*peeps head out from hole* um, hi? *dodges thrown objects* I'm sorry to leave you like that! I just-stuff happened, and I've thoroughly lost all real impulses to write, so this has been sitting on my computer for ages, and I've added bits and pieces as if I had the time and could force myself too. Yeah.

But on the plus side, I got my braces off yesterday, hurrah! :D I can finally eat hard/sticky foods again!

Anyways, subject change AGAIN, I recently started watching the Rescue Bots on YouTube, and OMFG, THEY ARE SO ADORABLE I LOVE THEM! :D they are amazing! And some of the reason why I was able to write and edit enough to make this manageable for human consumption.


Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I love you all! And remember, anyone who reviews gets white chocolate and macadamia biscuits! That failing, you get a food of your choice :D


And does anyone other than me ever READ the authors notes?!

Ahem, please keep reading!

Prowl rolled over and sighed.

She was bored out of her processor to put it mildly-no data-pads because Ratchet and her creators-pit it felt WEIRD to be able to admit to herself that they really were her creators, were paranoid insisting that she take time off to recover. They were doing a better job at the paranoia than Red Alert. She had to admit they had a point, it would be awhile until she was ready to go back out onto the battlefield, but that still didn't mean they could coop her up in the Med-bay! She was the sparkling of Optimus Prime and Elita 1 for sparks sake, SHE DID NOT LIKE HAVING HER FREEDOM TAKEN AWAY. Sighing and rolling over again for perhaps the 5th time that joor, and went over what had happened.

Firstly, the trip to an organic planet in hopes of finding energy, allies, or possibly intelligent organics. That had resulted in them finding the planet Roxacarigofallipatorious which they had initially called Earth, and when later asked why had answered with one word: Cyber-men. After some more questioning, it was unanimously voted that these Cyber-men were to be avoided at all costs…they sounded like the Decepticons, only with a decent catchphrase and were made by mutating the Roxacarigofallipatorians and putting them in a metal body similar to theirs. Charming. However, they had gained some of their cultures music…very different, and with many different kinds. Cybertronian music was similar to what the Roxacarigofallipatorians (or Roxa's for short) called Dub step, techno or electronic however with no vocal parts.

She FINALLY got her revenge on Knockout…that was fun! Although she had been rather tiered for a few joors after woods…

Her "secret identity" was revealed…went better than she thought, that was really funny looking back…it's wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, in fact, it was rather funny looking back…though she doubted the other found it funny.

Groaning again and rolling over for what felt like the septillionth time ever, she sat up, waiting for Ratchet to come barrelling out waving a wrench and threatening to turn her into an Energon dispenser if she didn't sit back down.

He didn't come.

Never one to waste an opportunity, she sung her legs around and slowly stood up using the med berth as a support, experience told her she would be more likely to be able to escape if she went slowly and quietly. Finally standing and balanced, she took a hesitant step, got herself used to walking again with a few steps and quietly ghosted her way over to Ratchets office door. Carefully putting an audio against the metal, she listened to see if she could determine how long she would have before Ratchet came out of his office.

She heard…moaning? Pressing her audio harder against the door and turning the volume up to full, she heard Ratchet moaning…and…groans? What? Oh…of course…Ratchet was interfacing on his desk. Gross!

Shuddering, Prowl delicately removed her audio from the door before turning and heading out the med bay doors, her doorwing twitching in happiness. Walking along the base's halls, she mulled over how she was going to explain her presence. Her Autobot decals on her doorwings would be enough to ensure not bot attacked her, and her spark continued to complain to her parents closed side of the bond, she had spent the whole time showing her parents that she may be almost 53571 vorns old (almost 18 in human years) but she could still pull the annoying toddling card! (No idea what to call a toddler-so I went with toddling) still, that didn't answer the question of HOW she was going to make everyone think she was already here…of course! Optimus had allowed a group of Neutral femme's to stay with them, and not all of the femme's had allowed themselves to be seen at first, so she could pretend she was with them! Sometimes, her genius surprised even herself…

"Who are you?"

Surprised, Prowl whipped around flaring her wings up in surprise, relaxing when she saw it was only Bumblebee. Realising she hadn't answered his question she opened her mouth to answer only to be interrupted by Mirage who called out to Bumblebee as he came around the corner, only to freeze at the sight of Prowl. Prowl nodded her head at him with a slight smile on her face, a normal reaction for her.

