Winx Club Stella & Brandon: Enemies at the Start

Summary: Brandon is just a strict young commander and squire of King Sky of Eraklyon. They were best friends since they were just two young kids. Stella is just a princess of Solaria. When she goes to visit Eraklyon with her father, she meets Brandon, who acted mean to her. When they get to know each other more, Brandon changes. But is there something in the way?

Disclaimer: I do now own the characters in this story. Except for a few. I'll ask some readers if they want to have an OC in this story only if I need them.

A/N – Hey guys! I want to make another Stella and Brandon story. Well here it is! I am now currently working on three Stella and Brandon stories. They're Five Years (PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!), The Solarian Princess (Check it out also!), and Enemies at the Start! I hope you get to check them out!

Chapter 1: Getting Ready for the Trip

Stella's P.O.V

Today is the second week of summer. I'm only sixteen. I was in my bedroom, looking at myself in the mirror. My wall color was orange, and I sure love that color. My bed was green and pink. I also love those colors. Today, my parents told me we are going somewhere. I'm not sure where, but I am sure it'll be fun. So anyways, I walked into my bathroom, and took a quick shower.

When I was finished, I got ready to change. I wore a white strapless gown that touched the ground. It had a yellow ribbon on my waist. Soon, I went to my walk in closet, and searched for a perfect heel for me to wear. I found a golden princess heel, and I puts it on. Then, I walked out, and saw my tiara. I put it on. In the middle of the Tiara, was half yellow and half blue jewel.

And I never forget about it, and I put on my ring of Solaria. It always matched every outfit I wear. Even though it's a completely different color, it will always match any outfit. I'm pretty happy I got it. It would make me safe, anytime and anywhere. I sure love that ring so much. Anyways, I walked out of my room, and I reached the Solarian hallways. I saw so many servants, and they would always smile and call me beautiful.

I was close to the dining room, which was huge just for me and my father. I always wondered why my mother had a divorced with my father. Was anything wrong with my father? I mean, my father is the nicest father you will ever meet. But I don't know about my mother. She is also sweet. I just wondered what happened to both of them. When I opened the door to the hallways, I saw my father eating with some other royal people.

"Good morning Princess Stella," one of them said. I smiled, and bowed back at them. I always had to bow when they first talk to me. I guess being a princess is pretty awesome—for others.

"Hello. How is your breakfast sir?" I asked. I didn't actually know his name, but at least I'm meeting someone knew. I think meeting people is a fun thing to do once you're someone like me.

"It is quite delicious. Why won't you try it? Come now, let's eat," he said. I just nodded, and walked over the table. I wanted to eat alone, so I did. I sat away from all of them. It was a huge long table with more than twenty seats I think. I sat in the most farthest.

"Stella is there something wrong?" my father said. He got up from his chair, and walked over to me. I wonder what he's going to do with me.

"Nothing is wrong father. It's just that I wonder where we are going," I replied. He smiled, and sat on a chair which was near mine.

"You want to know where we are going. You could have asked me earlier. We're going to visit Eraklyon which is a nearby planet. The before-king is my best friend," he said.

"What about the king now?" I asked.

"You'll meet him. We're going to look at how is Eraklyon like every day. A few soldiers will watch you for a while. They are my best, and they will care with you with all of their protection. Their names are Edward, Richard, and Thomas. They are actually a bit sweet you know," my father said. Yay, some knights are going to watch me. I hope they'll be careless, I want to be alone.

"Oh, thank you father so much. You can go eat now while I go eat on my own. You know me, I am a proper princess," I said. He laughed, and nodded.

"We're going at eleven. It's ten. Once you're finished, you can get changed," he said. I nodded, and started eating. Now you know how sweet my father is. But what about that King today?

Brandon's P.O.V

Today is the day where the Solarian family will visit my best friend's realm. I wonder how snobby that Princess and her father will be. Maybe once I mess around with her that Princess is going to tell on her father. What a cry baby. I just hate this day. I was training my soldiers, in case something bad will happen.

"Give me one-hundred pushups! Now!" I shouted. They put their hands near their foreheads.

"Yes sir Commander Brandon sir!" they shouted. They went on the floor, and did what I requested. I just walked around, and I found my best friend with his girlfriend.

