A/N-Hey HOA lovers! I'm back with first chapter of Safe and Sound in 2012! WOW! Hope you all like it! Thanks for the awesome reviews! Review as much as you can! Let's see if we can get to 30-40 reviews in total! ENJOY!

Oh, and I want to take the time to give a quick shout-out to my really good friend on Fanfiction…her pen name is ThoseLovelyMemories, Kelsey if you will, and you may know her if you're a Kickin' It fan! Well today happens to be her BIRTHDAY, so I just want to wish her a very happy birthday Kelsey, and hope you have the best birthday ever filled with love happiness and joy! This chapter is totally dedicated to you!

Okay, so if you review, please give a little birthday shout-out! It would mean a lot! ONTO THE CHAPTER!


As I started walking in the eerie silence of Anubis house with Trudy, the only thoughts swirling in my head was about how I needed to go to the hiding place and get that Cup, before the "evil spirit" does. It was almost noon, and luckily the doctors finally released me from the hospital, after doing, like…bazillion tests, to see if I didn't have seizures, or wasn't disordered, or that I was fasting, or even if there was something wrong with my brain. They even took a pregnancy test. Note-to-self…never faint again. Not unless you want a pregnancy test…

"Alright Nina, now let's just give you your medicine, and then we can send you—"

"What is the meaning of this, why isn't Ms. Martin in school?" We hear a deep British voice coming from upstairs. When we look up, without surprise, we see Victor glaring at us.

"Oh Victor, Nina just came back from the hospital….you can't expect her to run off to school can you?" Trudy asked with a harsh tone, but conveying it with a smile on her face.

"I have rather a lot of work to do in the house, she could be a distraction!" Victor said. I rolled my eyes at Victor's white lie. He's obviously planning something….I don't see what though…I thought to him it was all over. You know, he just has to admit the fact, that he's going to indeed die, and there's nothing he can do about it.

There isn't anything he can do about it right?

But I pretended like I bought his lie. "Oh, you know what Trudy?" I said, facing her, "It's fine; I can just get ready real quick and go to school, the day's still—''

'Nonsense!" Trudy exasperated. "You need to rest. You can go back to school tomorrow if you like. But for now, you're only assignment is to relax, and stay in bed. Up you go!" Trudy placed the tablet in my hand, and shooed me up the stairs and into my room. I got into bed, and reluctantly rested my head on the pillow. But my body was in no mood to relax, let alone sleep. After that bizarre dream back when I was in the hospital, I just had to go back to the school, and go underground to where I hid it. If I don't go sooner, my life really will be in danger. I guess there was only one person that I know would fit for the job.


I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, and started writing a text to him, but I stopped…should I text him? It is the middle of the school day. He might not even answer my text...or worse….the teachers might confiscate it from him if they caught him texting me back…and they would find out our plans…again.

Helplessly, I swallowed the tablet Trudy had given me, and wrapped myself in my polka-dotted blanket. I guess I'll have to sneak in after school. From the drowsiness of the medicine, my eyelids forced it shut, and before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep.

But not even the strongest pill could put me in a "good night's sleep".


What? Sarah…is that you?

They're coming! They're coming! They're planning to kill! I should have warned you about this…but I didn't know, until now!

Who is coming Sarah? Who?

Go, and retrieve that cup! If you don't get it sooner…it could mark the end of your life…. But whatever you do…Keep the locket safe!

Sarah, what happens if the evil spirit has found it?

Anubis house….is in great peril…

What can we do?

I can't say much anymore….WAKE UP AND GET THE CUP! DESTORY IT!

"NINA!" I heard a distant high-pitch girly voice that seemed to have faded in the confusing state of my mind. I shot my head up, tensed and worried, thinking that it was possibly just possibly…

"Sarah?" I called out. But when I looked at who called my name, it almost made me feel foolish to call her Sarah. Beautiful honey blonde hair…pink gloss smeared on her lips…that habitual flirty smile on her face…none other than Miss. Amber Millington.

Amber threw her arms around me, and squeezed me tightly. "Nina! Oh, you're back! We were all so worried about you! Are you alright?"

Laughing, I brought my arms out of her embrace, so I could hug her back. "I'm fine, Amber. But wait…you still have fifteen minutes of free period left. Why are you home so early?"

"We were allowed to come see you. It was easy since there was a sub for free period, so Fabian and I just left early to come to see you."

"Aw thanks Amber. So…what did I miss in school?"

She gave me look. "You're seriously asking me that question? Oh Nina, I know you're on medication and all, but asking me a question like that is almost like asking Patricia where she got her top-of-the-line pink dress."

