AN: This is my short series of stories concerning Mufasa and Scar. When you look at them, you just have to ask yourself a question- what went wrong between them? Have they always been enemies? The movies don't give us much information, so I decided to use my imagination. Hope you enjoy it.

CHAPTER 1 - Different

Taka was born at night. The moment he came to this world, no one could still see just how different he was from his brother, but the very next day, when the sun threw it's rays over the Pride Lands, even their own parents could have sworn that the two lions were the most dissimilar sibling they have ever seen. Taka- slim and even a little gaunt, he inherited his mother's dark hazel fur and his father's raven black mane and deep green eyes. Mufasa on the other hand was more muscular and thoroughly big, he had queen Uru's amber eyes and an almost orange coat, similar to king Ahadi's. Each of the brothers looked nothing like the other one. But their variant outer appearance was nothing when compared to the differences of their characters.

The orange-furred cub was venturing through the grass. He had his head down low, close to the ground, just like his father had told him during one of their many hunting lessons. He was looking for tracks, but to no avail. Trying to catch a scent turned out to be more effective. He knew that smell, floating in the air. His brother was nearby. He smiled to himself, realizing that the stalking was close to becoming a success.

-Come out, Taka. I know you are here! – he shouted with a sense of triumph. Beyond the thicket there came an answer.

-Oh Muffy, your hunting skills are truly amazing! I tried my best to cover my tracks, and yet you managed to find me. Well, come on! Let's go play somewhere else.

Mufasa was turning his head, but though he heard Taka's words, he couldn't see him at all.

-Uh… where are you? Come out, I can't see you in this grass!

-I'm over here! See the log? I'm just behind it, come on!

The older cub strained his eyes and indeed, he noticed a large trunk lying a few jumps in front of him. He approached it slowly, and then leaped right over it using the impressive strength of his legs. He only had a moment before realizing that wasn't such a good idea, as he found himself falling straight into a dirty puddle, that was right behind the log. Cold, wet and filthy from the mud, he groaned with irritation as he saw his brother rolling on the ground, laughing his head off.

-Ha-ha! You should see your face now, Mufasa! Your hunting lessons won't do you any good if you don't use you brains!

The older prince growled. Taka had a unique talent of making him mad, which he would use quite often.

-Oh yeah? Well you're the one who should have used your brain and run away when you still had the chance, little brother!

Taka woke up from his intensive laughter and groaned, but it was too late. Mufasa pounced at him immediately, crushing him to the ground with the weight of his body. Now he was the one to laugh.

-Ha! What are you going to do now, mister wise-lion?

-Ow! Let go, Muffy! Let me go or I'm going to tell mother!

But the older and stronger lion would not let go. Although he was laughing and thought it was just a game, his brother became afraid and desperately wanted to break free. But he just wasn't able.

-Oh don't fight so hard, Taka! You know that I'm stronger than you.

-Muffy, I'm serious! Get off me!

-Hmm… I suppose I will. But first, I want you to do something for me.

The young cub calmed down under his brother's imprisoning embrace, and looked him in the eyes with anger.

-What do you want?

Mufasa smiled, mischievously.

-Oh not much… I'll let you go under one condition. Call me king!

Taka clenched his little fangs. He hated the thought that his older brother was predestined to become the ruler of the Pride Lands after Ahadi. He always thought that there was no reason for his father to make such a choice and that it was unjust. The fact that the king was spending most of the time with his heir made him very jealous, and admitting that he was first in line for the throne was just to much for him.

-Never, Mufasa! Get off me, why are you so mean!

But his older brother still thought it was a game. He laughed as during a play fight, giving more pressure to Taka's paws trapped beneath his own, ignorant of the pain he was causing. Not necessarily physical pain.

-Heh, oh come on! One word and you're free. Just say it! Say 'long live the king', Taka!

The younger lion closed his eyes. He felt the resistance in his heart, but he just had no other choice. With all of his childish anger, he looked into the amber eyes of his brother, and spat the words through clenched teeth:

-Long live the king!

Mufasa let him go immediately. At first Taka wanted to attack, but later he realized that it was no use trying to beat his brother in direct combat.

-You've got to be strong besides having the brains for being a proper king, my little brother! – said the older lion, still smiling.

-I may not be strong… but there will be a day in which you'll deeply regret what you've done to me today, Mufasa! Then you better be prepared! – Taka yelled, growling, his eyes filled with fury. His brother dropped his grin.

-What? Why? It was only a game, Taka. I hope I didn't hurt you…

-Hurt me? Don't you see that all you do is hurt me all the time?

Mufasa was shocked. He approached his brother with a sad expression.

-Why are you saying this?

-Oh, never mind! If you're to blind to see that…

-But Taka, I am your brother! My duty is to take care of you.

-I don't need your help! I'm fine alone!

Taka clenched his teeth and lowered his head. A big tear fell from his eye, his body started to shake from sobbing. Mufasa became really worried and crestfallen. He had no idea that his behavior was somehow hurting his brother. Sure, he often did get mad… but not like this. He tried to hold him, but Taka pushed him away.

-Leave me! I don't want to play with you anymore. Go spend some more time with dad if he likes you so much more than me!

-Oh, but dad doesn't… - he paused. And what if he did? What if Ahadi idolized him, his heir? He did spend a lot of time with him… he was the older one. But the king also did find time to play with his younger son as well, didn't he? Maybe Taka just needed to see that clearly… - Fine, I'm going to leave for now. I suppose I was a little hard for you today and… I'm sorry.

Taka looked at him with tears in his eyes. Those words didn't console him whatsoever.

-I still love you as my brother… - said Mufasa silently.

-That's it! Enough of this! You say that you're going? Then get going!

And so Mufasa left with a heavy heart, leaving Taka crying in the thicket. He thought he needed to somehow repay his little brother for his rude behavior that day, and so he did. But it was useless. Even though Taka started playing with him again a few days later, a tiny scar of humiliation was left in his heart that was destined never to heal.

AN: I suppose that Taka was always a bit mistreated, and since he was a sensitive cub, he took it all to himself. I was partially inspired by a fanart I saw- it makes Mufasa's death scene even more tragic, as Scar's imposing his sweet revenge after all these years of what he considered humiliation.