Thanks to all those who reviewed =)

Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter, things have been getting busy around here!

Rachel led Finn up the stairs to her bedroom in silence

"What is it Rach?" He asked, growing paranoid that his usually chatty girlfriend hasn't said anything since they left the dinner table. "Uh, do you want to talk about making our kids Jewish again, cause I told you, I'm totally okay with that" He stated remembering the last time she had dragged him to one of their bedrooms 'to talk'.

Rachel shook her head, and began to pace as Finn took a seat on the edge of her bed.

Finn picked up a stuffed hippo and passed it between his hands nervously waiting for his girlfriend to speak. "Say something? You're scaring me" He let out uneasy.

Rachel let her thoughts drift back to the dinner conversation just minutes before.

"So Finn, what are you plans for the Summer?" Rachels dad asked before taking a forkful of food.

Finn glanced up and took a slip from his water. "Well sir" he began "I want to spend a lot of time with Rachel" He turned his head to look at his girlfriend who gave him a shy smile. "Only when shes free though, I uh, I don't want to take her away from important stuff"

Finn noted the look of approval on Rachel's Dad's face. He had remembered from the summer before that Rachel's parents always made sure she was involved in a lot of volunteer work, as well as singing and dancing lessons throughout the summer.

He continued, "And then, I'll be helping out my step dad at his tire shop whenever he needs an extra hand."

"That sounds like a great plan Finn, Im just glad you and Rachel worked things out" Rachel's 'Daddy' began. He was always the more sensitive of the two as Finn could remember. "I don't think I've seen her stop smiling since she came home for Summer break"

"I heard you put together quite the musical number and, what did you call it sweetie, a work date?" Rachels Dad asked before taking another fork full of food.

"Huh?" Rachel asked confused. She had only been half listening to the conversation taking place around her. Her thoughts still wrapped around Finn's choice for a Summer job. "Oh yes, that's right Dad" Rachel put on her best smile, before leaning over to kiss Finn lightly on the cheek."It was amazing"

Ever since that fateful trip to New York, Rachel had silently hoped that Finn would choose to live a life in the city with her, and that they would have a whole lifetime of romantic dates ahead of them…now with Finn choosing to work at Burt's she could only hope that her worst fears weren't becoming a reality.

Rachel stopped suddenly and turned to face him.

"Finn, when you said you're working at Burt's Shop, what do you mean?"

Finn gave her a confused glance. "I'm helping Burt out at the tire shop You know, changing tires and stuff, I start tomorrow"

Rachel's eyes narrowed. "I dont think you should do that"

"What?" Finn asked confused "Whys that?"

Rachel bit her bottom lip before continuing.

"Do you want to know how this story plays out? I get Finn, you get heartbroken. I'll become a successful real estate agent and Finn will take over Kurt's dad's tire shop. "

"You're bigger than that" She didn't know what to say. It didn't exactly sound the most mature to admit the real reason. ' Your exgirlfriend told me you'd end up with her while you were going to take over your step dads tire shop'.

"No Rach, the cars have jacks and stuff to lift them up so I can work on them" He explained.

Rachel couldn't help but smile, as she took a seat next to him, taking one of his hands in between her own.

"I just mean, I think you should do something thats going to make you happy in the future" She explained. "You know, work towards your dreams and goals".

"Yea.." Finn responded quietly. The truth was, he was scared. He had no idea what he wanted to do. Sure he loved to sing in glee club, but he wasn't New York good like Rachel, and he was awesome at football...but how many people make it to the pros? Ever since New York and Nationals, he felt kind of lost...the only sure thing he had in life was Rachel.

Rachel smiled, oblivious to Finns concern. "I hope Burt's not mad"

"Huh?" Finn was shaken out of his thoughts "Oh, right, Rach, I have to do this...I told him Id help him out"

"You Cant" Rachel blurted out. Then looked away, ashamed by her outburst.

"Why do you care so much?" Finn asked, still extremely confused by the situation that presented itself. Like, 10 minutes ago they were downstairs goofing around under the table while her Dads told some story. "I mean, don't take offense to that, I like that you care, I'm just confused. Is it because I'm going to get dirty and stuff? Don't worry babe, I'll make sure to clean off before we hang out"

"I just don't like it" Rachel admitted still not looking at him.

Finn was starting to get frustrated. "What's so wrong with me helping out Burt?" He asked. He hated when she acted like this, he knew there was something else to it.

"Because then you'll end up with her!" Rachel blurted out raising her voice, before turning to look at him.

To say that he was confused right now would be a huge understatement. What was she talking about, and why did it look like she was about to cry.

"Rach, what, who?" He asked out of concern.

"Nothing" Rachel said, shaking her head fastly. "I just don't want to see your talents go to waste all Summer"

"Awe but babe, we could still sing all Summer...just you and me" He said giving her a lopsided smile, as he saw her face light up for a moment. He was about to lean in to kiss her when he replayed Rachel's statement in his head. "Wait" He began, causing Rachel to open her eyes, caught off guard from the kiss she was preparing for. "I'll end up with who?"

Rachel sighed, pulling her hands away from Finn. "It's nothing" she said quietly, as she then began to play with the hem of her pink skirt.

Finn slowly shook his head. He knew she was hiding something "I thought we weren't going to do this anymore" He stated, recalling the conversation they had a few days ago. "I thought we were always going to be honest."

Rachel knew he was right. "Finn, you love me right?" She asked quietly.

Finn gave her a questioning look, before wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Of course I love you."

Rachel let out a hard sigh "Quinn, Im afraid you'll end up with Quinn."

"Really? First Santana, now Quinn?" Finn couldn't help but be slightly annoyed. "Rachel, I told you, it's you and me, you're all that I want."

