ML54: I know I promised you guys anothe chapter. But since I was going to do it anyway, I figured I'd treat you to a sequeal!

Pikachu: Three multi-chapters at a time?

ML54: Yeah. I know I haven't really thought it through. But I don't care. Disclaimer!

Mew: MewLover54 doesn't own Pokemon.


"Come on guys! Hurry up!" Pikachu yelled to his eight friends, girlfriend and a small Pachirisu. It has been a year since we left our Pokemon friends from that Christmas time and here's a run through of what's happened.

As it turned out, Pachirisu's vomiting was pregnancy. She and Buizel had a little baby boy, called Volt.

Croagunk was still Croagunk. Enough said.

Turtwig was no longer with them, he had moved in with his girlfriend and moved to the Johto Region.

Chimchar and Piplup had gotten married. They had actually moved out of the house, but had came round for Christmas.

Pikachu was a little more mature now, but still likes to keep his youth intact, and he's also a comedian who preforms weekly on Mock the Week.

Buneary, other than dating Pikachu, managed to start getting into the duelling Pro Leagues with her dad's old deck.

Swinub had evolved into Poliswine and Staravia had evolved into a Staraptor.

Chansey now works as the Head of Medicine in the Pokemon Centre.

Now back to the main story line. The ten of them were tidying round the Floroma house quickly. "They aren't going to be here for another two hours Pikachu!" Poliswine exclaimed, pushing the table away to make room for a couple of fold out beds. "Why are you rushing us?"

Pikachu shrugged. "The place was a dump. I like places to be clean." Poliswine had to refrain from Ice Beaming him in the face, because Buneary would Dizzy Punch him if he did. For an adorable bunny, she sure knew how to throw a punch.

Speaking of Buneary, she was sitting in an arm chair, trying to help by grabbing some stuff off of the floor. Her leg was in a full cast since, last week they were playing in the snow and Volt had slipped on the ice, and headed for a tree.

Buneary had jumped and stopped him in time, but had broken her shin. Pikachu saw her try to help and picked it up for her. "C'mon Sweetie. Chansey said to not work so hard." Buneary smiled weakly.

"Thanks Pikachu. But you don't need to do EREVYTHING for me." She wasn't exaggerating either. Pikachu had been helping her with everything. He helped her get dressed, he helped her walk, he made her food for her. Everything.

"I know. But I want to. It's usually you helping me with this stuff. I like the fact that I get to help you for a change." Buneary smiled at him and kissed his lips, swiftly.

"Thank you." Pikachu nodded.

"You need anything right now?" After she shook her head, he grabbed all of the stray pieces of rubbish around her and went to put it in the bin. Chimchar and Buizel then came in, carrying a large sofa, which would act as a fold out bed.

"MAN! This thing weighed a ton! You could have helped us Staraptor!" Staraptor came in and started to protest.

"I did! You guys wouldn't have known how to manoeuvre it if it wasn't for me!" Buizel sighed, before he was hugged by Volt.

"Hey Volt." Buizel said, softly picking the Pachirisu up. "How's daddy's little boy doing?"

"Better than Daddy's little mommy!" Pachirisu exclaimed, walking in covered in glitter glue and paper. "Volt I am not a Christmas card!" Volt looked up and giggled.

"Volt." Buizel said, sternly. "You can't go around, pouring Christmas card decorations on people. Especially your mother." Volt nodded and looked down. "Now apologise to mommy." Volt nodded.

"Sowwy mommy." Pachirisu sighed.

"It's okay. Just be on your best behaviour when our guests come. We want to make a good impression." True to Pachirisu's word, Pikachu's old companions from the Unova Region were coming over for Christmas this year.

"Which is why we need to get this bed sorted out! C'mon chop chop!" Pikachu exclaimed, coming from the kitchen. "Turns out they're going to be early!" Suddenly he heard a ringing. "Be right back! Buneary needs me!" He then zoomed out, quick as a flash.

"It's hard to believe that he wasn't interested, at all, in her when we were travelling in Sinnoh." Piplup then came in carrying a quilt and a couple of pillows.

"So. Where am I putting these?" She asked.

"Just in the corner for now Pips." Chimchar answered his wife of three months, pointing to the corner of the room away from the door. She nodded and flopped them down and looked at them all. "Well. Now we just need to set the bed up."

When they turned, they saw that the bed had been put up, and Croagunk was looking at them. He then left without a word. "Well. Let's just make the bed then." Staraptor announced, advancing towards the pillows.

"What ya' need Bun'?" Pikachu questioned, panting a little as he slowed to a stop. Buneary pointed to the door.

"Someone knocked." She replied. He nodded and went to the door. Once he opened it, he was greeted by four familiar faces.

"What's up Pikachu? Long time no see." Oshawott exclaimed, trapping him in a bear hug. Snivy sighed and shook her head at his immatureness.

"Yo' Oshawott. You might want to put him down. He probably can't breathe!" Tepig said, causing the otter pokemon to put down the yellow mouse.

"Sorry. I get excited." Oshawott explained, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. Pikachu shook his head.