"Hello Brandon. I see your training is going out pretty good," he said. He had long shoulder length blonde hair. His wife had long red hair with blue eyes.

"Of course King Sky. You know, I never want to fail on my pal," I said while smiling.

"Remember what I told you? Just call me Sky for now on okay?" he said. I just smiled, and went back to training. "The Solarian family is coming in less than an hour. I think you should get ready and give them all of your respect." I nodded, and told my soldiers to stop.

"That's enough for now. All of you soldiers can take a quick rest. I'm going to get ready for the special guests coming. So you can know guard the castle. Tell the other soldiers to get a rest," I said. They nodded.

"Yes sir Commander Brandon sir!" they said. Then they escaped the training zone. I waved goodbye to King Sky and her girlfriend. I went to the Eraklyon castle, and went to my room. I was there in less than five minutes, and slammed my door. I walked slowly around my room, and I saw a picture of my old girlfriend.

I picked the picture up. I missed her so much. Her smile, made me want to kiss her. What happened to her? It's a pretty long story. But let me try to remember what happened to her. I just missed her so much. I would do anything; I mean anything just to get her back.


It was a sunny morning, and I was on my day off of training others. My beautiful girlfriend said she would wait for me on the Eraklyon Plaza. So, I rushed on my morning business. When I saw Prince Sky and his father walking by, I bowed back at them. They smiled, and they told me I am now excused. I couldn't wait to see my girlfriend.

When I reached to the palace, I saw a group of people on the trying to form a circle around someone. I walked faster, and I told everyone to get out of my way. When they did, I saw my girlfriend, on the floor. I gasped, and went down at her. I called her name several times, but nothing had work. What happened to her? I shouted what happened, and someone replied to me.

"She was beaten up by some royal person; a princess could describe that person. We don't know what happened sir. When I got here, I saw that someone punched her in the face, so she fainted. It looks like she's dead since I examined her," that someone said. No. It couldn't be. Why would she die on our second anniversary? I was just heartbroken.

Months and months passed by, and I was completely heartbroken. Whoever did this to my beloved girlfriend is going to get killed by me. I will disrespect every princess I will see. I don't care how she looks or what she is, but I'm going to disrespect. When I find out who killed her, will get killed by me!

End of Flashback

I still don't know who killed her. I just placed the picture back carefully, and fell on my bed. When that Solarian Princess comes, I'm going to disrespect her. I don't care how she looks or what she is. I just want to do that for the sake of my love.

Stella's P.O.V

I was almost ready for going at Eraklyon. I just had to wait for the knights. Edward, Richard, and Thomas would be coming any time now. I think I saw them before, but I'm not sure if that was them. I think I'll describe them for you to know.

Edward was a man with tons of muscle and he surely worked out a lot. He had shinny blonde hair and blue eyes. Richard was a guy who had a medium shape body, but he also worked out. He had pale skin, black hair, and green eyes. Thomas was a man who likes to play and work out. He was a mixture of Edward and Richard. He had black hair, blue eyes, and a pale skin.

I wonder if they'll follow me wherever I go. But for sure, I'm going to avoid them. I want to be free, and alone. I hope I'll meet that King. His name is…King Sky right? I think so. But I also heard of a guy who is strict and mean in Eraklyon. I hope I won't see him.

"Princess, we're here now. Your father is in the ship. We are going to take you there," a guy said. A couple people knocked on the door. I got up from my bed, and opened the door. It was those three guys. I was right.

"Let us introduce ourselves to you," a guy with black hair and blue eyes said. "I'm Thomas. But please call me anything you would like to call me your majesty." He bowed.

"I'm Edward your majesty," a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes said.

"And don't forget about me, I'm Richard," a guy with black hair and green eyes said. All of those men we're about around the age seventeen I guess. Also, they wore the Solarian knight armor.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you guys. I think we should go to Eraklyon now. And thank you for watching me, and introducing yourselves to me," I said. They smiled, and two of them took out their hands for me to hold. I think its Edward and Richard. But anyways, I hold their hands. Thomas just watched me from behind. I think I feel pretty awkward.

Thanks for reading this story guys! Please review! If I get at least 3-4 reviews, I will update this story! Thanks for reading everyone! And don't forget to read my other stories :D