I rolled my eyes, giving her a smile. "So, I guess I'll just have to ask Fabian then." But before Amber could even respond (and judging by the grin on her face, I know she was going to ask about what's been going on between me and him) I heard an urgent knock on the door, and before Amber and I could even say "come in" the door swung open revealing someone who I should've known would be rushing up here just to see if I was okay.

"Fabian!" I said cheerfully with a grin on my face. He rushed over to me and sat on my bed, giving me a hug.

"Oh, I was so worried about you!" He said, embracing me close. I hugged him back, feeling my cheeks turning red. And not just because of the fact, that I was still on medication and that I was feeling slightly feverish.

"Join the club, Fabes," Amber said, laughing. We both laughed.

"I'm fine…seriously," I said, smiling. "But…I have to tell you guys something." Their relieved expressions had concern masked upon them. I took a heavy breath and sighed. I didn't want to worry them too much…but this too much even for me to handle.

"You know how I keep passing out? And how the nurse couldn't explain anything?" I began. They nodded, with confusion slightly washing their faces.

"Well, I know the reason why," I said, slightly wincing as I play my horrible nightmares back in my head.

"You know why you're passing out? Isn't that…like….scary?" Amber said, seeming like she's thinking hard.

"Uh, yeah it kind of is," I said, giving her a squeeze in the hand.

"Well then…why are you?" Fabian asked me.

"Sarah...and another…source….they've been giving me messages. Telling me what to do. And according to them…this isn't over. It was too good to be true."

"It's not over? Argh, I thought I could finally focus on boys again!" Amber said. I gave her a look.

"In what way is it not over?" Fabian asked, ignoring Amber's redundant comment.

"When I built the Cup of Ankh…it didn't release just good power," I said. "It released…some sort of…evil spirit," Just repeating my dreams is making my head ache.

"Evil? What do you mean by evil?" Amber said, her eyes widening.

"Amber! Please stop repeating everything that Nina says!" Fabian said, look clearly impatient.

"I don't know something…I don't know what it is, or how it looks like….all I know is that I released it, and that I need to get it back before…it…does," I said slowly.

"Well what happens if the…evil spirit…gets it before us?" Fabian asked.

"According to Sarah….Anubis house… will be in great danger," I said. Amber and Fabian's expression seemed to have grown stale, with their eyes still frozen in place. I now feel almost guilty for telling them my dream. After all, maybe it was better they didn't know. But then again…they know so many frightful things already…what difference does this make?

"But wait a minute…" Amber said, looking like she's thinking hard…for once. "Didn't Rufus put the cup in that burning thingamajig? So isn't it already destroyed?"

"Wow Amber, you actually paid attention to all of that!" Fabian said, looking surprised. I laughed a little, but now I feel guiltier than ever.

"Well," I said, in a high-pitch. "Remember how I went back down in the cellar?" I asked.

"What did you do?" Fabian asked me. My eyes shut tight, so I wouldn't have to see the expression on their faces once I told them the truth.

"Well, I kind of…took it out…" I said slowly.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Amber shrieked.

"Calm down Amber!" Fabian scolded. "Wait, why would you take it out?"

"Sarah…she told me to. I took it out…but I hid it safe!" I said quickly, so I could uplift them before they start screaming at me again.

"Where did you hide it?" Fabian asked me. "Amber and I will go and get it, and well…break it."

"No!" I yelled grabbing their arms, so they wouldn't leave and get the cup by themselves. I wasn't going to let that happen. If anyone was going to go and rupture that cup, it would be me. That's the only way I'll get the satisfaction, and the only way it will actually work.

"Nina, you can't do it! You're too weak to break the cup!" Amber said.

"I have to, Amber. If I don't do it, then it'll never work. I'm the one who made it….and I'm the one who has to destroy it."

"Nina, you're still sick. You need to rest." Fabian said, squeezing my hand. I gave him a helpless look.

"This is more important." I said self-assuredly. "Please let me, Fabian. I have to."

Fabian sighed with no argument. "Alright, fine. But we're coming with you. Where did you hide it?"

"I hid the cup under the school stairs in the front." I said, quickly jumping out of bed, and throwing my jacket on. "Come on, let's go guys. The rest aren't here yet, and the teachers and Victor are meeting in the cellar."

"Wait, I thought they meet at night?" Amber asked.

