Ch 21

The next morning after Liv and Alex woke up they did their usual morning routine, shower, coffee, breakfast. Then they called Emily to make sure that everyone was up in the Prentiss household.

Driving over to Emily's house Alex starred out the window just watching the neighborhod, as well as thinking about how different her life would be if she was still Elizabeth. As she looked at all of the houses on the block leading up to Emily's she wondered it's like she could help but wonder what if? What if she had been there the whole time? would she still be working? Would Zoe have siblings? Would they be a happy family?

Then she thought about Olivia and how far they had come within the last few months and she couldn't imagine not having Olivia here. They had just bought a new house, they were pretty much done with the wedding plans, and things were looking good. Although there was still one topic that they hadn't revisited lately and that was the topic of children. With all of there time being spent trying to get to know Zoe and figuring all of that stuff out they really hadn't crossed the bridge of more children.

Alex looked at Liv's hand on the gear shift and lovingly covered it with her own, Liv just turned her head, smiled and then looked back to the road.

"Momma" was the first thing that Alex and Liv heard when they stepped out of the car, JJ was standing in the doorway and Zoe was running straight to Alex. Alex couldn't help but smile as she picked the little girl up and spun her a little. After Zoe was done giving Alex some attention she turned and reached her arms out for Olivia.

"M'ivvy, M'ivvy" All of the women kinda chuckled as Zoe started squirming out of Alex's arms to get into Olivia's.

"Hi, baby.. I hear that somebody's turning 5 today?"

"That's me, that's me!" The little girl said excitingly.

"Of course it is sweetie, we didn't come down here just to see some other little girl, we came just for you"


Olivia put the little girl down and she ran back into the house, JJ, Alex, and Olivia slowly made there way in as well, finding Emily in the kitchen pulling cupcakes from the oven.

"Wow, who knew that you could be a crime fighting bad-ass and a Suzy homemaker" Olivia joked as she looked at Emily who had her hair pulled back in a messy bun, a little flour on the forehead and was also sporting an apron that said "#1 Mommy" on it

Emily just shot a look to the other women as JJ and Alex tried not to giggle behind Liv.

"I'm not exactly Betty Crocker, but do you need any help" Olivia added.

"I don't know, depends on how "not" Betty Crocker you are"

"I've never blown up my kitchen, and it's been a long time since I've burned anything"

"OK you're hired"

"Wow I wish every job was this easy to get" Alex said.

JJ grabbed two glasses of wine off the counter and led Alex to the backyard so that they could relax on the porch and watch Zoe play.

It was good to see that all the women had learned to get along and there was very little tension left between them. Zoe couldn't be happier, she loved telling her friends that she had four mommies, and lots of aunts and uncles. Alex and Olivia had spent a lot of time with Zoe, but since it was her birthday there were supposed to be 12 kids that were going to be a attending, and since Alex and Liv had come down there were more then enough chaperones so most parents dropped their children off and went on their way. Running errands, or just enjoying a few hours to themselves, I mean really if you cant trust you child with two FBI agents, a cop and a prosecuting attorney then you might have some trust issues.

The ladies were having a blast watching all of the kids run around the yard, every now and then they had to step in because one kid didn't want to share, or there was a juice spill, but for the most part they seemed to be managing very well.

All of these kids now had Olivia thinking about what Alex had been thinking earlier, she wanted this, she wanted this full time, not just now and then when she could manage to make it down here, or the accumulated time of like 3 months that they had Zoe during the year.

The kids started showing up about 2p and by the time that the cake was cut, presents were opened and they got to play for a while it was now pushing 5p. Most parents had picked up their children by now. Olivia and JJ were in the back yard watching the remaining two (3 if you count Zoe) girls playing while Alex and Emily were calling parents.

"So you think about having more kids now that you and Em are finally settled" Olivia asked

"Yea, I've thought of it but things at work are a little hetic right now so who knows what's going to happen soon.. How about you and Alex"

"What's going on at work?"

"Just some power struggle with the pentagon, they are trying to scoop me from the bureau, but nice try trying to invade my question"

"I don't know I have always thought about kids, but as a mother I'm not sure I'm quite ready to do it full time, what if I screw them up like my mother screwed me up"

"Liv, your not a screw up"

Olivia just looks at her

"No, I'm serious, if you consider yourself a screw up then a child would be lucky to be like you. you know the dangers and the victims that we see in our jobs, now some of those kids are really screwed up, you are amazing with Zoe, and as for yourself, you shouldn't doubt who you are: you are a woman that puts her life on the line everyday to save the life of someone else, or to have voice for the victim, you are passionate in everything that you do, and you never doubt that you are doing what is right. You're strong, confident, and very smart"

"Don't forget you have an amazing fiancee" Alex piped in, neither of the other woman had noticed she was there, once they realized she gave Olivia a quick kiss and continued to speak

"Rachel's parents is on their way, Em is still trying to get a hold of Camille's mom. Back to what you guys were talking about, you will make a great mother Liv. Why didn't you come to me about your doubts?"

"I think that's my que to go play with the kids" JJ said as she got up to leave.

"I don't know Lex, we just haven't really approached this topic much since we got back on track and I guess I just didn't want to push it. I mean I have my own doubts and I didn't want to push this on you now since we are so close to the wedding and stuff. I just figured it could wait."

"I understand honey, I really do, and we do need to talk about this, but I think that maybe this is something that we should discuss more when we get home. Not that it isn't important, but I want us to have our undivided attention to have this talk, and right now we only have another 24 hours before we have to head back to the city."

"I agree. I love you Alexandria Cabot"

"I Love you too Olivia Benson"

They shared a kiss, as Emily came out on the patio.