After this chapter, I have 9 mo' chapters left. The order: Gaara, Sai, Neji, Madara, Deidara, Shikamaru, Pein, Shisui, and Shi. If you have any more requests, hit me up! (:

PS: I know Christmas ended but I wanted to get at least a chapter or two done

Kakashi sighed, trying hard not to shiver in the cold night air. He regretted his choice of outerwear, because his light jacket certainly didn't offer much protection from the weather. Thankfully the scarf he had wrapped around the lower half of his face protected his skin from turning bright red, though he couldn't say the same about his watering eyes.

This date better be good, he thought to himself, fantasizing about the "hot babe" Genma wouldn't stop raving about. However, for some reason, his crazy friend decided that the perfect time to set them up was during the holidays, a time that normally people are visiting with their families.

Fortunately, Kakashi didn't have a family, and he didn't have very many close friends either.

Since he spent the majority of his time teaching math at an upscale private High School, he didn't have much free time, and the rest of his time was spent either reading or writing.

He was supposed to meet the woman at an out-of-the-way bar in the middle of the city, right next to Konoha University. It certainly wasn't a club, but it was more of a casual bar, where one could sample different beers and down whiskey like it was water.

By the time he reached the street, he could easily spot the flickering lights of "The Crimson Lounge." It didn't look like an upscale place, but he supposed that Genma wanted them to meet somewhere small and unintimidating.

He walked over to the front door hurriedly, lifting a hand out of his pocket in order to smooth down some of his messy silver hair.

It took a strong push to open the thick wooden door, though it was definitely worth the comforting heat on the other side.

The air smelt of alcohol and cigarettes, and the lights were dim. Only a few other people were in the room, so there wasn't much noise except for the rock music playing from the speakers.

And since there were no "hot babes" in the room at the moment, Kakashi took a seat at the empty bar so he could unbutton his jacket and check the time on his phone.


...Maybe she was just running a little late.

Just in case, Kakashi decided that he should probably get some alcohol in his system before his date showed up and realized that she was set up with someone with gray hair and a teaching job.

"Hello?" he called out gruffly, irritated that the bartender was apparently gone. "I need a drink."

"Hold on, I'll be out in a sec!" a feminine voice responded from somewhere behind the bar, making Kakashi curse his luck even more. I have never had a good experience with a female bartender, he thought bitterly to himself, checking his phone once more for any new messages or calls. (There were none)

A figure emerged from a door to the side of the bar, carrying several bottles.

"Sorry, we've been going through whiskey like crazy today. I had to get some from the back," the woman explained, putting them in order with the other glassware in front of her. Kakashi glanced up from his phone to get a good look at her, and to be honest he wasn't that surprised.

Her body was thin yet toned, clothed only in a crimson skintight tank top and jeans. When she leaned over, he could see a generous portion of her cleavage, as well as the large "Crimson Lounge" logo on the shirt. Her strawberry-blonde hair barely brushed her shoulders, making her look weirdly professional in a profession that certainly didn't require it.

"So what can I get you?" she asked playfully, a cheerful smile forced onto her pretty face.

However, once she looked at him directly, her pale green eyes narrowed.

"Wait…do I know you?" she asked slowly, her stare intensifying.

"I'll have a bourbon. Straight," Kakashi continued, ignoring her question. After all, the only beautiful women he interacted with were the ones that would sleep with him, and he certainly wasn't very chivalrous about it. The last thing he needed was for some bitter one-night-stand from his past ruining a potentially successful date with a new woman.

The bartender rolled her eyes and sighed, but nevertheless acquiesced to his request, pulling out a glass and pouring the amber liquid into it slowly.

"What's your name?" she asked as she placed the glass in front of him, watching him smell it slightly before taking a swig.

"Kakashi," he muttered out, taking another gulp of the bitter liquid.

The woman's face froze, and he vaguely wondered if there was something wrong with her. What kind of bartender interrogates their customers like this? Certainly not one that gets very many tips.

"…Kakashi Hatake?" she said cautiously, to which he reluctantly nodded. "As in, Kakashi Hatake, math teacher?"

He froze, placing his glass down to take a closer look at the woman in front of him.

Now that she mentioned it, she looked very familiar. Green eyes…strawberry-blonde hair…wait—could it really be—

"Sakura Haruno?" Kakashi gaped out, silently wishing that this was just a big understanding, and that this very attractive woman was in fact not an ex-student of his.

