So i read all of your amazing reviews and i fully agree. So here it is. I hope that i made you all happy, and you can finally sleep well at night knowing that something happened to those jerks. :D

We walked put and headed to our next class only to be stopped by Sue Sylvester. The cheerios coach, who usually looked annoyed and sarcastic, looked almost sympathetic.

"Porcelain, other gay, Figgins needs to see you in his office ASAP."

I stared at Blaine confused, only to get the same reaction from him.

We followed the coach down the hall. As we reached the office I saw my dad standing there. He must have notice my still red eyes because he engulfed me in a hug. I winced as my stomach was touched, still having leftover bruises.

As we pulled away I put on the bravest face I could.

"Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you went back to that congress thing you had?"

He still didn't know about the attack. He and Carole had come home thinking I was sick, and my parents being my parents, they came home to take care of me. Talk about over protective. The bruises were covered up easily with cover up and concealer. Blaine and I used the same method with hickeys. It was all the same. The cuts were explained from P.E. Something about running into locker edges. It worked.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah I should but, I received a call from the principal. Can you tell me why?" He asked, not really annoyed, just curious.

Blaine gently squeezed my hand and leant in to whisper, "He needs to know. You need to tell him." he kissed my cheek lightly, and pulled away.

I took a breath. I don't know how I could relive those moments, and how my dad would take it.

Especially with his heart.

"Kurt, what is going on?"

"Dad, a couple of weeks ago I was attacked by some hockey players. They heard that I was

accused of stuffing the ballots and cost their buddy the election." I looked around cautiously, making sure there was no one but the coach, Blaine, and my dad. I lifted my shirt and revealed the evidence. Blaine and Sue looked away closing their eyes. My dad was fuming, never taking his eyes off of my stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He said through his teeth.

"I didn't want to worry you." I thought about it again. "I don't know. I just didn't want you to get stressed. I don't want a repeat of what happened last year." I said quietly.

He sighed and pulled me into a gentler hug.

"Kiddo, you need to tell me these things. Your job is to worry and take care of yourself, not me. My job is to protect you, and look after you. But I can't do that when you don't tell me stuff like this."

I nodded, shifting my head on his shoulder. This time I couldn't stop the tears that came.

"I'm sorry Daddy." I managed to chock out.

He pulled away, tears in his own eyes. Despite the circumstances we both laughed at ourselves, dabbing at our eyes.

Blaine and Sue were still standing there awkwardly. Sue cleared here throat.

"I'm really sorry to break this up but we need to get down to business."

We nodded and the three of us followed her into the office.

"Why the hell are they still here? It's been two weeks! You saw the bruises, you saw what they did to him." My dad was pacing around the room.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hummel but with Kurt out, we couldn't do anything until he came back. It's the school district policy. Since the nurse sent him home for two weeks we couldn't tell him to come back to school, even if it was just to fill out some forms. I apologize deeply, but now we are taking care of it." Figgins said, trying to sound calm.

I looked up from the sheet I was filling out. My dad only looked at me, worry in his eyes.

"Please tell me these boys are going to be expelled."

"I'm sorry Mr. Hummel, but since this is their first offence we can only suspend them for a month, and then after that give them after school and Saturday detention for another month. I would gladly do something more, but it's part of school protocol."

He only nodded his head.

"I would love to sue the hell out of them, but I don't think that would run well in court." He looked to me. "I'm sorry kid; we don't have that much money."

I shook my head. "No apologies dad. It's fine. As long as they get something it'll be ok."

Blaine squeezed my hand, and as I looked to him, he smiled. I nudged his shoulder a bit, before returning to filling out the form. He was filling out his own witness form.

We finally finished and as we walked out the door Mr. Figgins stopped us.

"Kurt, I must apologize again. You have been harassed in this school by more than one person. And may I be the first one of many to tell you how proud I am to call you one of McKinley High's students. I really do wish there was more that I could do."

I nodded my head, and walked out the door, head held high. As we stood in the halls, my dad spoke again.

"Tell me, why were you crying earlier?"

"I was just scared, no big deal. Really I was overreacting." I said with a shrug.

This time Blaine stepped in. "Kurt, don't you dare think like that. You had a legitimate reason to be terrified even. Ok? It's normal to feel afraid, especially of what happened."

Dad looked confused. Blaine must have seen this because he quickly went through what happened at lunch. He took a long breath, obviously trying to calm down. He placed a hand on my shoulder, looking directly in eyes.

"Next time tell me. Please. I need to know these things, alright? I thought we learned this from last time."

"I know dad, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to worry you."

"We better get to class, Kurt." Blaine said after a long pause.

I nodded walking away. When I noticed that Blaine wasn't directly beside me, I turned around in time to hear my dad whispering to Blaine.

"Keep an eye on him, alright?"

He nodded. "Of course sir, I always have and always will. I'm just sorry I wasn't there sooner. I should have been." He looked ashamed.

"Hey, you have done everything you can for my boy. You did nothing wrong, you have done everything right."

Blaine smiled and shook hands with my dad, and caught up to me, grabbing my hand.

"You are amazing." I said.

"Well, you are the bravest man I have ever met. I am so proud of you."

I smiled through the blush that I could feel on my cheeks.

I knew then that I had everything that I could ever want. A loving and supportive father, a caring brother and step- mother, and an amazing, handsome, encouraging- and any other positive adjective- boyfriend.

My life could not possibly get better than this.

Sooooooo tell me what you think? I really didn't feel like getting into the law as one reviewer requested but they did get punished. I really hope you guys liked this and are pleased with me and the outcome of the story. :D