Disclaimer: I do not own this story! Well... TPoTO... I totally own This Story... just... not the one its based off of... so... glad we got that covered... alright... Rad

AN: Oh my goshness... It has been more than A year since I have updated this story... I am sooooooooooooo sorry! I promise I'll get better at it! I Promise! Anyways! Read and Enjoy! Please leave a review and I am so sorry that it is so short!

I awoke to the sunlight filtering through the curtained window, landing softly on my cheeks. I smiled at the warmth of it and huddled into the sheets, trying to catch a few more glorious moments of sleep.

Suddenly, the warmth began moving down my face, tracing lightly over my smiling lips. My green eyes flickered open to meet those of the man I loved… the man who loved me.

"Good morning my phantom." I murmured through a yawn.

"Ma belle." He chuckled. "I do believe that you mean good afternoon." His lips twisted into a smirk at the surprise and slight alarm in my eyes.

"I have been asleep all day?"

"I do not blame you, ma belle…. It has been an exciting couple of days. You deserve your rest."

I relaxed back against my pillow and traced my fingers lightly over his face, sighing happily at the feel of his soft skin.

"Tell me what you are thinking mon precieux. I wish to know what happened. I wish to know why you scared me so." He pressed his lips lightly to the palm of my hand. "Tell me what happened when you left the hotel."

Sighing, I sat up. "I did not meant to scare you…. But you were busy and I had nothing to do…." I trailed off, avoiding his searching eyes. "I wandered the streets of Paris, looking for something with which to entertain myself, but along the way, I was attacked by some men. I blacked out, but when I woke…. I was in the house of Raoul De Chagney."

I heard his breath falter and when I rested my hand on his chest, his heart beat faltered unpleasantly.

"Erik? My love, I promise that I left as soon as he let me…. I did not stay any longer than was necessary. Nothing happened."

He shook his head and wrapped his arms possessively around me. "Mine." He said in a low voice. "You are mine. De Chagney can never have you."

I gasped a bit, never having seen this side of him. "P-Please let go my love…. You are squeezing me far too tightly. There is nothing I want from Raoul, you need not worry."

After a long silence, in which he kept me held tightly against himself, he finally released his grip, though his arms remained gently looped around me.

I sighed quietly. "Darling, nothing would ever happen between me and De Chagney. Not even in the worst of your dreams would anything happen between me and De Chagney. Or any other man for that matter. You are everything that I will ever need." I pressed my lips to his with a small sigh.

He kissed me hard for a few minutes until he was satisfied.

"Mine." He whispered once more.

"Yes darling. Yours." I kissed his nose and smiled as he wrinkled it up. "Forever I will belong to the Phantom."

He nodded- satisfied with my sincerity. He kissed me softly to apologize for his momentary panic attack.

I smiled softly at him. "How about we get out of my room today? We could go back to your lair and I could make dinner for the two of us."

He shook his head. "No ma belle. We shall go back to the lair and you shall rest while I make dinner for the two of us."

My eyes widened in surprise. "The Phantom knows how to cook?" I asked with a laugh in my voice.

"How you wound me, ma belle." He teased and got out of bed. "You get ready and I shall anxiously await you outside." He swept from the room leaving me to dress.

I stood and stretched my arms over my head, enjoying the the feeling of my muscles relaxing.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, I quickly showered and pulled on the first dress he ever gave me. I walked from my room. And he was there. He was there, wearing a carefree smile as he leaned on the wall across from my door.

"Ma belle, you look stunning." He murmured an hugged me, burying his nose in my hair and taking a deep breath.

"You do too my Phantom… And you needn't even try."

He scowled good naturedly "None is more so stunning than you."

His lips were on mine then, effectively ending that conversation.

I grumbled and pouted up at him. He was wearing that horrible mask again. I frowned and reached up to take it off.

Before my fingers could so much as skim it, he had me in his arms, causing me to yelp in surprise and throw my arms around his neck.

"Not in public." He breathed and swept down the stairs, holding me close. "We shall stick to the shadows so that the journey passes more quickly."

I nodded in consent and he and I set off together. Back to the cool dark laer. And at this moment, I did not think that I could be more happy.

I had wonderful friends, a man that I loved, and who loved me in return.

Life was perfect.

What could go wrong?