"Yeah!" she laughed out, flashing him a bright smile. "Wow, how long has it been? Eight years?"

"…I guess," Kakashi grumbled. "So that means you're-"

"Twenty-three," she assured, though from the look of Kakashi's face, it didn't seem to be what he was asking. "Does that make you feel old?"

"No," he replied. "Is this the profession you dreamed of in High School? Working in a bar?"

She frowned. "Don't be an ass, Kakashi. This is just part-time to make some money in my free time."

"And when did it start being okay to call me by my first name, Miss Haruno?" he shot back.

"Since one: I've already graduated, and two: you're the one who walked into my bar," she teased, making him feel a little uncomfortable as to where this conversation was going. Not sure what to do, Kakashi checked his phone once more, only to see that he had no new messages.

Sakura glanced at his irritated expression. "Expecting somebody?"

"Yes," Kakashi admitted. "She should be here any minute."

She nodded slowly, though he did not like the look of pity in her eyes.

"Do you normally schedule your dates during holidays?" she asked slowly, busying herself by cleaning up the counter.

"Why? You interested?" Kakashi retorted immediately before realizing his mistake.

He watched as her cheeks flushed a bright red, nearly dropping the glass she was polishing.

"J-Just making conversation," she stammered out.

He felt like he could hit himself. Why did he think it was okay to start flirting with a former student?

"Well…what have you been up to recently?" he asked cautiously, trying to change the subject.

"I'm in medical school at the moment. Third year," she explained, all traces of her earlier blush gone. "I got my Bachelor's degree a year early."

"Not becoming a math professor like I asked you to?" he joked, looking her over. "You were one of my best students, and you know I don't give out compliments very often."

"Nah…sorry," she smiled. "My passion is science."

"And I'm sure you're gaining valuable experience by mixing drinks and watching people feed their alcoholism," he added, scanning over the room.

She frowned, crossing her arms.

(Kakashi couldn't help but notice how that simple action made her breasts stick out quite wonderfully)

"…and dressing very professionally," he finished, trailing his eyes down her body inconspicuously.

"I don't really get to pick the uniform," she retorted. "But it does get me a lot of tips from old perverts like you."

Kakashi's mind went blank.

Shit…is this Sakura's way of flirting? Is this happening right now? Is this okay?

Coming to some sort of moral decision, Kakashi's mind was settled.

"Well it's working," he said simply, watching her cheeks immediately flush all sorts of red. Kakashi wondered what she was thinking. Was it too presumptuous to assume that she was attracted to him? And if she was, did that mean she was back in her Academy years?

He gulped at the thought.

"It doesn't seem like your date is coming," she commented quietly. "It's been an hour."

"Then I guess you'll have to keep me company tonight," Kakashi smirked, enjoying how every time he said something mildly suggestive, she blushed quite adorably.

"My shift ended ten minutes ago," she said slowly, putting the remaining glasses away. Kakashi just then noticed the next bartender waiting to the side, looking at them with a bored expression. "But I could get coffee or something with you."

"Now?" Kakashi asked incredulously. "Do you normally drink caffeine this late?"

"Yeah. Between this job and medical school, I normally don't go to sleep until two," she admitted sheepishly, and he stopped himself from scolding her for how unhealthy that was.

"Well then I guess we have quite a while before your bedtime," he nodded, pulling on his coat and watching her do the same.

Sakura laughed, making him realize two things: One, that his ex-student had grown into quite the tempting woman, and two, that she would probably slap him if she knew half the fantasies he had of her in the past hour.

And as they left the bar, Sakura's smile still stayed bright, falling comfortably in-step with her ex-professor as he pocketed his phone, leaving it alone for the rest of the night.

Around two in the morning, Genma was awakened by a phone call.

Too sleepy to rise out of bed, he listened to the ringer stop, then go to voice mail.

"Hey, Genma! You were right—things did work out! Thank you so much for setting this up, but it'd probably be best if Kakashi didn't know that you planned this on purpose. Again—thank you thank you thank you! Our next date is planned for next Friday!"

He smirked to himself, imaging Sakura's excited expression as she recorded that message.

"Kakashi's lucky to have a friend like me," he sighed to himself, returning back to sleep with a smile on his face.

Wow this did not turn out how I originally planned. But I'm just not really that used to writing KakaSaku. I've only read a few fics, and none of them were AU.

Oh well. Happy 2014!