, he focused his core magic to the tip of his tail, then gave it a quick- swish and flick. Levioso.
The can flew up and crashed loudly on fire-escape, making both Harry and Hedwig wince.
A window was slammed open and a head popped out.
"Who's there?" The man screamed, only to look down and see Harry, but no Hedwig.
"Tch. Only a mangy cat." He sneered, then closed the window, his receding hairline being the last thing Harry saw.
"You can come out Hedwig. He's gone." Out of the dumpster, scrambled his snowy owl, now smelling distinctly of garbage.
Harry wrinkled his nose. "So. Why are you calling me Haven?"
Hedwig shrugged her birdy shrug.
:Because I want to:
And they both left it at that.
"So... what kind of world are we in?"
Hedwig let out a trilling sound, flying up into the air, gump going everywhere.
:Vampires~: She sang in amusement. :All out in the open. They even have a school for them:
Harry whimpered, eyes going wide and a soft pitiful sound escaping. "V-v-vampires?" he stuttered, ears flattening on his head.
Red eyes flashed crimson as fangs grew longer and sharper. "Come out, little hero." It purred out, claws forming. "I won't bite..." The inflection hit the 't'. "Much," it added.
Harry huffed, hiding behind one of the crates in the warehouse he was in, trying desperately to slow his breathing.
A loud crunching sound sounded from the right, making him scurry further into the building complex.
"Come out, come out where ever you are." It sing songed, running its claws across metal beams.
Harry took a deep breath and leaped out of his hiding spot, wand in hand. Confringo.
A blast hit the creature in its shoulder, though it didn't do much damage. "Bloody fuck." He whispered, running along the wooden stacks and towards the darker spots of the room.
The next curse he said aloud, intent on making it more powerful. "Solvite corde!" (Loosely translated to 'Destroy the Heart')
The creature dodged, following closely behind, though it was strained. "Such a dark curse for such a golden boy. I wonder how you'll taste." The last word was hissed out in a purring seduction.
Harry cursed when he saw a large gap between the next two wooden stacks. "Erado!" He shot one last curse before leaping over the space, his body shifting to a large green panther. (Green, as in forest green. Not neon... weirdoes)
He growled when the Vampire followed, eying his new form in chary.
"Ooh." The creature cooed. "What a pretty... pussy." Harry growled loudly, jumping down from the stacks and landing with extreme grace.
Reducto. His tail moved, glowing softly at the tip before sending the curse at the wood, shattering it to pieces.
The Vampire fell with a shout of surprise, flipping forward so he landed in an off-balance crouch.
"You slut." He roared, charging forward with surprising speed. "I'll murder you, then dance in your blood!"
Shit. Duro. Duro. Duro. Sectumsempra. The spells had no effect, though the Sectumsempra curse seemed to cut into his skin, making the red of his blood stick out on the paleness of his skin.
Then he was upon him, claws digging into the fur of his neck, Harry's own claws trying to get the thing of of his person.
"Die." The Vampire was insane, and the pain made Harry yowl out a complaint, blood beading from the open lacerations.
"CRUOR FERVO!" A feminine voice screamed, a bright red light hitting the Vampire in its back as it rolled off the huge feline, his skin heating up in the extreme heat.
"Harry! Are you okay?" The next voice was male.
Changing back, the Boy-Who-Lived coughed throatily. "F-Fine."
Hermione smiled. "You're the only one who would be on vacation only to be kidnapped by a bisexual vampire." Harry laughed before stopping abruptly, his face screwing up in pain.
"Y-yeah. I don't think I like Vampires," he whispered.
Ron grinned and thumped his friend heartily on his back. "Yeah. Near death experiences do that to you." They all giggled and laughed.
"Shut up, you prat." Harry grumbled playfully.
It would be awhile until they laughed like that again.
-End Flashback-
:Oh stop it Harry. Vampires are people too:
Harry glared at his friend. "Right. Just- where are we?"
Hedwig let out a dog-like bark. :We crossed the pond, dear heart. We are now in the Northeastern land of Tulsa, Oklahoma:
"How did we get here? I mean... we were in Europe for Morgana's sake!"
:Do not fret my pet, this is just a step in this weird cycle we call life:
Harry gave his owl a look. "Please stop with the physiological crap." He moaned, head hitting the dirt. "What are we going to do?"
Hedwig answered in a voice that was way too cheerful. :I don't know, but I do know it will be fun~:
*Harry, as a kitten was suppose to be black, but he's not. He's green.
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