"It's fine. I know what your like Oshawott. Well come on in guys." Pikachu replied, motioning them towards the living room. They walked in to see Buneary and her cast. She looked up in confusion.

"Who are you?" Pikachu came in and explained.

"Buneary, these are my friends from the Unova region. Oshawott, Snivy, Tepig and Tranquil. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Buneary." They exchanged greetings, as the four sat on the make-shift bed.

"So what happened to the leg?" Oshawott asked, bluntly. Snivy smacked him on the back of the head with her vine. "OW! What?"

"You can't just ask people about that. Especially since we don't know each other that well." Buneary shook her head.

"It's fine. Just a bit of an accident in the snow. Broke my shin. It'll be alright after a few days." She clarified, as the others came from tidying the upstairs. Pikachu jumped up.

"Perfect timing! Guys these are my friends from Unova. Other guys, these are my friends from Sinnoh. Now I'd introduce you all, but that could take forever, so to save time, you should introduce yourselves." They nodded, and started to mingle.

"Pikachu." Pikachu, quick as a flash, was by her side.

"What do you need?" Buneary held her arms out.

"I'm tired. Can you help me upstairs please?" Pikachu nodded, then smirked.

"I can one up on that." She was about to question him, until she was lifted out of the arm chair and carried by Pikachu bride style. She smiled up at him. "I think we can all get to know each other a bit more tomorrow. It's late and I'm tired. Me and Buneary are going to bed. Night guys."

"Yup. Night." Buneary added, giggling as Pikachu rushed them up the stairs. She knew she really couldn't do anything sexual with him with a busted knee, but she did like to hold him.

"So we saw Pikachu on Mock the Week. He's really good." Tranquil said, trying to break the awkwardness between the two groups. Staraptor nodded.

"Yeah. We have his Too Hot For TV, DVD extras here, if you guys wanted to watch that." Oshawott jumped up and down, excitedly.

"Alright! Can we?" Volt giggled and joined in on the jumping. Tepig shrugged and joined them as well. Snivy sighed and shook her head at the idiots and baby.

"I will never understand those two." Tranquil nodded.

"Yeah. They really are immature." Chimchar had then come back, with the DVD while Croagunk had set it up.

"Alright sit still guys." He then looked towards the yawning Volt. "You guys might want him to leave the room." The parents nodded and took Volt to their room. Chimchar then pressed play, wrapping his arm round his wife. She smiled and snuggled into him.

Snivy looked over to them and sighed, depressingly. That's what she wanted. A boyfriend. One that'd love her for her though, not her body or something like that. She then looked to her left and saw Oshawott watching the show, laughing at the joke told right at the start.

She's known him since their trainer was still alive and kicking with vigour. And she's completely stopped trying to figure him out. He's completely unpredictable. He's usually an idiot, but at times he can come through.

Like when she was upset, since most of them had separated to find family and stuff. She may not look like a people person, but she knew that at the end of the day, she held everyone of them close to her.

Oshawott was there to help her after everyone else was gone, and even convinced Tepig and Tranquil to stay with them. Another thing odd about that was that she was sure he'd be chasing Emolga like a rolling wheel of cheese.

And she isn't sure why, but it was this mysterious personality that attracted her to him. Sure he wasn't bad looking either. But she cared more for the personality side of pokemon.

But she was sure that he only cared for looks. He did chase after Emolga, even though she was clearly taking advantage of him and his stupidity.

"This next round is called Scenes We'd Like To See. This is for everyone so if you can all make your way over to the performance area please." Uxie's voice sounded from the TV. "The board will show us a scenario we'd al love to see, and the performers come in with their suggestions."

"The first subject is, Bad things to hear your new teacher say." They saw Pikachu step up to the microphone.

"ARE YOU CHEWING BOY! This is the worst blowjob I've had all day!" They all laughed at him and his harsh means of comedy. Pikachu wasn't the nicest of comedians. But he was a favourite among the viewers.

After a couple of others did their's they saw him take to the microphone again. "There's only one A on you're report card. It's from the school nurse and it stands for AIDS."

They all laughed as it changed to a cut scene. "Join me Uxie, with guests Pikachu, Mesprit, Meowth, Zangoose, Raikou and Mew for some light-hearted humour as we... NO! I'm not going to say as we mock the week! That would be a tragic thing to say!"

"Light-hearted suggests I'm not going to be in it much." Pikachu mentioned, causing laughter to erupt from the room.

"Mock the week like a bitch!" Mew mentioned.

"Yeah, take that you bitch week!" Uxie exclaimed, standing up from his chair, doing thrusting motions. "Yeah you like that!" The laughter continued from the audience, home and the panel.

"We got enough mocking for all those bitch days!" Pikachu added. Uxie nodded.

"Yeah! Take that seven days! Yeah for you Sunday! And you Thursday!" They calmed enough for most of them to go to bed. Getting ready for tomorrow.

ML54: There you are guys. There will also be a lemon in this one. Not until later though.

Turtwig: Yeah.

ML54: You're not suppose to be in this story.

Turtwig: Oh well. R&R everyone. And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.