"Bumblebee, who's this?" asked Mirage, surprise clear in his voice.

"I just asked, and she was about to answer when you came around the corner"

"Well, sorry for interrupting dear femme, what's your name?"

"My name is" Prowl hesitated for half a second before answering "Shadow"


"I can sneak anywhere like a shadow-in total silence"

"Well Shadow, would you like to come with us to the Rec room and grab a cube?"

Prowls tanks growled.

"Well, come with us, I'm Bumblebee and that's Mirage over there"

At first, no-one noticed when Prowl entered the rec room with Bumblebee in Mirage, which suited her just fine, it was only when after she had grabbed a cube and sat down next to Bumblebee that bot's began to notice her.

"Who's that?" Sideswipes surprised question silenced the whole rec room, all optics turning and focusing on the now extremely self-conscious Prowl. Smokescreen and Bluestreak were naturally both delighted and surprised to see Prowl-they thought they knew all the surviving Praxians, especially the femmes. Prowl sudden arrival made their mating programs instinctively kick-start, flaring their doorwings to be twice the normal size in a display of size, their chevrons flushing more vibrant and their armour puffing slightly, something which meant nothing to the other bots but both flattered, amusing and make the situation incredibly awkward for Prowl.

"I'm Shadow" she said smiling warmly at everyone, fluttering her doorwings in a "Not interested, but thanks anyway" manner towards Smokescreen and Bluestreak who's programs receded before they showed any outwards signs of knowing.

"Nice to meet you Shadow, I'm Sideswipe, prankster extradinair and handsomest bot in this fine establishment" said Sideswipe grinning devilishly as he leaned over.

"Nice try Sides, but you know I'm still the best looking bot on the base" snorted Sunstreaker giving his twin a carefree smack to the back of the helm "I'm this idiots twin, Sunstreaker, and despite what he'll tell you I'M the most handsome mech in this base" he continued giving Prowl a quick run over with his optics.

"How did you get here? I thought I knew all of the Praxians who survived" asked Bluestreak genuinely curious now.

"Well, I came a bit after the other Neutral femmes-I left a few joors before Praxus was destroyed, so you don't know me. Who are you both?"

"I'm Bluestreak and this is Smokescreen" said Bluestreak smiling broadly at her.

"Why are you called Bluestreak if you're grey?" she asked.

"Because he talks up a blue streak" said Smokescreen smirking as his brother whined at him.

"And are you also the sniper? I've heard about you, apparently you can hit a sparkling's cube of energon dead centre from ever 100,000 meters away!" (I figured by TF standards that about 100-200 meters away)

"I'm not THAT good" he said blushing furiously, but very obviously preening over the admiration of this unknown femme.

"And Smokescreen-you create smoke screens and were one of the best physiatrist's in Praxus" and gambler she added in her mind.

"Well, I can't deny my ability to do either of those things" he said also blushing and preening.

"Well, Shadow, I know that you have most certainly gotten on our good sides-you want a cube?" said Bumblebee offering a cube of high-grade

"Oh, no thanks"

"One cube can't hurt"

"I'm not good with high grade"

"Oh, ok then…"

"But thanks for the offer Bee"

Sideswipe blinked, and glanced at his twin, who glanced back, clearly communicating over their twin link, but it happened in a split second, and then they were all smiles again-or rather, Sideswipe was, Sunstreaker went back to being his usual antisocial self.

"So Shadow, how did you manage to survive?"

"What? I don't fully understand your question"

"You say you left Praxus a few joors before it was destroyed, so how did you survive? A lone femme, no matter how tough, cannot survive very long"

Prowl internally panicked, but on the outside smiled and nodded.

"Of course you'll want to know. Simple really, I hid underground and stole for a bit when I needed to, but eventually came across a neutral camp, I do some work and not do anything to get the war near them and they were happy"

"So, if we ask any of the femmes about you-"

"They won't know me, I came from a different group, before it was destroyed, and so tagged along with them when the offer of refuge came along"

"You say your base was destroyed?" Mirage talking now, surprising everyone.



"When it comes to recruiting Decepticons, they don't take no for an answer"


And Mirage then left the conversation, excusing himself to go and talk to Hound who had just arrived.

"I will never know how those two get along" muttered Cliffjumper.


