Okay so here is chapter 14 the final chapter (I think) sorry it's been so long, anyways here's the final chapter of this.

Still, everything was so still not a sound was made that's what Carlisle remembered the most about the aftermath of the fight with the Volturi. The night had been dark it was the few hours before dawn that they had attacked in full force every single member had come to eliminate his coven.

Looking around Carlisle spotted the faces of his family and the forms of three werewolves. His granddaughter was wrapped in her mother's embrace sobbing into her shoulder. How? How could this have happened to him after everything?

Why? Why did she have to die?


Six months Earlier

In the days that followed Eliza's birth, Esme's body had returned to its original frozen. Eliza, unlike Renesmee did not grow at the fast rate as the hybrid in which both parents where happy about. Nothing significant happened until three months after Eliza's birth, but the looming thought of the Volturi was ever present.

It happened when everyone was outside enjoying the rare day of sunlight. Carlisle held his little girl in his arms watching his family. Esme was besides him reading, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and Bella were enjoying tossing a ball around while Rosalie, Alice Jacob, and Renesmee were picking flowers. Violet was standing nearby gazing at the trees leaves swaying in the breeze. Poor Seth stayed near to her, although she had rejected him, it still didn't mean he would try to get her to like him back.

Alice's quick hands suddenly came to a halt as she was caught up in a premonition. Jasper immediately went over to his wife laying a hand on her shoulder. "What? What did you see was it the Volturi?" Jasper asked softly as Alice blinked once more. All eyes were upon Alice waiting for her to tell them what she had seen.

Briefly wide golden eyes locked on scarlet red ones, quick as a flash Violet left her spot grabbing Alice's forearm disappeared into the forest. Jasper made to follow but was stopped as a bolt of electricity sent him flying back. In that brief glance Carlisle had caught on, the passing of knowledge between to two Alice knew something and so did Violet but what?

Racing through the trees, Violet dragged Alice behind her making sure they were far enough away from hearing range.

"Wha…. How could…?" Alice demanded as soon as Violet dropped her grip. "How could you do that? Them? to us? After everything you've done? This is going to crush everyone…."

"I know." Violet spoke calmly. "I'm sorry but it has to be this way, and I know I shouldn't have been around all of you so much. But you will keep this to yourself."

"What? No how could I don't that they have a right to know."

"No know will only make it worse, having the power of knowledge can be good or bad and in this case its bad don't…Don't tell them or anyone because knowing is just going to torment them, torture them knowing don't put them through that."

"But I know."

"Yes, so unfortunately you will have to carry that burden alone because if you can't keep this a secret then I will silence you permanently, but I know you will make the right choice Alice."

Looking back Carlisle knew he should have pressed Alice harder into telling him what had happened between the two that day in the forest maybe if he did then he would have been able to prevent the events that unfolded three months later.

In the three months things had changed the whole family had caught onto Alice quick glances at Violet. All she had said was that Aro was forming a plan but that had been all that she had seen. After that Alice and Edward's power had stopped working, Carlisle instantly knew that Violet wanted something to say hidden.

Perhaps that was their downfall not having the ability to know when the Volturi came, it was only by luck that Billy and Sue had agreed to look after Eliza that night. At six months old Esme's and Carlisle's daughter resembled a one year old. In the hours before dawn the Cullen coven plus Violet had been out hunting when they smelled the enemy. From the darkness they emerged in full force, there was no talking this time only fighting. They were heavily out number even when Jacob, Seth and Leah joined there was no way they were making it out alive.

Everyone fought their hardest but it was a losing battle only when there was the slightest break in both force did a barrier of lightning encircle the Volturi only a few members had managed to escaped before it encase them. The Cullens and wolves on one side and Violet on the other.

Sorry was the only word she mouth mainly to Esme and Carlisle before she gave them a sad little smile as she stepped back letting the blackness engulf her. Little by little a light grew and grew until it shined so bright it was blinding. With a crack the bright light was gone and so was the Volturi and Violet all that was left was their smoldering ash. Sobs where heard, whimpering came from Seth in his wolf form.

So this had been the secret between Alice and Violet, that Violet was going to die. Violet the lonely vampire that had watched them for many years, had given them the gift of a child of their own. Violet who over the past few months they had viewed as a daughter, made her way into their family was gone.

Sunlight spilled over the land, something shined in the rays of the sun, and it was Violet's locket. A gentle breeze swept over the forest lifting the ashes away, gliding through the tree leaves twisting them, turning them the most beautiful shade of violet that Carlisle had ever had seen in his life. For three days the tree leaves surrounding the Cullen house stayed violet. In a way it was like Violet saying her goodbye.



200 years later.

Eliza had grown at a fairly normal rate every six months she would age one year. She was enrolled in a public school. Carlisle and Esme got to parents they had the chance of watching their daughter grow and learn. They had something that Edward and Bella had missed out on. It was at the age of seven that Eliza drew a rough sketch of Violet's face when she asked who that person was the whole family told her and how Violet made it possible that Eliza was able to be conceived in the first place.

At the age for ten Eliza discovered she could manipulate lightning and didn't sparkle in the sunlight only glowed a little just like Violet but was the only way she was like Violet. By twenty Eliza's eyes had turned golden like the rest of her family it was also the time that she left her parents to discover the world. It wasn't until she was 25 did she return to her coven once again.

The Cullen's had learned that the surviving Volturi members had surface again and decreed that no more vampires were to be made and no vampire was to fall in love with a human and if they didn't they would be eliminated. A coven of young vampires didn't follow the new rules that were placed and found out the hard way when the Volturi showed up and terminated the entire coven. They suspected that Jane was the new leader it during Eliza's 200th year did that they learned it wasn't Jane who rule but Violet. They questioned her and she gave them all the answers to their questions. Esme and Carlisle knew that Violet had found her peace and was happy, happy to be the "vampire queen" as they parted ways, Violet gave Carlisle a vial, "Just in case you wanted another or if someone else wanted one." Violet smiled and turned away and disappeared into the forest.

Once again back in Forks, Carlisle watched as the sunset, he remembered all those nights ago when Violet had bitten Esme, in that one moment it changed everything. Standing Carlisle left the window heading outside where his family was Rose and Emmett with their children and Alice, Jasper, Edward and Bella being content as aunts and uncles. Eliza and Nessie testing out their powers on each other.

Carlisle stood behind Esme wrapping his arms around her, he kissed the top of her head. Yes he thought to himself he had a good life as he watched his family, as he moved his hands lower on Esme's swelling belly.

The End.

Yeah I know it's short and kind of cheesy but its finally the end of this story. I hope you enjoyed reading.