A/N: Hey people, SO SO sorry I haven't updated in like… a year? Well I have been extremely busy with my own book that just might get published. It's a very serious story that might lead up to a four or even five book series!

I just ran out of ideas, and looking back on it now. I decided to update this story for all of you. Hopefully many of you haven't been lost waiting XD' So again sorry!

Enjoy chapter 9.

Crane, monkey, mantis, viper, and Shifu all waited outside. Shifu stood in inpatients as he paced in front of his group of students. His cobalt eyes scanned the group, spotting his two top students missing, "What is taking them so long? He demanded spitefully as he crossed his tiny arms.

Monkey was picking fleas off the tip of his tail as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well Po and Tigress have been really busy lately, have no idea with what. But I say its understandable, please be patient master."

Shifu ignored the golden primate's request as he turned to look back towards the doors. There walking down the steps was Tigress, with Po following in close pursuit. Shifu narrowed his eyes as he observed them, searching for any looks that could hint guilt. Or give away a certain secret he predicted they could be hiding.

Tigress stood straight with her blood eyes as stern as can be. Po was slouched with eyes down, following Tigress submissively. He eyed her powerful arms that equaled his own in size and strength. Shifu twitched his nose as he saw nothing worth investigating, these were there every day looks. Nothing suspicious, so Shifu removed his stern gaze and put his back to them as Tigress and Po marched right up behind him.

"Usually I expect Po to be late, but this is not like you Tigress," he narrowed his eyes. "Something you'd like to tell me?"

Tigress crossed her arms behind her back as she stood straight, "No sir. Besides having a small cough, I had to take some medicine for a slight cold."

Po nodded fast as he raised his arm in agreement, "Yea yea! Can't risk getting sick on such an important trip! Wherever you plan on taking us that is…"

Shifu stared at the two, then he turned away. Tigress reached back and pinched Po, "Real it back a little.." she lightly scolded as she returned to her firm stance.

Po tried to contain his tear at how hard she pinched. He rubbed his arm as he nodded, he looked back Tigress and sighed. "Sorry… I am just trying to help sale it."

Tigress tried her best not to face palm, "Po we are not trying to sale milk at a market. This master Shifu, the one who invented the lie detector test with just his eyes."

Po shuddered at the thought as he tried to copy his wife's straight stance. He wobbled a little on his back feet as he scoffed, "So how am I supposed to lie?" he whispered back. "You know I am not good at lying to people."

Tigress shook her head, "For certain someone's sake, you best start now." She exposed her front fangs in frustration as she looked forward again, "Look just… do not say a word. I will do all the talking, just stand there and look pretty…"

Po blinked, "Well me standing here looking pretty was what landed us in this situation."

Po ducked when Tigress raised her claws in warning, "Po please… I am not feeling all that well. You panicking is going to make me nervous. Between us two I am the only one who can remain calm. So please love, just try to relax." She lowered her paw, taking in a deep breath to cool her temper down. Last thing she needed to do was smack Po so hard he flew even further then Tai Lung did.

Po stuck his tongue at Tigress as she walked ahead. Crane looked at Po with a raised eyebrow, "You know you have a suicide wish if you tried that again."

Po sighed as he looked back, letting Monkey and the rest of them follow Tigress. "I don't know Crane, I am just… a little flustered right now." He kept his voice low and towed Crane to the back of the pack, ensuring no one heard them.

Crane arched his eyebrow as he looked ahead, then looked back. "Are you and Tigress having relationship problems?" he stopped to think of the caused, "Because you know Tigress likes it wild in the bedroom. I am sure being a 'gentlemen' will not really work with her."

Po waved his hand, "No no that is not i-" he froze and gawked at Crane. "How do you know what she likes in the bedroom?"

Crane froze as he looked up in alarm, "Uh uh no reason. Its just a lucky guess," he squawked. "My point is Po, Tigress is a… very tough person to understand sometimes. A female like that is going to break your bones if you do not watch your step."

Po thumped Crane across his beak, shutting the bird up. "Crane that is not what the problem is even about. By the divines, how the hell did you Viper to fall for you? You are not exactly Dr. Love."

Crane rubbed his slightly dented beak and shrugged his wings, "Well Viper is a female of refinement. She is easy going and easy to understand. You are running with the big boys if you try your hand at a beast like Tigress."

Po stared, then snarled and waved his hand, "Just shut up. I do not even know why I am talking to you about my problems."

Crane stared, shocked at Po's anger. "Wow take it easy I am only trying to help," he titled his head as he watched Po sighed. "I have never seen you like this, is it that big of a problem?" he looked to the side, "Because I have seen you all caught up when waking up. Tigress does like to use her claws."

Po stared again, "What? The scratches are on my thighs, how do you know about that!?"

Crane shrugged again, playing stupid, "Well with Tigress sneaking out of your room at 4:30 in the morning is not exactly difficult to guess. Plus she is always grabbing you down there, so another lucky guess."

Po stared, "Are you spying on me?"

Crane gawked, looking offended, "How can you even ask me such a question!?"

Po smacked his forehead, "You are spying on me and tigress! Through the hole I must've kicked in your room!"

Crane frowned as he looked off, "Well when me and Viper need entertainment when we run out of steam. We sort of-"

Po nearly crapped himself, "Oh god you got Viper in on this to!?"

Crane raised his wings, "Ok let's get back on topic. Sine all my guesses seem to be causing you nothing but distress. What exactly IS this so bad of a problem?"

Po froze, realizing he has not told anyone about this yet. He shut his mouth, looking around, his mind in a fit of panic. He knew if Tigress found out he told someone, then his head would be shoved so far up his ass he would never see the sun again.

"Look its sort of a private manner."

Crane drooped his eyes lazily, "So… what is the point of this talk?"

Po shook his head as he walked ahead faster, "Look I have no idea! I just feel better when I ramble."

As Crane shook his head and picked up his pace, Po turned back and glared. "Also, if Tigress catches you spying on us, she is going to pluck all your feathers out and roast you for a thanksgiving holiday."

Crane turned pale, "You wouldn't dare!"

Po smirked as he tapped his fingertips together, "Ohhh but I just might. Been awhile since I have seen my wife take a blood bath. Very beautiful when her claws are stained in crimson, and I am not talking about ketchup."

Crane's legs grew wobbly, "I am begging you. If you tell her, then I am history!"

Po jabbed a finger at him, "Aha! I knew it! You are spying on us!"

Crane weaved his feathers as he tried to lower his voice, "Fine fine. What will it take to keep you quiet?"

Po smirked as he crossed his arms, "Hm… I just might have to think on that one."

A/N: Sorry for short chapter! I just wanted to give you all something to laugh about. I will TRY to update again, but it will be awhile.

Keep in mind none of my stories are dead. I am just sluggish at getting at the keyboard. Plus my book series requires my FULL attention span. If I am going to be a successful author, I sort of need to put all my strength into writing this plot.

If you are interested in the book, it involves Elves, a dying future, a possessed demon character, and crazy monsters. Plus chock-full of adventure! Basically the craziest shit you can come up with is in here. So check it out if you are interested!

Sorry for grammar errors, and stay tuned. Good night!

Also check me out on DeviantArt. I do arttrades and stuff, and if you have any questions, contact me on that site. My user name is "GShepherd17"