"They're so different-Hound was raised on the street, carefree and loves nothing more than getting stuck into whatever organic life he can find, but Mirage is a Towers brat"

"And how do you know he's a brat?" Prowl challenged, she had always wondered what it is that made bots think like that.

"He never talks, and whenever he does it's to insult someone, he always acts perfectly mannered, and is a bit like Prowl, a cultured stick up the aft, expect Prowl's more a sparkless drone than a brat"

Prowl's face made no change, but inside she was fuming, Cliffjumper really WAS that oblivious. Uncaringly, she let her doorwings rise until they were as high as they could go and flare aggressively and quiver, showing exactly HOW pissed off she was with Cliffjumper.

"And what makes you say Prowl is a sparkless drone?"

"He never show's any emotions, ever" said Bluestreak, taking note of how pissed the femme seemed to be from Cliffjumpers comment, but dismissed it "I mean, he even keeps his wings still!"

"Yeah and?" said Cliffjumper, the comment not meaning anything to him, but to anyone who understood wings, it meant a lot.

"Well, where IS this Prowl anyway?"

"He was badly injured in the last fight against the cons; no-one is allowed to see him except for a select few"

"Oh, but why is he such a drone?"

"He also works an unnatural amount"


"SIC of the army"

"So how is him working so hard and showing no emotion a bad thing? The Prime will block off his emotions and works hard too"

"But he comes out into the public, and will let us see him laugh and talk, Prowl never comes out of his office unless it's for a few reasons or Jazz drags him in"

"And those reason's being?"

"Sending the twins to the brig, getting some Energon, lecturing us, a meeting or a battle"

"Oh" Prowl was genuinely surprised, she hadn't realised…

"Yeah, sparkless drone"

"Who's the sparkless drone? Ya aren't talkin abou Prowler again ar yah's?"

Prowl froze. Jazz. Oh. Slag. If he found her, recognised her…she was fragged.

"Hey Shadow, you want a tour of the base?"

Saved by the Bluestreak.

"Sure Bluestreak" she said smiling.

"Call me Blue" he said back smiling as he lead her on the tour, WITHOUT Jazz seeing.

"Who wa tha Blue was talking tah?" Jazz asked accepticing a cube.

"One of the Neutral femmes"

"Really? She didn look familiar"

"She came later"

"Hhm, what was he designation?"


"Huh, wouldn of pinned her for tha sort of femme"

"She can apparently go about things really quiet"

"Huh, wouldn't of thought so"

After having her audios talked off by Blue, she excused herself and flew back to the med-bay, just in time too.

"Ok Prowl, time again"

"Oh Ratchet, can't I go? I've been here for ages now, you're just over-reacting" she whined obediently following Ratchet instructions, she wasn't excused from the wrath of Ratchets wrench.

"No Prowl"

"But WHY? Give me one good reason"

"The rest of the men"

"What about them?"

"Prowl, do you think it'll be easy for them to adjust to your new frame? The fact you're a femme? They don't understand you, nor do you understand them, so you are here until further notice"

"But why can't I be doing something productive?!"

"Prowl, if you want to argue talk to Optimus and Elita-but you don't understand"

But I DO understand Prowl thought I do understand- I talked to them.

Ok, hurray, new chapter! :D I'm happy, and lemme tell you, I acaully spent one WHOLE DAY trying to think of an alter-ego name for Prowl! Nothing too similar, but fitting also. In the end, I went with Shadow, though if anyone has a better name, I'll probably change it.

The bit with the whole Roxacarigofallipatorious bit was just m,e sorting out some of my own things for how I do this in my own little universe. Pretty much: any mention of organic planets will have been Roxacarigofallipatorious unless stated otherwise, because I've decided that this is set in G1 however they are still on Cybertron before the Energon crisis. If I do a sequel, it will probably be either Bayverse or Prime, most likely Bayverse.

A sneak peek at next chapter to anyone who can tell me where I got Roxacarigofallipatorious from!

DISCLAIMER: I won nothing recognisable you would've read, I'm just messing with them, however I do a Transformer's poster. Anyone who review's will get…something, but it's really good!

Praise loved, constructive criticism gladly accepted, flames will be eaten for breakfast and any flamers will be given to Wheeljack as an experiment and then hand over to the Daleks or Cyber men, your choice.