"Uh, they kind of know we all know, so what's there to hide? They locked the cellar anyway, I could hear it." I said. "Okay, I'm getting out of topic; let's just go while we have the chance, come on!" With Fabian and Amber reluctantly following me, we both sneakily, went out of the house and started walking towards the school, with our hearts thumping loudly in our chest out of anxiousness….and of course fear.





"Alright, I will notify your teachers on your…rambunctious behavior today during free period. Dismissed!" The substitute teacher scolded. With the rustle of paper gathering, and chairs screeching across the tile floor, I gathered my things and almost sprinted outside the door, and stood by the gymnasium, waiting for Mick to arrive from Soccer Practice. We were supposed to walk home together, and after helping him with homework, go for a romantic walk. I was actually excited for today, and was looking forward to the evening as much as possible. I was missing him yesterday, since the whole "Nina" incident, and he's been really busy with his sports. But can't say I blame him. He's in almost all of the athletic teams. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jerome running to the exit, as if he was in a hurry to see something or someone. I wonder where he was going off to…

"Mara?" I heard a deep voice. I turned around and saw Mick, but with an anxious look on his face.

"Hey, I'm so ready for our date tonight!" I said happily with a smile spreading across my face, but that just made Mick's anxious face, increase.

"What's wrong?" I asked carefully.

"I'm so sorry babes, but…see I'm meeting up with the team again, we're doing an away game with another school…we won't be back until supper."

My face fell at the thought that Mick was blowing me off today. But, it wasn't his fault, so I gave him a pleasing smile. "Oh, that's okay; well good luck on the game! I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah. Totally. Sorry, but I gotta go!" He said quickly as he saw the rest of the team boarding the busses. He planted a kiss on my cheek, and with that dazzling smile of his, he ran off to the bus, to play his game. With a bit of sadness rushing through me, I started walking back to Anubis house and spend the rest of my evening alone. I turned to see if maybe I could walk along with Patricia and Joy, but judging by the fact that neither of them has spoken to anyone but eachother, I made the new decision to pass. After all, I've almost been like the third wheel in this friendship. So, with a huff, I started walking again back to my current home…alone.

Minutes passed, and pretty soon I was halfway there, passing along the woods. To be quite honest, I now wanted a buddy to walk along with. These woods always creeped me out. The hissing of the trees as it collides with wind, the rustles of leaves here and there…that cave-tunnel like thing on the side…how to other kids walk here?

Obviously because they got someone to walk with, unlike you!

Hey, it's not my fault my boyfriend ditched me for a game, and Patricia doesn't want to speak to me anymore because she's reunited with her best friend!

What about Jerome? Don't you two have something going on?

Please…as if. The guy hates me. We're just friends…nothing more. Okay, you know what second voice, I command you to get out of my head, before you start driving me insane!

Rolling my eyes at my own silliness, I casually started walking along the grass, slowly seeing the figure of Anubis house becoming clearer and clearer…

When I tripped over a branch.


Okay, that hurt. With a grunt I got back up, and dusted myself off from the dirt that was on the ground. But as I started dusting the dirt from my fabric, I noticed that there wasn't just dirt. There was red liquid.

It was blood.

I didn't fall that hard did I? Well, it doesn't hurt that much. How did blood land on my shirt? Oh, now my top's all messy! I looked down to see if there was any blood on my knees perhaps. But when I looked down I saw something else…

More blood. And it wasn't coming from me.

There was a trail of blood on the ground, running down….I followed the trail of this, but still keeping positive thoughts, that perhaps it was red paint. But the short trail of "red liquid" seemed to have led to the cave. Hesitantly, I continued following the trail to the cave, and when I saw where the trace of blood had stopped…my stomach did a lurch, and I was close to having a heart attack.

The trace stopped at a person. A person lying on the ground, his eyes closed, but still scrunched, still in pain. There were blood stains everywhere, all around him. Most of the blood seemed to have been flowing from the side of his head, as if someone hit him with a rock, and comatose him. Unfortunately…this was a person I knew.

It was a boy. Tall. Blonde. Devious. But when looking at him in this critical position…you wouldn't dare him devious. This caused tears to run down flow out of my eyes when seeing this person in such a horrible state.

It was none other than Jerome Clark.

A/N- That concludes chapter 4! OMG! What happened to Jerome? Will he finally come clean and tell Mara? Will Nina find that cup before the evil spirit does? QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS! All will be answered in the next chapter! Please review and tell me what you think! Thanks!

And again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELSEY! Or ThoseLovelyMemories! If you're a Kickin' It fan, please check out her story Not Your Typical Christmas, it's an AMAZING fanfic! Check out all her stories they are ALL good! Hope you have a good one, Kelsey!

