Me: I know yesterday was Christmas, but whatever! Ok, this is a random little one-shot for Christmas, no parings. Just pure entertainment! My magic fingers shall go to work!

Kyoya: not.

Me: don't make me put you under mistletoe!

Kyoya: sorry, jeez! Sam-Chan does not own beyblade, thank god for me.

"YAAAYYY!" Yu screeched in a shrill voice, laughing his blonde head off. Kyoya groaned. "Why did I agree to this again?" he muttered, shooting Gingka a death glare. "Because it's Christmas of course!" The bull wielder yelled in his ear. Kyoya growled. "Off Benkei." the blue-eyed teen snarled. At that moment, Hikaru, Masamune, Tsubasa, and Nile walked in. "I have a present for you!" Masamune screamed. "Oh great. Who gave him sugar again?" no one answered, because Leone's owner was shooting cutting glares at everyone. "Um, er, oops?" Gingka managed to squeak out, before Masamune launched himself at Yu. "AHHHH! Help!" the young boy cried as Masamune tried to hug him. "Idiots." Kyoya stated flatly, watching Gingka and Hikaru attempt to pry the black haired teen off of the little boy. "That is it. Listen!" Kyoya bellowed. And everyone froze. "Right now, you will all try to act normal. You will eat milk and cookies, and exchange presents. No one goes near the mistletoe. Got it?" all the boys managed a weak, "Y-yes," and Hikaru nodded. The beybladers began to talk; Kenta and Yu drooled over the delicious looking cookies, Benkei, Tsubasa, Nile and Gingka were having a bey battle, and Hikaru was smacking Masmune in attempt to stop him from eating a present box.

Twenty minutes later…

"NO ONE EATS MY COOKIES WITHOUT ME!" Madoka shrieked, whacking Gingka and punching Benkei. She resolved to beating up everyone but Kyoya and Hikaru. Kyoya sighed. "I hate Christmas," he whispered. No one heard him, mostly because they were either a) running away from Madoka, or b) trying to wipe the sticky red mess from the floor.

Twenty-one minutes and seventeen seconds later…

Everyone was exchanging presents form underneath the Christmas tree. It wall taller than Benkei, Kyoya, and Nile together, and strung with shiny ornaments. Yu had even hung up striped candy canes and glittery snowflakes. Kyoya had no idea what presents everyone would get, but he watched closely as the bladers unwrapped their presents. Yu squealed in delight as he got an ice cream maker and a pizza recipe. Benkei burst into tears when he got a new cap, the crybaby. Hikaru and Madoka both got tons of jewelry, and Gingka got a set of colorful scarves. Kenta got an advanced new launcher for his beyblade. Masamune got a solid gold cup engraved with the number one. Tsubasa was holding some trading cards form a certain, crazy blonde and a leather wallet. Nile smiles ever so slightly upon realizing his bey had a new fusion wheel and performance tip.

Kyoya suddenly realized that he was the only one with no presents. He shrugged, acting as if he couldn't care less, but on the inside, he was filled with bitter hate and sorrow. Do they hate me this much? He thought, standing up and walking out the door. Kyoya shivered slightly as snowflakes fell softly onto the icy ground. "Hey! Kyoya!" a loud voice rang out form behind him, and the green-haired blader turned around. "Come back, we do have a little something for you!" Nile told his former teammate. Kyoya sighed and followed the emerald-eyed boy; glad he was out of the cold. "Here you go!" Gingka grinned brightly. Kyoya's sky-blue eyes narrowed with suspicion, but he nodded and approached the gigantic box. It was taller than Benkei and wrapped in green paper. At the top was a silvery bow so bright it hurt his eyes. What the heck? Here goes nothing! The king of the jungle took a deep breath, stepped on the ladder, climbed to the top of the box-and opened it up.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Kyoya screamed at the top of his lungs, marking the only time he had ever screamed. Inside, Masamune had popped up, yelling, "BOO!" Kyoya growled, his face red. Everyone fell over, laughing his or her puny little heads off. "Not funny!" Kyoya yelled, and turned to go. But Yu shoved a box into his hands. Kyoya glared at his suspiciously as he popped open the red and white lid.

Inside, was a sparkly white dress with a rather noticeable, er, red upper piece. "Oh god…"Kyoya muttered. "I really hate Christmas!"

Me: and that was it! Ha-ha-ha! Poor little Kyoya!

Kyoya: …

Yu: he hates us all! But especially Masamune and me! Um, Sam-Chan? Why is Kyoya-kun smirking evilly? Why is Kyoya-kun holding that sharp looking knife and walking towards me? AAAHHHH! SAM-CHAN HELP ME!

Me: uh, ok, got to go! Hope you all had an awesome Christmas!