Title: Perfect Person
Fandom: NCIS
Author: Alidiabin
Words: 300
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings/Spoilers/Rating: none | PG
Parings: McGee/Ziva
Summary: They've already found the perfect person, they just don't know it. Happy Christmas Doro.
Perfect Person
For a Wednesday night the bar was quiet and McGee was thankful for that. He needed to lick his wounds in peace. He had suffered through another disastrous experience with a girl. This one was not interested in his credit card or his part in an NCIS investigation. No, she had simply used him to make her ex-boyfriend jealous and the two crazies had gotten back together.
Ziva had a similar intention. Maybe, she did not want to get drunk but she definitely wanted to forget. She and Ray had broken up. Which had left Ziva questioning with her search for her much wanted permanence was pointless. She had come to realise she wanted the American dream. She wanted a house, a husband and a couple of children. But it seems the universe was punishing her for her past deeds and denying her dream.
She did not notice McGee sitting at the end of the bar until she got up to order another drink.
"Ziva," McGee uttered noticing her. Ziva caught his eye.
"McGee," she whispered. She sat down at the bar.
"What are you doing here?" both of them cried in unison.
McGee cracked first and talked about his girl trouble. Ziva quietly sipped on her drink.
"I guess I am not good enough," McGee said.
"McGee you are good enough," Ziva told him, "McGee you are the sweetest and smartest person I know, the right girl is waiting for you,"
Ziva talked about her dashed white picket fence dreams over another drink.
"I guess, I do not deserve it," Ziva uttered.
"Ziva you are not being punished. The right guy is just around the corner," McGee replied.
The bartender that overheard their conversation could not help but think that they were each looking at their perfect partner.