Rachel shook her head. "She told me that, she would end up here, married to you and you guys would live happily ever after...her working in real estate, and you taking over Burt's shop."

"When did she say that?"

Rachel swallowed hard. "Before sectionals...when she was supposed to be helping me write the original song." She looked down before continuing. "She told me thats how it would all play out, and that I had to stop living in my fantasy or else I would never get it right."

He couldn't believe that Quinn would stoop so low. Quinn was so paranoid that Finn was going to go back to Rachel, that she must have tried to scare her away from him. Finn placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her head up to encourage her to look at him. " So thats why you wrote Get It Right?" he asked.

Rachel only nodded silently.

Finn leaned in to kiss her lovingly on the lips. "You were never living in a fantasy" He stated as he pulled away.

Rachel let out a small smile. "I know", she whispered before placing her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down for another kiss.

"I just, it scares me Finn" She admitted as she pulled away.

Finn shook his head "She's wrong Rachel." He then pushed lightly on her shoulder, encouraging her to lay down on the bed, before he laid on his side beside her, propping himself up onto his elbow. "Baby, Im going to help Burt this summer... but it doesn't mean Im going to stay here and marry Quinn."

He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. "I Love you, and you have nothing to be afraid of"

"We have nothing to be afraid of". Finn said with a smile, as he ran the palm of his hand up her shirt, causing Rachel's breath to hitch in her throat.

"Ahem. You should be afraid to finish whatever it is that you're doing." Rachel's father stated from her door, causing Finn to jump off of his girlfriends bed like he was on fire.

"Uhh" Finn scurried around the room and slipped his flip-flops on. "I'm, uh, I gotta go" He spat out. He turned to face Rachel, who was now sitting up on her bead, with her knees to her chest. He hesitated before kissing her on the cheek quickly.

"T-thanks you for dinner Hir- Mr. Berry Sir" Finn squeaked out, as he hurried past Hiram, still standing at Rachel's door.

"Hi" Finn said into Kurt's cell phone, an uneasy smile on his face, as he sank down into his bed.

"You ran out of here so fast you forgot your phone" Rachel said with a giggle, as she toyed with Finns phone.

"Rach, your Dad is gonna kill me" Finn rushed out. He closed his eyes tightly as he thought about the scene in Rachel's bedroom just hours ago.

"No hes not" Rachel stated, attempting to make her boyfriend feel more at ease. The truth what she knew her father had been angry, but Finn didn't need to know as much.

"Rachel, he caught me about to crawl on top of his daughter on her bed" Finn deadpanned.

Rachel sighed "Okay, but he'll get over it" She paused "Lets just hang out at your house for a while."

"Definitely" Finn stated "Im sorry"

Rachel let out a chuckle "Im not".

"What?" Finn spat out confused. He could have sworn that this was something that Rachel would be annoyed at him over. He could almost hear her saying something about his lack of self-control in her father's house.

"Well" Rachel explained "You made me feel loved" she stated simply, before opening up Finn's flip phone. "You know what else makes me feel loved?"

Finn couldn't help the smile that was plastered all over his face. "What?"

"Your wallpaper" She said as she admired the picture on the screen in front of her. Kurt took it at Burt and Carols wedding. Finn was standing behind her, with his arms wrapped around her waist. The two of them were looking at one another with goofy grins on their faces.

"Huh?" Finn asked, before he remembered Rachel must have meant his cell phone wallpaper. "Oh, me too…I had Kurt send it to me after the wedding. I really like it…you, you look really pretty" He smiled to himself remembering that night. "Prettiest girl there…just don't tell my Mom" he said with a laugh.

Rachel could feel herself blushing. She loved that he still had that effect on her. After a year of dating on and off, he still had the ability to make her feel so special with one simple complement.

"The bride is always the most stunning one there Finn" Rachel tried to correct in her most serious of voices. "But I'll take a close second" She said before giggling.

After the two had finished talking for the night Rachel put Finns phone on the night stand next to her bed. She couldn't help but grin as she settled herself under her blankets.

She had a good feeling about it this time around. She always felt good with Finn, but things were different. Even though she was afraid that he wouldn't follow her to New York, she couldn't worry about that right now. Rachel Berry was learning to live in the moment, and no matter how hard it was, she was enjoying it. She knew that they would have a lot to talk about as the year was coming to a close, but they had almost a whole year ahead of them, to grow and be with one another.

She had never imagined something as wonderful as this would lie ahead of her. Growing up, when she thought about her future she thought about one thing and one thing only; Broadway Star. That was all there ever was. Sure she saw other girls in high school gush over their boyfriends, who would hug them and kiss them at their lockers before class, but Rachel never thought that was in the cards for her. She was always working towards her goals, her dreams, her ambition driving her full steam ahead towards a promising future. She thought that it would be everything she needed to complete her.

Everything that is, until she met Finn Hudson.

A part of her couldn't help but believe that everything would be okay, and that they would be together. Nothing in her life had ever felt as perfect as this. She wanted desperately to beg him to start to think about his future, to start applying to schools in New York.

But she couldn't. She couldn't make those decisions for him, and she certainly didn't want to scare him off. She remembered back to last year, when she sang the Only Exception to him in Glee. He had to make his own decisions, and she needed to give him the room to do so. To let him grow and be who he was truly meant to be.

No matter how much it pained her to think about him choosing a school that wasn't in New York, she knew their love would be enough. It had to be enough.

It was everything.

So I wanted to write this chapter because I felt like it would have been a big issue in the back of Rachels mind after everything that Quinn said. I also wanted to show how far they must have come in their months together, as the show depicted such character growth in Rachel being okay with the possibility of Finn working at Burts shop.

As always, please review =).